Психология управления

Автор ошибка
Вуз (город) ИМПЭ им. Грибоедова
Количество страниц 27
Год сдачи 2009
Стоимость (руб.) 1500
Содержание Contents
Introduction 2
1. Psychology of Management: Subject and Basic Concepts 4
2. Understanding Personality in the Psychology of Management 8
3. Management and Leadership 13
4. Team in an Organization: Psychological Point of View 19
Conclusion 26
Список литературы Bibliography:

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Mischel, W. 1999. Introduction to Personality. Texas, 1999.
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Кабаченко, Т.С. 2000. Психология управления. Москва, 2000.
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Рощин, С. К. 1977. Методология методы социальной психологии. Москва, 1977.
Свенцицкий, А.Л. 1986. Социальная психология управления. Ленинград, 1986.
Ф.М. Бородкин, Н.М. Коряк. 1989. Внимание - конфликт. Новосибирск, 1989.
Выдержка из работы Introduction

The psychology of management is a scientific discipline which applies psychological knowledge to solving the problem of management at the workplace. In the modern world the problem of management becomes more and more important; understanding the psychological foundations of management is necessary for the successful management of personnel in the organization. The importance of this topic in the modern world makes this work urgent.
The worker’s personality is studied by several psychological disciplines such as general psychology, organization psychology, and cognitive psychology. At the same time, a working team is studied by social and educational psychology. The psychology of management is different from these disciplines as its object is people’s organized activity. Organized activity is joint activity of people united in one organization, obeying the same rules and regulations and working together in accordance with economic, technological, legal, and corporate requirements. In the psychology of management both an individual worker and a social group are studied in the context of the organization they belong to. The problem of management was first set in the Ancient Greece by Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. It developed into a scientific discipline at the end of the 19th century and soon became very popular and important.
The aim of this work is a literature review on the psychology of management. Based on Russian and Western psychological literature, we discuss the main topics of management psychology. In the first chapter the problem of identifying the object of the psychology of management will be discussed carefully. The second chapter provides information about understanding personality in the psychology of management. Although personality itself is not the major topic of the psychology of management, understanding some general trends is very important for a manager as a leader. This arouses the problem of leadership and the leader’s qualities which will be discussed in the third chapter. The fourth chapter is dedicated to understanding the functioning of an organization as a working group and the processes happening there. This topic is very important to the psychology of management, as managing a working group is the main manager’s task. The problem of conflict will also be discussed in the forth chapter.
The psychology of management is an interesting topic and we hope that this work will provide a general overview on it.