How did I spend last summer?
Как я провел послежнее лето? Топик
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добавлен 22 апрель 2003 -
How did I spend last summer?
Как я провел последнее лето. Топик
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добавлен 22 апрель 2003 -
How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental
To main fundamental constants scientists usually refer gravitational constant (G), Planck constant (h) and speed of light (c). Researches have shown, that truly fundamental are not constants G, h, c, but quite other constants. Доклад
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добавлен 22 апрель 2003 -
How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental?
To main fundamental constant scientists usually refer gravitational constant, Planck constant and speed of light. In fundamental physics many scientists used the units system, in which these constants equal 1. Реферат
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добавлен 21 апрель 2003 -
How Scotland fought for its independence
Как шотландцы боролись за независимость. Топик
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добавлен 22 апрель 2003 -
How telecommunication change the defenition of work Telework /english/
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добавлен 19 апрель 2003 -
How telecommunication change the defenition of work.
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добавлен 14 апрель 2003 -
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добавлен 14 апрель 2003 -
How to negotiate effectively
О методике эффективных переговоров. Реферат
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добавлен 21 апрель 2003 -
How to negotiate effectively /english/
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добавлен 19 апрель 2003 Страницы
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