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Анализ ЮКСа. Деятельность, стратегии развития, история

YUKOS` Mission is to contribute to economic prosperity and social progress in the regions where the Company does business.

YUKOS` Primary Challenge is to make the Company work as effectively as possible in the interests of our shareholders, employees, partners, customers, and society as a whole.

Brief story of YUKOS

Headquartered in Moscow, Russia, YUKOS is one of Russia's largest and fastest-growing publicly traded fully integrated petroleum companies and a leader in production, refining, light product yield, and market capitalization growth in Russia. The Company is involved in just about every aspect of the oil industry, from the well head to the filling station, and is now seeking to become a large gas producer as well. YUKOS' principal production assets are located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District and Tomsk Region of Western Siberia and the Samara Region along the Volga River in European Russia. Recent acquisitions have expanded the Company's reach into Eastern Siberia and the Yamal Nenetsk Autonomous District in Russia's Far North. YUKOS has five principal refineries in Russia, ranging geographically from the Samara Region in the west to Angarsk near Lake Baikal in Eastern Siberia, as well as being the majority owner and operator of the largest refinery in the Baltic States, in Mazeikiai, Lithuania. YUKOS also runs eighteen distribution companies and more than 1,100 filling stations under the YUKOS brand name. The Company currently employs about 100, people. YUKOS' international management team is committed to implementing global best practices such as good corporate governance and transparency, improving efficiency and performance, and creating superior value for its shareholders, customers, and employees.

Soviet Oil Industry Restructured

In the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, th -1950th. . At this time were formed Russian gangsterism and mafia. People from government and their friends were the first who began to buy property. The same situation was in the Russian oil industry - it consisted of hundreds of stand-alone state-owned entities, each with a narrow area of specialization, limited geographic reach, and specific economic interests. Many of these were inefficient, unprofitable, and overstaffed, and survived only by virtue of continued state support. The Russian government set out to fundamentally restructure the sector to make it viable in a global market environment by combining groups of existing entities and corporatizing them to create vertically integrated oil companies. Thus it was that YUKOS was founded on April 15, 1993 by Decree No. 354 of the Russian government.

First Fully Privatized Russian Oil Company

In 1995 structure YUKOS` included association "Samarneftegas", new marketing enterprises, line of research institutes. At the end of 1997 YUKOS having paid more than $ 1 billion, became the owner of a control package of the shares of East petroleum company uniting 12 enterprises at the centre of Siberia. In 2 YUKOS has got 68 % of the shares of East-Siberian oil and gas company. In 2001 YUKOS became the owner of Angarkayaа

Results of the 2003 year

         105 highly professional employees

         80,8 millions of tons of the extracted petroleum in 2003

         38,1 millions of tons of the advanced petroleum in 2003

         5,65 billions a cube m of the extracted gas in 2003

         16,0 billions barrels of the proved stocks of petroleum and gas,

         <$ 300 millions of the dividends on results of 2, $ 500 millions of the dividends on results of 2001, $ 700 millions of the dividends on results of 2002 and about $ 2 billions for the first 9 months of 2003

The director.

The founder and director of the company since 1993 was Mikhail Khodorkovskiy. October 25, during a trip of regions, Khodorkovskiyа

Type of management of the company

The hierarchy


Arrangement of the company in economy

The YUKOS company occupies

The m

YUKOS is a private sector company. T

The management of the company

Actual owners of the company is a small number of the shareholders. The greatest number of the shares belong to

The objectives of YUKOS

The complex program




         re-structuring of a retail network;

       reduction of culture of sales, quality and assortment of sold production in conformity with the worldstandards.


The program of reorganization of the Company<`s marketing activities, which is successfully developing now,

On what YUKOS is based

According to long-term strategy YUKOS`s basic growth of manufacture was came on light petroleum.


The essential growth of manufacture has allowed

Share (%)

1 yr.

2 yr.




Diesel fuel



The projects, contracts and plans of the company

YUKOS has concluded many contracts. Among

YUKOS continues

Last year the Company achieved appreciable successes in expansion of sales of petroleum on a home market,

Having sufficient volumes of petroleum for performance of the obligations and maintenance of the consumers inside Russia, YUKOS in

The priority project in the field of export of petroleum for YUKOS is the project of export in China. The civil-engineering design of an oil pipeline from Russia to China has received political support

The petroleum company YUKOS and computer corporation Microsoft have signed the general agreement on cooperation till 2003.

Under the agreement, YUKOS will use as the corporate standard the most progressive decisions

In turn, Microsoft will carry out

The project provides

Now, the corporate network YUKOS is one of most powerful and large in Russia. It includes more than 5 thousand users and 110

Within the framework of policy on active development of export directions, essentially new to the Russian petroleum, YUKOS in

The petroleum Company YUKOS and firm TECHNIP, one of the conducting companies of the world specializing on granting

According to the signed document, TECHNIP together with our Company will develop the separate projects, to give

The first works within the framework of the agreement will concern ground structures and

"We are going to use the newest

The petroleum company YUKOS and company UOP Services Limited,

The cooperation with UOP Services Limited in realization of tests both researches of samples of raw material and products will promote increase of the operational characteristics used

Besides UOP Services Limited will develop the program of training of the personnel of an oil refining complex of the Company and improvement of professional skill of the experts

The petroleum company YUKOS and Williams International

The YUKOS company will posess 26,85 % of the shares of Mazeikiu Nafta. Besides within the framework of this agreement of the party will sign the contract about annual deliveries by our Company about 5


Thus, the oil-extracting company YUKOS <- one of the conducting companies in this branch - is a good example of structure of a Hierarchy<-organosation type, it is the company aspiring to increase the income, by improvement of quality of

How was the report compiled

1.      домен сайта скрыт/a>

2.      домен сайта скрыт/a>

3.      домен сайта скрыт/a>

4.      домен сайта скрыт/a>


Brief story of YUKOS 2

Soviet Oil Industry Restructured 2

First Fully Privatized Russian Oil Company 3

Results of the 2003 year 3

The director. 3

Type of management of the company 4

Arrangement of the company in economy 4

The management of the company 5

The objectives of YUKOS 5

On what YUKOS is based 6

The projects, contracts and plans of the company 6

Results 9

How the report was compiled 10


Research and analysis of structure of the company.


