Контрольная работа по английскому языку как второму иностранному (первый год изучения)

Лексико-грамматический тест

7 класс

1. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных

    A flat

    A spoon

    A bus

    A pencil

    A box

    An actor

    A girl

    A bench

    A witch

    A room

2. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Simple

    They at home. (to be)

    He a doctor. (to be)

    I your address. (to know)

    She English well. (to speak)

    They good at school. (to be)

    Who at home? (to be)

    He. (can) (to jump)

    they in the shop? (to be)

    These books good. (to be)

    We to school every day. (to go)

3. Выберите Нужную Форму (there is/ there are)

    There a blackboard in the classroom.

    There kitchen in our flat.

    There five books on the table.

    There a boy in the room.

    There two bedrooms in his flat.

4. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная со слова Whose

    It`s my book.

    It`s her room.

    They are her dogs.

    It`s Jane`s flat.

    They are his jeans.

5. Составьте предложения

    A pen / on the table / there is

    Four books / are there / on the sofa / ?

    No / TV / in his room / there is

    Is there / what / on the table / ?

    Books / how many / are there / on the table / ?

6. Поставьте глагол в форму повелительного наклонения

    this list. (to read)

    louder. (to speak)

    to her, please. (to listen)

    hello to them. (to say)

    Jack in the morning. (to phone)

    him the book. (not to give)

    Tv so much. (not to watch)

    him now. (not to phone)

    my things. (not to touch)

    on this chair. (not to sit)

7. Поставьте местоимения в форму объектного падежа

    Write (I) a letter.

    Phone (he) in the afternoon.

    Give (she) the book.

    Read (they) a book.

    Ask (we) a question.

8. Образуйте притяжательный падеж там, где это возможно

    The dog of Ann

    The friend of his sister

    The flat of his brother

    The rules of his room

    The book of Jack

9. Задайте краткий вопрос к предложениям

    He is a doctor.

    They are brothers.

    She is an economist.

    They are funny.

    The kitten is white.

Переведите на английский язык


До свидания!

Доброе утро!

Добрый день!

Добрый вечер!

У меня все хорошо.

Жилая комната

Книжный шкаф

Книжная полка

Шкаф для одежды

Кофейный столик

Контролировать (проверять)

Вытирать пыль

Заходить, входить

Понятия не имею

Сам, сама