.php> Содержание: "Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Московский педагогический государственный университет"

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Московский педагогический государственный университет

СодержаниеГлава 1. стилевая дифференциация языка и фоностили
Текст, его типы (жанры). Сценический монологический текст и
Особенности контекста в сценической речи и повседневной речи
Прагматическая составляющая коммуникативной ситуации
Роль просодии в делимитации сценического
Сценический монолог
Глава 2. лингвостилистические особенности сценического и спонтанного монологического текста
Сценический монолог
Is it fair, Arthur, that some act of youthful folly should be brought up against me all these years later? Is it fair?
Is it fair, Arthur, that some act of youthful folly should be brought up against me now all these years later? Is it fair?”
But, you see, I was the only one who| cared.
I knew about | love, | betrayal | and death, when I was ten years old than you will probably ever know all your life.
I can’t take part in all this | suffering
And | that’s why I’ve reached my position, McCann.
For twelve months I watched my father dying | when I was ten years old.||
You see, I learnt at an early age what it is to be ||| angry -|| angry and | helpless.|||
He’d come back from the war in Spain._You see,_ and certain God-fearing gentlemen there had made such a mess of him, he didn’t h
I know there is no hope for us now. I know you can never forgive me.
I was the only one who cared (2 раза)
I do love you, Jimmy. I shall never love anyone as I have loved you.
Do your duty and keep your observations.
2.2. Фоностилистические особенности сценического монолога
Lady Bracknell
Lady Bracknell
Просодическую норму
But I can’t go on. I can’t take part in all this suffering. I can’t
It’s just that suddenly, tonight, I see\ what I have really known all along, that you can’t be happy \ when what you’re doing is
Lady Chiltern
Lord Goring
Спонтанный монолог
I mean … I don’t think I could gо through it again.
But, um, I still think that if you show that love is there, that’s what is important, and although it might be simpler to get ma
I mean … I don’t really think I could go through it again._ It took me a long time to get over that.
I think | that’s what cares a lot in that situation | when you see somebody dying.|||
I think it’s veritably very important | to do that and to || never forget your family.
I mean it’s not … it’s not very nice._ I mean I had a friend.
I feel that obviously people’s ideas about what is wrong and what is right can - can differ a lot.
I think that what you’ve got to trust is your love but not the piece of paper that says you’re married
I mean I don’t understand …
I mean I had a friend. This would be four years ago.
But, um, I still think that if you show that love is there, that’s what is important, although it might be simpler to get marrie
Love is a word fairly difficult to define, and if you can’t define a word properly, it’s much more difficult to see how it’s cha
I think that if we do work properly and know how to enjoy ourselves properly and treat people with respect, then our lives proba
2.4. Фоностилистические особенности спонтанного монолога
And Death in existence with God, you know, why does it take worthy people you care about most.
Um, if you have no ethical boundaries, you can’t be wrong or right.
I think that people’s own principles have become much looser, much more amoeba-like, without definite form or structure.
I think that if we do work properly and know how to enjoy ourselves properly and treat people with respect, then our lives proba
I think respect is something that you have to earn.
Арнольд И.В.
фактор его понимания//Семантика, логика и интуиция мыслительной
Глава 1. стилевая дифференциация языка и
Глава 2. лингвостилистические особенности