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NS03 "Stop dodging the awkward truth," by Norman Solomon, The Observer, March 9, 2003, ver.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,910381,00.phpl
NY03 "NYC police to destroy database on protesters," by AP, Apr 11, 2003, day.com/tech/news/techpolicy/2003-04-11-nypd-database_x.php
OI89 Obituary: "Intrepid" - Sir William Stephenson, Time, Feb. 13, 1989, page 76
OR03 "SAIC has role in cellphone changes," The Oak Ridger, 27 November 2003, dger.com/stories/112703/new_20031127006.shtml
PB03 "Tampa police eliminate facial-recognition system," by Associated Press, 08 Aug 2003, eachpost.com/news/content/news/0820camera.phpl
PD02 "Arlington 'Bait Car' Hooks Suspect," by By Patricia Davis, The Washington Post, 16 April 2002, med.com/crime/2002/04/0099.phpl
PE03 "Hall Monitors or Spies? Wireless Tech to Track Building Occupants," by By Paul Eng, ABC News, Sept. 10, 2003, o.com/sections/scitech/ Future-Tech/smartbadges030910.phpl
PG99 "Re: Forthcoming Biryukov/Shamir result against A5/1 GSM privacy algorithm", Peter Gutmann, posting to cryptography@c2.net mailing list, 7 Dec 1999, archive.com/cryptography@c2.net/msg02546.phpl
PK00 "Biometrical Fingerprint Recognition: Don't Get Your Fingers Burned," by Ton van der Putte and Jeroen Keuning, in the Proceedings of Fourth Working Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, pages 289-303, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000; org/fake-prints.php
PK03 "In the Company of Spies," by Paul Kaihla, Business 2.0, May 01, 2003, ess2.com/subscribers/articles/mag/0,1640,49068,00.phpl.
PK96 "Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems," by P. Kocher, in Crypto 96 Proceedings, LNCS 1109, Springer-Verlag, 1996. ography.com/resources/whitepapers/ TimingAttacks.pdf
PL98 "Re: Status of GSM Crypto Attacks", Paul Leyland, posting to uk-crypto@maillist.ox.ac.uk mailing list, 21 Oct 1998, sm102898.php
PR02 "Can a Hacker Outfox Microsoft?" by Peter Rojas, Oct. 18, 2002, Wired News, .com/news/technology/0,1282,55807,00.phpl
PR03 "Poll Examines Saddam, 9-11 Link," Associated Press, September 06, 2003, ce.wired.com/wired/story.asp?section=Breaking&storyId=779532
PS02 "Prison Statistics On June 30, 2002," U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2002, sdoj.gov/bjs/prisons.php
PW87 "Spycatcher - The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer," by Peter Wright, William Heinemann Australia, 1987
QA03 "Q&A On Facial Recognition," ACLU Web feature on face-recognition technology, 2003, org/Privacy/Privacy.cfm?ID=13434&c=130
RA03 "Trusted Computing Frequently Asked Questions - TC / TCG / LaGrande / NGSCB / Longhorn / Palladium / TCPA" by Ross Anderson, Version 1.1 (August 2003), m.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.phpl
RA94 "Subject: A5", Ross Anderson, posting to Newsgroups: sci.crypt,alt.security; 17 Jun, 1994, rg/crypto/etere/ander.php
RA96 "The Eternity Service," by Ross J. Anderson, in Proceedings of Pragocrypt 96, m.ac.uk/users/rja14/eternity/eternity.phpl
RB98 "And there are it nevertheless, the movement profiles," by Niklaus Ramseyer and Denis Von Burg, SonntagsZeitung Online, July 12, 1998. English translation: sm-scandal.php
RC03 "Banned BBC film up for sale on internet," by Rob Crilly, Glasgow Herald, 26 August 2003, rald.co.uk/news/archive/26-8-19103-0-7-44.phpl
RE00 "Pentagon launches 'smart card' ID - New badges will serve as passport to electronic world," by Reuters, Oct. 11, 2000, es.com/reuters/technology/tech-smartcard-pentag.phpl
RE02 "Microsoft says Windows 2000 passes security check, gets Level 4 Common Criteria OK", Reuters, October 30, 2002, day.com/tech/news/ computersecurity/2002-10-30-windows-secure_x.php
RE03 "Microsoft Large Army Software Contract", Reuters, June 25, 2003. s.com/technology/newswire/2003/06/25/rtr1011470.phpl
RF03 "Michelin Embeds RFID Tags in Tires," RFID Journal News, Jan 17, 2003, ournal.com/article/articleview/269/1/1/
RH03 "On Election Day 2004, How Will You Know If Your Vote Is Properly Counted? - Answer: You Won't". Representative Rush Holt (Democrat, New Jersey). May 22, 2003, e.gov/issues2.cfm?id=5996%20
RJ03 "Bad publicity, clashes trigger MS Palladium name change", The Register, 27 Janu-ary 2003, gister.co.uk/content/archive/29039.phpl
RL03 "VeriSign tapped to secure Internet voting" by Robert Lemos, CNET News.com, 30 Sept 2003, com/2100-1029-5083772.phpl
RM03 Rumsfeld, Myers Pentagon Briefing, April 3, 2003, ate.gov/topical/ pol/terror/texts/03040408.php
RN03 "Bush OKs Global Crossing sale to STT," Reuters, Sep 19, 2003, . com/2003/09/19/news/international/global_crossing.reut/index.php
RO02 "U.S. Hopes to Check Computers Globally," by Robert O'Harrow Jr., The Washing-ton Post, 12 Nov 2002, ngtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/ A40942-2002Nov11.phpl
RO99 "Airborne Remotely Operated Device (1982-1988)," ROBOTICS at Space and Na-val Warfare Systems Center, San Diego, 10 December 1999, r. navy.mil/robots/air/arod/arod.phpl
RP01 "Ping service can test mobile phone availability", Rick Perera, 21 November, 2001, .de/english/news/coverages/view_idg20011119.phpl
RR02 "Partitioning Attacks: Or How to Rapidly Clone Some GSM Cards," by Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi, Helmut Scherzer, Stephane Tinguely, 2002 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 12 - 15, 2002 Berkeley, rch. ibm.com/intsec/gsm.phpl
RR03 "Risk Assessment Report: Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting System and Processes (Re-dacted Final)", SAIC-6099-2003-261, Sep 2, 2003, aryland. gov/dbm_search/technology/toc_voting_system_report/votingsystemreportfinal.pdf
RS01 "Rental driver finds Big Brother over shoulder," by Richard Stenger, CNN News, 22 June 2001, om/2001/TECH/ptech/06/22/gps.airiq/index.phpl
RS02 "Face Scanning at Airports: Ready for Prime Time?" by Richard M. Smith, Biometrics Presentation, 2002, terbytesman.com/biometrics/ presentation
RS98 "Radio Sweden on Mobile Phone Tapping", Feb 1999, .com/ mail/cypherpunks/feb99/msg00306.phpl
RW00 "U.S. spying pays off for business," by Robert Windrem, NBC News online, 15 April 2000, c.pt/majordomo/sociedade/msg01132.phpl
SA02 "Optical Fault Induction Attacks," by Sergei P. Skorobogatov, Ross J. Anderson; Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Workshop (CHES-2002), San Francisco, CA, USA, 13-15 August 2002; m.ac.uk/~sps32/ches02-optofault.pdf
SC00 "When The Best Must Do Even Better," the text of NASA Administrator Dan Goldin's speech before JPL, March 29, 2000, .com/news/ goldin_speech_000329.phpl
SC01 "Sikorsky CYPHER II UAV Conducts First Flight", Press Release, July 5, 2001, sky.com/news/20010705b.phpl
SC03 "TIA Is Dead - Long Live TIA" by Steven M. Cherry, IEEE Spectrum Online, Nov 2003, rum.ieee.org/WEBONLY/resource/nov03/1103ntia.phpl
SC96 "Semiconductor Cubing," NASA Spinoff Technologies Homepage, 1996, asa.gov/tto/spinoff1996/57.phpl
SC98 Press release of Smartcard Developer Association, 13 Apr 1998, .org/gsm/
SG03 "CIA exhibits spy gadgets with Bond edge" by Reuters, October 28, 2003, om/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=3706593
SI03 "Radio tracking devices set to boom," by SwissInfo, September 13, 2003, info.org/sen/Swissinfo.phpl?siteSect=511&sid=1642638
KI01 "Identifying terrorists before they strike by using computerized knowledge assess-ment (CKA)," by Steve Kirsch, Version 2, October 07, 2001, ch.com/politics/plane/ultimate.php
SK01 "Echelon Panel Calls It a Day," by Steve Kettmann, Wired News, June 21, 2001, .com/news/politics/0,1283,44721,00.phpl
SL01 "Thirty countries sign cybercrime treaty," by Sarah Left, Guardian, November 23, 2001, ian.co.uk/internetnews/story/0,7369,604964,00.phpl
SL02 "Where piracy and profits converge" by Bob Sullivan, MSNBC, May 30, 2002, -rights.org/NDSLAWSUIT/wherepiracy.phpl
SL03 "She Was Fighting to the Death, Details Emerging of W. Va. Soldier's Capture and Rescue," by Susan Schmidt and Vernon Loeb, Washington Post, April 3, 2003; ngtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A14879-2003Apr2
SM03 "A Very American Coup," by SCOOP New Zealand, 2002-2003 nz/ mason/features/?s=usacoup
SO03 "Microsoft plans new PC fortifications," NewScientist.com news, 9 October 2003, ientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994258
SP03 "Divvying up the Iraq Pie," by Stephen Pizzo, AlterNet.org, Independent Media Institute, October 7, 2003, net.org/story.phpl?StoryID=16901
SQ02 "On a New Way to Read Data from Memory," by David Samyde, Sergei Skorobogatov, Ross Anderson, Jean-Jacques Quisquater; First International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop, 11 December 2002, Greenbelt Marriott, Maryland, USA. l.cam.ac.uk/ftp/users/rja14/SISW02.pdf
SR03 "Special Report: Attack on the 507th Maintenance Company, 23 March 2003, An Nasiriyah, Iraq", U.S. Army Public Affairs Office, July 17, 2003, mil/features/507thMaintCmpy/
SS03 "Uncle Sam keeps SAIC on call for top tasks," by Scott Shane, The Baltimore Sun, October 26, 2003, ot.net/news/bal-te.saic26oct26,0,1485260.story
ST03 "IBM details Blue Gene supercomputer", by Stephen Shankland, CNET News.com, May 8, 2003, com/2100-1008-1000421.phpl
SS94 "Cryptanalysis of the GSM A5 Cipher Algorithm", by Simon J. Shepherd, IEE Col-loquium on Security and Cryptography Applications to Radio Systems, Digest No. 1994/141, Savoy Place, London, 3 June 1994
ST02 "Startup Profiles: Aspex Technology," Semiconductor Times, February 2002, Vol 7 Issue 2, tream.com/PDF%20files/Semiconductor.pdf
SU00 "EU pact criminalizing security research?" By Bob Sullivan, MSNBC, October 25, 2000, .com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2644958,00.phpl
SU02 "A $1 billion, corporate-funded hack?" by Bob Sullivan, MSNBC, April 19, 2002, .com/news/740634.asp
SV03 "The yeast and the cockroach - a spy tale", by Sue Vorenberg, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Oct 29, 2003, .nwsource.com/national/ 145921_science29.phpl
SZ03 "Report Raises Electronic Vote Security Issues" by John Schwartz, Sep 25, The New York Times, es.com/2003/09/25/technology/25VOTE.phpl
TA01 "3D Stacked Neuro Processor Device - 3DANN," NASA Technology And Applications Program, February 14, 2001, y.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/ techGallery/gallery/gl_pages/DANN-R_Cube.phpl
TC01 "Brain-scans can defeat terrorism, InfoSeek founder claims," by Thomas C Greene, The Register, 03 Oct 2001, gister.co.uk/content/55/ 22020.phpl
TE03 "TR100/2003: 100 innovators poised to make a dramatic impact on our world", Technology Review, October 2003, eview.com/tr100/index.asp
TG01 "US Supremes: Hi-tech surveillance is out," by Thomas C Greene, The Register, 12 June 2001, gister.co.uk/content/6/19655.phpl
TG03 "The truth about Jessica," The Guardian, 15 May 2003, ian.co.uk/ Iraq/Story/0,2763,956255,00.phpl
TI03 "Microsoft software "riddled with vulnerabilities", trade body claims," The Inquirer, 28 August 2003, quirer.net/?article=11249
TL02 "TEMPEST timeline", the compilation of the history of TEMPEST technology, org/tempest-time.php
TM01 "Climbing Inside The Criminal Mind (TIME 100: The Next Wave/Innovators/ Secu-rity/The Brain Scientist)", by Sarah Sturman Dale, Nov. 26, 2001, wavescience.com/in-the-news.php
TM02 "Impact of Artificial "Gummy" Fingers on Fingerprint Systems" by Tsutomu Matsumoto et al., Prepared for Proceedings of SPIE Vol. #4677, Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques IV, 2002, org/ gummy.php
TR03 "Finger, faceprints get green light for Europe's ID standard," by John Lettice, The Register, 03 October 2003, gister.co.uk/content/6/33208.phpl
TT96 "Wild Bill And Intrepid: Donovan, Stephenson, and the Origin of CIA", by Thomas F. Troy, 1996
TZ02 "Body Check: Biometric Access Protection Devices and their Programs Put to the Test," by Lisa Thalheim, Jan Krissler, Peter-Michael Ziegler, c't, n11, 2002, .de/ct/english/02/11/114/
WB03 "China Begins Effort to Replace Citizen IDs With Digital Cards," by Andrew Batson, Wall Street Journal, August 12, 2003, org/cn-1bn-ids.php
WE85 "Electromagnetic Radiation from Video Display Units: An Eavesdropping Risk?" by Wim van Eck, Computers & Security 4 (1985) 269-286
WF03 "What is Freenet?" The Freenet Project Website, 2003, oject.org/ index.php?page=whatis
WG95 "alt.scientology.war" by Wendy M. Grossman, Wired Magazine, Issue 3.12 - Dec 1995, .com/wired/archive/3.12/alt.scientology.war.phpl
WH93 "Biography of Bobby Ray Inman," The White House Office of the Press Secretary, December 16, 1993, rg/irp/news/1993/931216i.php
WJ03 "The Good Book holds key to bin Laden whereabouts," The Wall Street Journal, Feb 28, 2003, j.com/article/0,,SB1046387440730138423,00.phpl
WK02 "Drone plane kills terror suspects," by Will Knight, NewScientist.com news, 05 November 2002, ientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993014
WK03 "Site Lets Citizens Monitor 'Big Brother'," by Jonathan Krim, Washington Post, July 8, 2003; ngtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A23552-2003Jul7&e=42
WM03 "Tipsters told Americans: POW is alive," by Tracy Wilkinson and Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times, April 3, 2003, gotribune.com/news/nationworld/ iraq/chi-0304030290apr03,0,2870927.story?coll=chi-news-hed
WP03 "Maryland Keeps E-Voting System, Promises Fixes", Washington Post, 25 Septem-ber 2003, ngtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60825-2003Sep24.phpl
WP04 "Wikipedia", from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; last modified 3 Jan 2004, dia.org/wiki/Wikipedia
WS76 "A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War", by William Stevenson, New York and London: Macmillan, 1976
WS98 "British Security Coordination: The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas 1940-1945", William S. Stephenson, ed., Fromm International Publishing, 1998.
YB02 "Smart glasses mean instant refills," by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, New Scientist, 04 April 2002, ientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992123