.php> Содержание: "Г. Г. Почепцов Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка Допущено Министерством высшего и среднего специального образования СССР в качестве учебник"

Г. Г. Почепцов Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка Допущено Министерством высшего и среднего специального образования СССР в качестве учебник

СодержаниеИванова И. П., Бурлакова В. В., Почепцов Г. Г.
Раздел «Морфология» написан И. П. Ивановой, «Словосочетание» — В.В. Бурлаковой, «Предложение» — Г. Г. Почепцовым.
Л. С. Бархударова
1.0.2. Служебные морфемы.
1.0.3. Проблема бинарности.
1.0.4. Грамматическая категория. Грамматическое значение.
1.0.5. Морфологические средства передачи грамматического значения.
1. Части речи
А оказываются все слова, способные занимать позицию the
Теория полевой структуры частей речи.
Части речи знаменательные и служебные.
1.2. Имя существительное
1.2.2. Словообразование существительного.
1.2.3. Подклассы существительного. Подклассы имен существительных по категории числа. Соотношение форм единственного и множественного числа.
1.2.6. Категория падежа.
St. Paul's, at the baker's
1.2.7. Синтаксические функции существительных.
She is a singer.
1.2.8. Проблема артикля.
A sharp stinging drizzle fell, billowing into opaque grey sheets...
A notice came round, summoning a college meeting... The meeting was called for 4.30...
I couldn't help showing the resentment which flared up within me.
That will be all for this morning, I said with dignity
The (a) nightingale is a singing bird.
The sun was shining out of a gentian-blue s k y.
We had dined with the Qaifes several times before.
1.3. Имя прилагательное
1.3.2. Словообразовательные признаки прилагательных.
1.3.3. Степени сравнения.
I am going to do the unforgivable, said Professor Searle.
1.3.6. Проблема категории состояния.
1.4. Имя числительное
She might be thirty or forty-five.
E атрибутивной позиции количественные числительные обусловливают форму числа существительного: one day
1.5.2. Личные местоимения.
Charles sighed as he stuffed the tickets into his waistcoat pocket.
You're cold, sir ... No, no, said Mr. Treves. Just someone walking over my grave, as they say.
Не must be the only person on this earth who regards you as an irresponsible schoolboy. It gives me great pleasure.
It was something like a blow to prestige, then, when the dance seemed to hang fire.
1.5.3. Притяжательные местоимения.
1.5.4. Указательные местоимения.
1.5.5. Вопросительные местоимения.
Whom выступает в позиции дополнения: Whom do you see?/'hu
1.5.6. Возвратные местоимения.
Относительные местоимения.
This is not the first time that Mr. Pilbrow has represented to some of us the claims of decent feeling.
1.5.9. Грамматические категории
The subject of everybody's talk.; ...to try to win anyone's favour.}
1.6.1. Грамматическое значение глагола.
1.6.2. Словообразовательная структура глагола.
1.6.3. Морфологическая классификация глаголов.
1.6.4. Функциональная классификация глаголов.
1.6.5. Видовой характер глагола.
The rain swept his face and he moved away quickly.
1.6.6. Соотношение видового характера глагола с его грамматическими формами.
1.6.7. Грамматические категории глагола.
1.6.8. Категории лица и числа.
1.6.9. Система видовременных форм.
1.6.10. Систематизированный контекст.
1.6.11. Парадигматические разряды.
1.6.12. Основной разряд. Презенс основного разряда.
Only two days more. Audrey goes on Wednesday.
Не shook my hand and went out rapidly through the outer office.
We'll I try anything, but the chances are against us.
1.6.13. Длительный разряд
You are the one who is suffering for it.
What he was seeing can hardly have been reassuring.
It was a sultry day in June and I was sitting by the stream. Будущее время длительного разряда. Перфект настоящего времени.
I've come on behalf of the Stotwell Literary Society, she said.
It looked as if there was simply no way of going on. But things have altered, altered so strangely.
This really has meant
I know... Her words came hoarsely. I have always known.'
I have earned the right to speak. I have dared. I have gone through, I have not fallen withered in the fire.' Перфект прошедшего времени.
So in time I came to Rome... and talked with a man who had known my father when he was the age I was now.
I thought about how we had voted. Перфект будущего времени.
1.6.15. Перфектно-длительный разряд.
We've been listening to a man who believes what he says.
1.6.16. Общая характеристика видовременных форм.
1.6.17. Так называемое согласование времен.
I knew that he lived in London
Sillery was right to suppose his boast would cause surprise.
1.6.18. Независимые и зависимые глагольные формы.
1.6.19. Наклонение. Изъявительное наклонение Повелительное наклонение. Сослагательное наклонение.
If Ross (his doctor) were here, he would tell us it was dangerous.
Chrystal wondered why he should act as chairman when Brown himself was there.
Should и would
I should value it if you would keep me in touch.
Should и would
I should say so. Would you be so kind as to tell me...? You can't start now: you would get lost in the dark.
1.6.20. Категория залога. Действительный залог. Страдательный залог.
She takes after her mother.; The windows give on the street.; . Your books will translate.
During the next week preparations were made for our departure.
Baker, with a sane and self-righteous expression, had been marched into the orderly room on a charge of insubordination.
Не had been given his instructions in private. Соотношение форм страдательного залога и составного сказуемого.
Не was moved by a feeling for the dying man.
At the age of seventy-four, he was excited as a boy about his expedition. Проблема возвратного залога.
I poured myself another cup of tea
1.6.21. Неличные формы глагола (вербалии).
То write. To be writing. To be written. To have been
If Godmanchester cared publicly to break the lease with the S о с i e t y, let him do.
I am sure the Dean never intended to suggest anything else.
It was like her also not to have asked a single question about what I had been doing.
То reach the escarpment top meant another spelt among the trees.
Then she would force herself to attend to Margaret and to me.
I'т telling you not to worry. Причастие второе.
I am not qualified to express an. opinion. Причастие первое и герундий.
They must have seen the retreating trio.
The realisation was rather disconcerting.
Roy was standing at his upright desk, reading a manuscript.
Then, catching the other's quizzical eye, he said...
Не went out of sight, Mrs. Thompson walking sedately beside him.
She needs taking care of.
There was a greyhound racing track.
Each driver was always responsible for removing these plates.
Is there any chance of the Chief deciding not to proceed}
1.8. Модальные слова
1.10. Слова, не причисляемые к частям речи
1.11. Служебные части речи и служебные слова
1.12.1. Отношения, передаваемые предлогами.
They were well looked after.; She may be depended on.
We have never met since
We're leaving the moment I've taken charge of a document Lady Frederica's finding for me.
Bagshaw, when invited to dinner, always took the trouble to ascertain...
Though tired, we went on
I quite agree.
This year I slept and woke with pain, I almost wished no more to wake.
Even then it never occurred to me that Trapnel would take this unheard of step.
4 И. П. Иванова и др. 97
Заключение общая характеристика морфологического строя английского языка
2.0.2. Учение о словосочетании в отечественной лингвистике.
2.0.3. Учение о словосочетании в зарубежной лингвистике.
2.0.4. Словосочетание как языковая единица.
2.0.5. Соотношение значения словосочетания и значений составляющих его слов.
2.0.6. Уровень словосочетания и уровень предложения.
2.0.7. Структурная законченность словосочетания.
2.1. Общие принципы описания словосочетаний как синтаксических единиц
Не is an old friend of George's.
2.1.3. Типы синтаксических связей в словосочетании.
Rigden, his friends
2.1.6. Аккумулятивная связь.
2.1.7. Термины описания членов словосочетания.
119 словосочетания должны описываться в терминах членов предложения. Предикативные словосочетания.
Ведущий элемент подчинительного словосочетания.
2.1.11. Общие замечания по поводу синтаксических элементов.
2.1.12. Специфика подчинительных субстантивных групп типа
2.1.13. Субкатегоризация объектных синтаксических элементов.
O1 — всегда беспредложная связь, а для O3
2.1.16. Пространственно-позиционные отношения.
2.1.17. Приемы осуществления синтаксической связи в словосочетании.
2.1.19. Ядерные словосочетания. Ядерные регрессивные словосочетания с адвербиальным ядром. Ядерные регрессивные словосочетания с адъективным ядром. Ядерные предложные словосочетания.
2.1.21. Определение границ ядерных и безъядерных словосочетаний.
The horseman carried his head slightly on one side.
2.2. Соотношение синтаксических
I have some tetters for you to sign.
Не would soon see something he recognised
Arrangements are not made for those who lose their moorings.
3.1. Признаки предложения (общая характеристика)
3.1.2. Предикативность и некоторые другие свойства предложения.
You certainly know how to do yourself well, Poirot.
3.1.3. Предложение как центральная синтаксическая единица.
Общий вопрос
The flower girl.
Эллиптический специальный вопрос
Отрицательные предложения.
3.2. Структура предложения
Член предложения
Gossip wasn't what I meant?
Four doctors arc looking after them.
Jack spoke.
Mrs. Davidson gave a gasp, [...]
His heart stopped beating.
She would lie awake for a long time worrying about her mother.
Дополнение объекта
Не knows this.
She gave me a letter.
The house has not been lived in
Behind the door, two men stood arguing ,, he took him by the hand
3.2.2. Конструктивный анализ предложения Структурная схема предложения. Элементарное предложение.
Pages rustle.
Моr was enjoying the port.
The Judge is in the chair.
They had been seized
Peter was beaten by John) Синтаксические процессы.
They drive in the 6) They can drive in the park at five park at five. » must drive
Сап и другие усложнители являются и носителями вещественного значения. Такое же положение занимает и глагол want.
I) want to write
Пассивно-глагольное усложнение
I call it grotesque.' Некоторые другие синтаксические процессы.
Really, it was too disagreeable.
3.2.3. Сложное предложение
John asked, and Maty answered, some questions from the quiz book.
Не was down like a sprinter, his nose only a few inches from the humid earth.
The path is firm b и t quite narrow...
3.3. Семантика предложения
3.3.2. Семантика членов предложения.
The sea was stormy (the sea
3.3.3. Семантические роли и семантические конфигурации.
John broke the window with a stone. Ned opened the door with a key.
The window broke. The door opened.
He opened the gate with difficulty.
John threw the stone with a quick movement. John dropped the stone by ungrasping it.
Не struck me on the knee
Не drew lines on the paper, draw
He saddled the horse, saddle
The murderer of Smith is insane
I feel extremely jubilant,' I said. 'You look it,' she replied.
A man is a mammal
I prolonged my stay because of Оleg
John (T) gave a book to Mary (R) Mary (T) was given a book by John (R) A book (T) was given to Mary by John (R)
I see someone is absent today. (Who is absent?)
9 П. И. Иванова и др* 257
Не was happy to be helpful
Susan thinks that Bill is ill. -/
Susan thinks of Bill's being ill.
Susan thinks of Bill's illness.
It seems to me that there are morning and evening papers.
She didn't try to conceal her distress from her friend
3.4. Прагматика предложения
3.4.2. Коммуникативная интенция
3.4.3. Прагматические типы предложений.
The Earth rotates.
If you don't let go,] I'll cut off you nasty, great, slimy tail!'
I congratulate you.'
I congratulate you
Payment is guaranteed. Passengers are requested to cross the line by the footbridge only
We guarantee
Luncheon is served.'
There's little chalk left.
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Теоретическая грамматика