Сборник электронных книг. Восновном научные и научно-популярные издания

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1   ...   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   ...   34
Lahanas, Nanopoulos. - The road to no-scale supergravity (PR145, 1987)(139s).djvu

1,8 Мб

Lai W.M., Rubin D., Krempl E. - Introduction to continuum mechanics (3ed., 1999)(568s).djvu

4,5 Мб

Lanczos C. - The relations of homogeneous Maxwell equations to theory of functions (1919)(59s).rar

397 Кб

Langacker. - Grand unified theories and proton decay (PR72, 1981)(201s).djvu

2,4 Мб

Lapeyre B. et al. - Methodes de Monte-Carlo pour les equations de transport et de diffusion.djvu

1,5 Мб

Lasota A., Mackey M.C. - Probabilistic properties of deterministic systems (CUP, 1985)(185s).djvu

2,5 Мб

Lassig M., Valeriani A. - Biological evolution and statistical physics (LNP585, 2002)(330s).djvu

2,9 Мб

Lawrie I.D. - Unified grand tour of theoretical physics (IOP, 2002)(580s).djvu

3,9 Мб

Lawrie I.D. - Unified grand tour of theoretical physics (IOP, 2002)(580s).rar

3,6 Мб

Lee K. - Tunneling without barriers in curved spacetime (Nucl.Phys.B282, 509, 1987)(12s).djvu

183 Кб

Lee, Pang. - Nontopological solitons (PR221, 1992)(100s).djvu

1,0 Мб

Leff H.S. (eds.) et al. - Maxwell's demon 2 (IOP, 2003)(ISBN 0750307595)(503s).djvu

5,6 Мб

Levy M. - Parabolic equation methods for electromagnetic wave propagation (2000)(349s).djvu

9,6 Мб

Li, Kang, Leong. - Spheroidal wave functions in electromagnetic theory (Wiley, 2002)(307s).djvu

2,6 Мб

Lieberman M.A., Lichtenberg A.J. - Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing.djvu

6,5 Мб

Lienhardt, Lienhardt. - A heat transfer textbook (v1.12, 2003)(762s).djvu

5,7 Мб

Likharev K.K. - Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits (Gordon and Breach, 1986)(632s).djvu

3,7 Мб

Lommel E. - Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik (Barth Verlag, Leipzig, 1902)(600dpi)(de)(604s).djvu

14,5 Мб

Long D.A. - The Raman effect (Wiley, 2002)(148s).djvu

996 Кб

Long D.A. - The Raman effect (Wiley, 2002)(610s).rar

4,9 Мб

Lotze T. - Two-dimensional models of black hole radiation (diplomarbeit)(67s).rar

432 Кб

Lumley J.L. (ed.) - Fluid mechanics and the environment.. dynamical approaches (2001)(412s).djvu

7,4 Мб

Mackey M.C. - Time's arrow.. the origins of thermodynamic behavior (Springer, 1991)(186s).djvu

2,8 Мб

Madore J. - Geometric methods in classical field theory (PR75, 1981)(78s).djvu

604 Кб

Madore, Richard, Stora. - An introduction to the twistor programme (PR49, 1979)(18s).djvu

351 Кб

Mahan G.D. - Many-particle physics (Plenum, 1993)(1043s).djvu

8,8 Мб

Majda A.J., Kramer P.R. - Simplified models for turbulent diffusion. (PR314, 1999)(337s).rar

2,7 Мб

Majda, Bertozzi. - Vorticity and incompressible flow (CUP, 2002)(558s).rar

2,6 Мб

Mandelstam. - Dual Resonance models (PR13, 1974)(95s).djvu

1,0 Мб

Manton N., Sutcliffe P. - Topological Solitons (CUP, 2004)(400dpi)(253s).djvu

5,7 Мб

Marathe K.B., Martucci G. - Mathematical foundations of gauge theories (NH, 1992)(197s).djvu

2,5 Мб

Marciano, Pagels. - Quantum chromodynamics (PR36, 1978)(140s).djvu

4,3 Мб

Marcolli. - Seiberg-Witten gauge theory (MIT lectures)(200dpi)(205s).djvu

1,1 Мб

Mason W.P., Thurston R.N. - Physical Acoustics Vol.X (Acad. Press, 1973)(415s).djvu

23,0 Мб

Masujima M. - Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization (STMP 165, 2000)(285s).djvu

1,2 Мб

Matveev V.B., Salle M.A. - Darboux transformations and solitons (Springer, 1991)(65s).djvu

1,2 Мб

Maurel A., Petitjeans P. (eds.) - Vortex Structure and Dynamics workshop (Springer, 2000)(330s).djvu

3,3 Мб

McComb W.D. - The physics of fluid turbulence (Oxford, 1991)(595s).djvu

5,3 Мб

McCoy J.F., et al. (eds.) - Geo-Data - The World Geographical Encyclopedia (Gale, 2002)(713s).djvu

16,7 Мб

Mecke K., Stoyan D. (eds.) - Statistical physics and spatial statistics (Springer, 2000)(419s).rar

6,4 Мб

Medio A., M.Lines. - Non-linear Dynamics.. A Primer (CUP,2001)(ISBN 0521551862)(309s).rar

1,3 Мб

Mermin N.D. - Topological theory of defects in ordered media (RMP 1979)(58s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Mezard M., Parisi G., Virasoro M.A. - Spin glass theory and beyond (WS, 1987)(600dpi)(97s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. - Foundations of radiation hydrodynamics (Oxford, 1984)(741s).djvu

7,7 Мб

Mihaly L., Martin M.C. - Solid state physics.. problems and solutions (Wiley, 1996)(273s).djvu

1,8 Мб

Miller, McKellar. - Effective field theory and weak non-leptonic interactions (1984)(128s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Mills R.L. - The grand unified theory of quantum classical mechanics (2000)(813s).djvu

6,5 Мб

Milsom J. - Field geophysics (Wiley, 2003)(249s).rar

2,5 Мб

Mizutani U. - Introduction to the Electron Theory of Metals (CUP,2001)(602s).rar

3,7 Мб

Mohapatra R.N. - Unification and supersymmetry (3ed., Springer, 2003)(441s).djvu

2,5 Мб

Mohaupt T. - Introduction to string theory (2003)(hep-th_0207249)(78s).rar

432 Кб

Moriya T. - Spin fluctuations in itinerant electron magnetism (Springer, 1983)(124s).djvu

3,3 Мб

Motz, Luchini. - Undulators and free-electron lasers (Oxford, 1990)(150dpi)(167s).djvu

4,5 Мб

Mueller. - Perturbative QCD at high energies (PR73, 1981)(132s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Mullin T. (ed.) - The nature of chaos (Oxford, 1993)(170s).djvu

6,0 Мб

Myshkis A.D., et al. - Low-Gravity Fluid Mechanics (Springer, 1987)(601s).djvu

6,4 Мб

Nagaosa N. - QFT in condensed matter physics (Springer, 1999)(214s).djvu

1,8 Мб

Nagaosa N. - QFT in strongly correlated electronic systems (Springer, 1999)(178s).djvu

1,6 Мб

Nagaosa N. - Quantum Field Theory in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (1999)(180s).djvu

2,0 Мб

Nagashima H., Baba Y. - Introduction to chaos (IOP, 1999)(174s).djvu

1,5 Мб

Nakamura K. - Quantum versus chaos.. questions from mesoscopy (Kluwer, 2002)(225s).rar

4,9 Мб

Nakayama, Yakubo. - Forced oscillator method (PR349, 2001)(61s).djvu

547 Кб

Narison. - Techniques of dimensional regularization and 2-point functions of QCD and QED (137s).djvu

1,3 Мб

Nattermann T. - Statistische Physik Skriptum (1999) (de)(255s).djvu

1,5 Мб

Nayak C. - Solid state physics (UCLA lecture notes, 2000)(86s).djvu

358 Кб

Negele J.W., Vogt E. (eds.) - Advances in Nuclear Physics. v. 23,24 (1998).rar

5,4 Мб

Nelson E. - Dynamical theories of Brownian motion (2ed, Princeton, 2001)(120s).rar

384 Кб

Neubert M. - Heavy-quark symmetry (PR245, 1994)(137s).djvu

1,6 Мб

Nicolaescu L.I. - Notes on Seiberg-Witten theory (AMS 2000)(254s).djvu

4,9 Мб

Novikov S.P. - Solitons and geometry (web draft, 1993)(50s).rar

206 Кб

Novikov, Okun, Shifman, Vainshtein, Voloshin, Zakharov. - Charmonium and gluons (1978)(133s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Novikov, Shifman, Vainstein. - Two dimensional sigma-models (PR116, 1984)(69s).djvu

801 Кб

O'Raifeartaigh, Straumann. - Gauge theory (RMP72, 2000)(23s).djvu

366 Кб

Oakley C.G. - Quantum field theories of arbitrary spin (Ph.D. thesis, Oxford, 1984)(53s).djvu

626 Кб

Odijk T. - Theory of lyotropic polymer liquid crystals (Macromolecules review, 1986)(17s).djvu

971 Кб

Olshanetsky M.A., Perelomov A.M. - Quantum integrable systems related to Lie algebras (1983).djvu

772 Кб

Ott E. - Chaos in dynamical systems (CUP, 1993)(393s).djvu

3,5 Мб

Papadopoulos G.J., Devreese J.T. (eds.) - Path integrals and their applications (1978)(523s).djvu

2,9 Мб

Parr R., Yang W. - Density functional theory of atoms and molecules (Oxford, 1989)(336s).djvu

6,2 Мб

Pauli W. - Relativistic field theories of elementary particles (RMP13, 1941)(30s).djvu

476 Кб

Pedlosky J. - Waves in the Ocean and Atmosphere (Springer, 2003)(600dpi)(267s).djvu

2,2 Мб

Perelomov. - Supersymmetric chiral models.. Geometrical aspects (PR174, 1989)(54s).djvu

513 Кб

Perez A. - Spin foam models for quantum gravity (CQG 20, R43, 2003)(62s).rar

610 Кб

Peshkin M., Tonomura A. - The Aharonov-Bohm effect (LNP340, Springer, 1989)(103s).djvu

1,0 Мб

Pethick C.J., Smith H. - Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases (CUP, 2002)(414s).rar

2,0 Мб

Pettifor D.G. - Bonding and Structure of Molecules and Solids (Oxford, 1995)(269s).djvu

2,5 Мб

Pilgrim. - Combinations of complex dynamical systems (Springer LNM1827, 2003)(121s).djvu

800 Кб

Pilgrim. - Combinations of complex dynamical systems (Springer LNM1827, 2003)(121s).rar

905 Кб

Pitts D., Sissom L. - Schaum's Outline of Heat Transfer (Schaum,1998)(371s).djvu

4,8 Мб

Planat M. (ed.) - Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness (Springer LNP550, 2000)(417s).rar

2,5 Мб

Planck M. - Treatise on thermodynamics (3ed., Dover, 1945)(400dpi)(320s).djvu

9,4 Мб

Pokorski S. - Gauge Field Theories (2ed., Cambridge, 2000)(625s).djvu

5,1 Мб

Politzer. - Asymptotic freedom.. an approach to strong interactions (PR14, 1974)(52s).djvu

707 Кб

Pollicott M., Yuri M. - Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (web version, CUP, 1998)(194s).rar

1,0 Мб

Primack, Smilansky. - Quantum 3D Sinai billiard (PR327 p1, 2000)(107s).rar

1,6 Мб

Przytycki F., Urbanski M. - Conformal fractals, dimensions and ergodic theory (CUP, 2000)(252s).rar

1,1 Мб

Rajaraman R. - Some nonperturbative semiclassical methods in QFT (PR21, 1975)(87s).djvu

1,0 Мб

Rammer J. - Quantum transport theory (Perseus, 1998)(528s).djvu

3,8 Мб

Rammer J. - Quantum transport theory of electrons in solids (RMP63, 1991)(37s).djvu

770 Кб

Rammer, Smith. - Quantum field-theoretical methods in transport theory of metals (1986)(37s).djvu

722 Кб

Rau A.R.P. - Astronomy-inspired atomic and molecular physics (Kluwer,2002)(252s).rar

5,7 Мб

Rau J., Mueller B. - From reversible quantum microdynamics to irreversible quantum transport.djvu

543 Кб

Rebbi. - Dual models and relativistic quantum strings (PR12, 1974)(73s).djvu

754 Кб

Reddy M.P.M. - Descriptive physical oceanography (2001)(451s).djvu

10,6 Мб

Reddy M.P.M. - Descriptive physical oceanography (2001)(ISBN 9054107065)(451s).djvu

10,7 Мб

Reeb G. - Sur la theorie generale des systemes dynamiques (Ann.Inst.Fourier, 1956)(fr)(28s).djvu

708 Кб

Reguera, et al. (eds.) - Statistical and dynamical aspects of mesoscopic systems (1999)(324s).rar

5,5 Мб

Reinders, Rubinstein, Yazaki. - Hadron properties from QCD sum rules (PR127, 1985)(97s).djvu

1,0 Мб

Restuccia, Taylor. - Light-cone gauge analysis of superstings (PR174, 1989)(125s).djvu

1,3 Мб

Reya. - Perturbative quantum chromodynamics (PR69, 1981)(139s).djvu

1,7 Мб

Reynaud, Giacobino, Zinn-Justin (eds.). - Quantum fluctuations (Elsevier,1997)(638s).djvu

5,4 Мб

Rivas M. - Kinematical theory of spinning particles (Kluwer, 2002)(360s).rar

2,6 Мб

Roepstorff G. - Path integral approach to quantum physics (Springer, 1994)(399s).djvu

2,8 Мб

Rohde A. A - Computational Study Of Flow Around A Rotating Disc In Flight (Florida, 2000)(169s).djvu

2,2 Мб

Rossi P. - Exact results in the theory of non-abelian magnetic monopoles (PR86, 1982)(46s).djvu

374 Кб

Rossing T.D., Fletcher N.H. - Physics of musical instruments (incomplete)(128s).djvu

2,2 Мб

Rowe H.E. - Elecromagnetic Propagation in Multi-mode Random Media (Wiley,1999)(235s).rar

1,0 Мб

Ruder H., Ruder M. - Die spezielle Relativitaetstheorie (Vieweg, 1993)(de)(193s).djvu

1,7 Мб

Rugh W.J. - Nonlinear system theory.. the Volterra-Wiener approach (1981)(338s).rar

2,5 Мб

Saffman P.G. - Vortex dynamics (CUP, 1992)(322s).djvu

2,8 Мб

Safran. - Statistical thermodynamics on surfaces and interfaces (1994)(400dpi)(288s).djvu

2,3 Мб

Saleh B.E.A., Teich M.C. - Fundamentals of photonics (Wiley, 1991)(ISBN 0471839655)(982s).djvu

14,9 Мб

Salmhofer M. - Renormalization.. an introduction (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540646663)(239s).djvu

1,5 Мб

Sanders, Verhulst. - Averaging methods in nonlinear dynamical systems (Springer, 1985)(128s).djvu

2,6 Мб

Santosa F., Stakgold I. - Analytical and computational methods in scattering (CRC, 2000)(274s).djvu

2,8 Мб

Schaefer E. - Technische Optik (Vieweg, 1997)(de)(600dpi)(181s)(ISBN 3528068930).djvu

5,2 Мб

Scheinerman E.R. - Invitation to Dynamical Systems (PH 1995)(388s).djvu

3,0 Мб

Scherk J. - Introduction to the theory of dual models and strings (RMP47, 1975)(42s).djvu

930 Кб

Schmelcher P., W.Schweizer. (eds.) - Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields (1998)(330s).rar

8,0 Мб

Schmidt V.V. - The physics of superconductors (Springer, 1997)(109s).djvu

3,4 Мб

Schrijver C.J., Zwaan C. - Solar and Stellar Magnetic Activity (CUP,2000)(396s).rar

2,9 Мб

Schulman L.S. - Techniques and applications of path integration (Wiley, 1981)(188s).djvu

2,9 Мб

Schwarz. - Dual resonance theory (PR8, 1973)(67s).djvu

626 Кб

Seahra S. - Beyond flat-space quantum field theory (web draft, 2000)(37s).rar

304 Кб

Seahra S. - Classical and quantum mechanics of systems with constraints (web draft, 2002)(45s).rar

241 Кб

Seahra S. - Path integrals in quantum field theory (web draft, 2002)(36s).rar

279 Кб

Seinfeld J.H., Pandis S.N. - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (some chapters)(357s).djvu

3,2 Мб

Semenov A.N., Kokhlov A.R. - Statistical physics of liquid-crystalline polymers (1988)(27s).djvu

516 Кб

Shadmi, Shirman. - Dynamical supersymmetry breaking (RMP 2000)(40s).djvu

552 Кб

Shadmi, Shirman. - Dynamical supersymmetry breaking (RMP72, 2000)(40s).rar

343 Кб

Shankar R. - Renormalization-group approach to interacting fermions (RMP66, 1994)(64s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Shapiro, Taylor. - The spacetime supersymmetric formulation of the strings (PR191, 1990)(67s).djvu

698 Кб

Sher. - Electroweak Higgs potential and vacuum stability (PR179, 1989)(146s).djvu

1,8 Мб

Shnider R., Wells R.O. - Supermanifolds, super twistor spaces and super Yang-Mills fields (53s).djvu

421 Кб

ang Zhou. - Electrodynamics of Solids and Microwave Superconductivity (Wiley,1999)(641s).djvu

6,3 Мб

Siburg K.F. - The principle of least action in geometry and dynamics (Springer, 2004)(134s).rar

816 Кб

Siegman A.E. - Lasers (pages 1-681 only)(University Science Books, 1986)(353s).djvu

7,4 Мб

Siegman A.E. - Lasers (Univ Sci Books, 1986)(1304s)(600dpi).djvu

22,2 Мб

Silvfast. - Laser fundamentals (2ed., CUP)(600dpi)(some chapters only)(167s).djvu

6,9 Мб

Simons B. - Phase transitions and collective phenomena (Cambridge lecture notes, 2001)(188s).djvu

1,1 Мб

Simons J., Nichols J. - Quantum mechanics in chemistry (textbook)(Oxford, 1997)(711s).rar

2,0 Мб

Sinai Ja.G. - Finite-dimensional randomness (Russ.Math.Surv.46, 1991)(14s).djvu

172 Кб

Siopsis G. - Notes following Polchinski's String Theory vol.1 (2003)(189s).djvu

838 Кб

Slater J.C. - The electronic structure of metals (RMP 6, 1934)(600dpi)(74s).djvu

3,3 Мб

Smith P. - Explaining chaos (CUP, 1998)(201s).djvu

1,7 Мб

Sokolovskiy M.A., Verron J. - Four-vortex motion in the two layer approximation (2000)(24s).djvu

292 Кб

Sparrow C. - The Lorenz Equations. Bifurcations, Chaos, and Strange Attractors (1982)(278s).djvu

1,9 Мб

Springford M. (ed.) - Electrons at the Fermi surface (CUP, 1980)(400dpi)(545s).djvu

5,2 Мб

Stanley H.E. - Intro to phase transitions, critical phenomena (Oxford, 1971)(400dpi)(333s).djvu

4,1 Мб

Stephen, Straley. - Physics of liquid crystals (RMP 46, 1974)(88s).djvu

2,3 Мб

Stewart. - Introduction to physical oceanography (2001)(117s).djvu

1,4 Мб

Takhtadzhan L.A., Faddeev L.D. - The quantum method of the inverse problem (UMN 34, 1979)(30s).djvu

521 Кб

Taylor W. - M(atrix) theory.. matrix quantum mechanics as fundamental theory (RMP73, 2001)(43s).rar

347 Кб

Taylor W. - Matrix theory as fundamental theory (RMP 2001)(43s).djvu

576 Кб

Teraoka I. - Polymer Solutions.. An Introduction to Physical Properties (2002)(349s).rar

2,6 Мб

Teufel S. - Adiabatic Perturbation Theory in Quantum Dynamics (LNM 1821, Springer, 2003)(238s).rar

2,0 Мб

Thomas A.W., Weise W. - The Structure of the Nucleon (Wiley, 2001)(400dpi)(151s).djvu

2,5 Мб

Thorn C.B. - String field theory (PR 1989)(101s).djvu

1,0 Мб

Thorpe M.F., Duxbury P.M. (eds.) - Rigidity theory and applications (Kluwer, 2002)(445s).djvu

7,5 Мб

Thouless D.J. - Topological Quantum Numbers in Nonrelativistic Physics (WS, 1998)(174s).djvu

1,2 Мб

Tinkham M. - Introduction to superconductivity (2ed., MGH, 1996)(472s).djvu

3,9 Мб

Trishenkov. - Detection of Low Level Optical Signals (Kluwer, 1997)(600dpi)(209s).djvu

17,4 Мб

Tsen K.-T. (ed.) - Ultrafast dynamical processes in semiconductors (Springer, 2004)(412s).djvu

3,1 Мб

Tsvelik A.M. - Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics (2ed., CUP, 2003)378s).djvu

2,5 Мб

Um C.-I., Yeon K.-H., George T.F. - The quantum damped harmonic oscillator (PR362, 2002)(130s).djvu

823 Кб

Van der Schaar J.P. - String theory limits and dualities (phd thesis, 2000)(182s).rar

793 Кб

Vanderlugt A. - Optical signal processing (Wiley, 1991)(some chapters only)(600dpi)(180s).djvu

7,0 Мб

Veneziano. - An introduction to dual models of strong interaction (PR9, 1974)(44s).djvu

629 Кб

Verdeyen J.T. - Laser electronics (3ed., PH, 1995)(300dpi)(817s)(ISBN 013706666X).djvu

8,1 Мб

Volakis J.L. et al. - Finite Element Method for Electromagnetics (IEEE, 1998)(360s).djvu

6,7 Мб

Volovik G.E. - The universe in a helium droplet (Oxford, 2003)(526s).djvu

3,8 Мб

Wagner M. - Unitary Transformations in Solid State Physics (Elsevier 1986)(372s).djvu

2,7 Мб

Wahlin L. - Atmospheric Electrostatics (Wiley, 1989)(400dpi)(143s).djvu

1,2 Мб

Weiss U. - Quantum Dissipative Systems (2ed., WS, 1999)(462s).djvu

4,0 Мб

Wesson J. - Tokamaks (3ed., Oxford, 2004)(K)(755s).djvu

9,4 Мб

Wiggins S. - Chaotic Transport in Dynamical Systems (Springer, 1992)(305s).djvu

2,7 Мб

Wiggins S. - Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos (1996)(681s).djvu

5,8 Мб

Wiggins S. - Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (1996)(682s).djvu

4,9 Мб

Williams. - Chaos theory tamed (1997)(406s).djvu

5,7 Мб

Williams. - Chaos theory tamed (1997).txt.rar

240 Кб

Wilson K. - The renormalization group (RMP 1975)(68s).djvu

1,7 Мб

Wilson K.G., Kogut J. - The renormalization group and the epsilon expansion (PR12, 1974)(125s).djvu

1,5 Мб

Winterbone D.E. - Advanced thermodynamics for engineers (1997)(378s).djvu