Сборник электронных книг. Восновном научные и научно-популярные издания
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- перечень полнотекстовых электронных книг, 1208.31kb.
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- Гост 83-2001 Межгосударственный стандарт сибид. Электронные издания Основные виды, 107.18kb.
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- Преподобного Макария Египетского научно-популярные лекции, 17.41kb.
3,7 Мб
Good P.I., Hardin J.W. - Common errors in statistics, and how to avoid them (Wiley, 2003)(220s).rar
773 Кб
Gordon. - Classification (CRC, 1999)(248s).djvu
2,0 Мб
Goswami, Chan. - Fundamentals of wavelets. Theory, algorithms, and applications (Wiley)(319s).djvu
4,7 Мб
Govil N.K. et al. - Approximation Theory.. In Memory of A.K.Varma (M.Dekker,1998)(516s).djvu
3,5 Мб
Graham, Groetschel, Lovasz (eds.). - Handbook of combinatorics. Vol.1,2. (Elsevier, 1995).rar
36,0 Мб
Graham, Knuth, Patashnik. - Concrete mathematics(640s).djvu
5,4 Мб
Gray R.M. - Probability, random processes, and ergodic properties (Springer, 2001)(218s).rar
931 Кб
Gray R.M., Davisson L.D. - Introduction to statistical signal processing (2000)(460s).rar
1,5 Мб
Grewal, Andrews. - Kalman filtering.. theory and practice using MATLAB (Wiley, 2001)(410s).rar
3,2 Мб
Grimmett G. - Percolation (2ed., Springer, 1999)(T)(456s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Grimmett G., Welsch D. (eds.) - Disorder in physical systems. (Oxford, 1990)(377s).rar
3,0 Мб
Grinstead C.M., Snell J.L. - Introduction to probability (free web draft, 1999)(565s).rar
2,2 Мб
Groetschel et al. - Geometric algorithms and combinatorial optimization (Springer, 1988)(376s).djvu
4,6 Мб
Guilpin C. - Manuel du calcul numerique applique (fr)(556s).djvu
5,4 Мб
Gustafsson F. - Adaptive Filtering and Change Detection (Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 0471492876)(498s).djvu
4,0 Мб
Habib et al (eds.). - Probabilistic methods in algorithmic discrete mathematics (1998)(172s).djvu
4,3 Мб
Haerdle W. et al. - Wavelets.. approximation and statistical applications (1997)(266s).rar
1,0 Мб
Haggstrom O. - Finite Markov chains and algorithmic applications (CUP, 2002)(125s).rar
576 Кб
Hairer E. - Numerical geometric integration of ODE (web draft, 1999)(95s).djvu
1,1 Мб
Hairer E. - Un cours d'analyse numerique (Uni.Geneve, 2001)(fr)(168s).djvu
1,4 Мб
Hairer E. - Un cours d'analyse numerique (Uni.Geneve, 2001)(fr)(T)(168s).djvu
1,4 Мб
Hajek J., Z.Sidak, P.K.Sen. - Theory of Rank Tests (2ed., Academic Press,1998)(450s).djvu
3,6 Мб
Fu Chen. - Stochastic Approximation and Its Application (Kluwer,2002)(369s).rar
5,0 Мб
Handl A. - Multivariate Analysemethoden (S-PLUS)(Springer, 2002)(de)(536s).rar
1,7 Мб
Handscomb D.C. (ed.) - Methods of numerical approximation (Pergamon, 1966)(114s).djvu
2,2 Мб
Hangos K.M. et al. - Analysis and control of nonlinear process systems (Springer, 2004)(335s).rar
1,7 Мб
Hardle, Liang, Gao. - Partially linear models of parameter estimation (web draft, 2000)(213s).rar
1,0 Мб
Hardle, Simar. - Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (2003)(400dpi)(488s).djvu
3,5 Мб
Hartmann, A.K., Rieger H. - Optimization algorithms in physics (Wiley, 2002)(383s).djvu
4,2 Мб
Haynes T.W. et al. - Fundamentals of domination in graphs (M.Dekker, 1998)(455s).djvu
7,5 Мб
Headyat A.S. et al. - Orthogonal arrays. Theory and applicatoins (Springer, 1999)(221s).djvu
3,3 Мб
Headyat A.S. et al. - Orthogonal arrays. Theory and applicatoins (Springer, 1999)(L)(T)(221s).djvu
3,2 Мб
Or, Hel-Or. - Real time pattern matching using projection kernels (draft, 2003)(T)(27s).djvu
342 Кб
Henrici P. - Elements of numerical analysis (Wiley, 1964)(172s).djvu
2,3 Мб
Hernandez, Weiss. - First course on wavelets (CRC, 1996)(ISBN 0849382742)(454s).djvu
2,3 Мб
Heyde C.C. - Quasi-Likelihood and Its Application (Springer,1997)(236s).rar
1,1 Мб
Higham. - Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms (SIAM, 1996)(718s).djvu
4,8 Мб
Hoffman C.M. - Geometric and solid modeling (1998)(344s).rar
1,3 Мб
Hoffman J.D. - Numerical methods for engineers and scientists (2ed., M.Dekker, 2001)(825s).djvu
14,2 Мб
Hosmer D. - Applied logistic regression (2ed., Wiley 2000)(397s).djvu
3,3 Мб
Hosmer D.W., Lemeshow S. - Applied Survival Analysis (Wiley,1999)(400s).djvu
3,8 Мб
Howard et al. - The emerging JBIG2 standard(T)(27s).djvu
423 Кб
Howison S. - Practical applied mathematics. (CUP draft, 2004)(299s).rar
1,3 Мб
Hox J. - Multilevel Analysis - Techniques and Applications (2002)(300dpi)(315s).djvu
2,5 Мб
Hox J. Multilevel Analysis - Techniques and Applications (2002)(300dpi)(T)(315s).djvu
2,6 Мб
Hsu H.P. Probability, - Random Variables and Random Processes (1997)(320s).rar
4,0 Мб
Hueper. - Calculus approach to matrix eigenvalue algorithms (habil.Diss. Wuerzburg, 2002)(81s).rar
319 Кб
Hughes B.D. - Random walks and random environments, vol.2 (Oxford, 1996)(C)(274s).djvu
7,2 Мб
Hurtubrise J.C. - Moduli spaces and particle spaces (1997)(L)(T)(18s).djvu
339 Кб
Iske A. - Multiresolution Methods in Scattered Data Modelling (LNCSE, Springer,2004)(191s).djvu
3,7 Мб
Jacobi. - Allgemeine Theorie der kettenbruchaehnlichen Algorithmen (Borchardt Journal)(de)(50s).djvu
1,3 Мб
Jain, Dubes. - Algorithms for clustering data (Prentice-Hall, 1988)(334s).djvu
4,2 Мб
Jaynes E.T. - Information Theory and Statisitcal Mecanics (1962).rar
12,3 Мб
Jaynes E.T. - Tutorial introduction to Bayesian methods (1996)(19s).rar
147 Кб
Jaynes. - Probability as logic (16s).rar
105 Кб
John F. - Lectures on advanced numerical analysis (1966)(189s).djvu
1,2 Мб
John F. - Lectures on advanced numerical analysis (1966)(96s).djvu
1,1 Мб
Johnson N., Kotz S., Kemp A.W. - Univariate discrete distributions (Wiley, 2ed, 1992)(295s).djvu
7,3 Мб
Johnston R. - Numerical methods, a software approach (Wiley, 1982)(295s).djvu
2,1 Мб
Johnston R. - Numerical methods, a software approach (Wiley, 1982)(T)(295s).djvu
2,1 Мб
Jones, Thron. - Computation of incomplete Gamma function in the complex domain (JCAM 1985)(17s).djvu
664 Кб
Jost. - Geometric calculus of variations(33s).djvu
498 Кб
Juhl P.M. - The boundary element method for sound field calculations (phd thesis, 1993)(203s).djvu
2,6 Мб
Kac V., Cheung P. - Quantum calculus (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 0387953418)(118s).djvu
1,7 Мб
Kallenberg O. - Foundations of Modern Probability (Springer,1997)(ISBN 0387949577)(535s).rar
2,5 Мб
Kaltofen. - Computing with polynomials by straight-line programs 2. (17s).rar
52 Кб
Kannan D. - Introduction to stochastic processes (Elsevier, 1979)(ISBN 0444003010)(156s).djvu
2,2 Мб
Kannan D., Lakshmikantham V. (eds.) - Handbook of stochastic analysis and applications (2002).djvu
8,0 Мб
Kaplan I. - Frequency Analysis Using the Wavelet Packet Transform (www, 2000)(400dpi)(22s).djvu
1,3 Мб
Karian Z.A., Dudewicz W.J. - Fitting statistical distributions (CRC, 2000)(435s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Kariya T., H.Kurata. - Generalized Least Squares (Wiley,2004)(ISBN 0470866977)(307s).rar
1,1 Мб
Katayama T., Sugimoto S. (eds.) - Statistical Methods in Control and Signal Processing (573s).djvu
4,2 Мб
Katayama T., Sugimoto S. - Statistical Methods in Control and Signal Processing (1997)(573s).djvu
4,3 Мб
Kay S.M. - Fundamentals of statistical signal processing.. estimation theory (PH)(303s).djvu
5,5 Мб
Kelley C.T. - Iterative Methods for Optimization (SIAM 1999)(ISBN 0898714338)(187s).rar
1,3 Мб
Kendall M.G. - The advanced theory of statistics, vol. 1,2 (1946).rar
41,2 Мб
Kendall M.G. - The advanced theory of statistics, vol.1-2 (1946)(T)(600dpi).rar
40,9 Мб
Khuri A.I. - Advanced calculus with applications in statistics (2ed., Wiley, 2002)(700s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Kincaid D., Cheney W. - Numerical analysis (1991)(ISBN 0534130143)(701s).djvu
5,6 Мб
Kindermann R., Snell J.L. - Markov random fields and applications (AMS, 1980)(147s).djvu
970 Кб
Kisachanin B. - Mathematical problems and proofs (combinatorics, geometry) (Kluwer, 2002)(237s).djvu
1,3 Мб
Klatte D., Kummer B. - Nonsmooth equations in optimization (Kluwer, 2002)(353s).djvu
4,1 Мб
Knill O. - Probability (lecture notes, web draft, 1994)(227s).rar
1,1 Мб
Koepf W. - Hypergeometric summation, algorithmic approach (1994)(120s).djvu
2,6 Мб
Kohno T. (ed.) - New developments in the theory of knots (WS, 1989)(L)(T)(476s).djvu
9,8 Мб
Komma M. - Moderne Physik mit Maple.. von Newton zu Feynman (1995)(de)(323s).djvu
1,8 Мб
Korsch H.J., Jodl H.-J. - Chaos.. a program collection for the PC (Springer, 1999)(164s).djvu
3,7 Мб
Kravanja, van Barel. - Computing the zeros of analytic functions (LNM 1727, 2000)(116s).djvu
825 Кб
Kuncheva. - Combining Pattern Classifiers.. Methods and Algorithms (Wiley,2004)(360s).rar
2,8 Мб
Kuo W., Zuo M.J. - Optimal reliability modeling.. principles and applications (2003)(559s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Lange K. - Applied Probability (Springer,2003)(ISBN 0387004254)(379s).rar
1,7 Мб
Lange K. - Optimization (Springer,2004)(ISBN 038720332X)(247s).djvu
1,7 Мб
Laurent H. - L'Elimination (1900)(fr)(38s).djvu
1,0 Мб
Lawler E.L. - Combinatorial optimization.. networks and matroids (1976)(384s).rar
4,3 Мб
Lawson A.B. - Disease Mapping with WINBUGS and ML Win (Wiley,2003)(282s).djvu
3,7 Мб
Laywine C.F., Mullen G.L. - Discrete mathematics using Latin squares (Wiley, 1998)(163s).djvu
2,5 Мб
Leamer M.J. Groebner finite path algebras (M.S. thesis, VA, 2004)(33s).rar
232 Кб
Lee H. - Ordinary and partial differential equation routines (CRC, 2003)(linked PDF files).rar
1,2 Мб
Lemm J. - Bayesian Field Theory (JHU, 2003)(400dpi)(ISBN 0801872200)(425s).djvu
4,3 Мб
Lemm J. - Bayesian Field Theory (JHU, 2003)(400dpi)(T)(425s).djvu
4,4 Мб
Lemons D.N. - An introduction to stochastic processes in physics (Johns Hopkins, 2002)(124s).rar
370 Кб
Lenstra, Lenstra, Manasse, - Pollard. The number field sieve (T)(9s).djvu
124 Кб
Li H. - Noncommutative Groebner bases and filtered-graded transfer (Springer, 2002)(178s).djvu
1,0 Мб
Li, Chen, Wu. - Generalized difference methods for differential equations (2000)(459s).djvu
3,8 Мб
Lifanov I.K. et al. - Hypersingular integral equations and their applications (2004)(406s).djvu
6,5 Мб
Lin Y. - General systems theory.. a mathematical approach (Kluwer, 2002)(385s).djvu
2,6 Мб
Lindblad. - Generators of quantum dynamical semigroups (Comm. Math. Phys. 1976)(12s).djvu
133 Кб
Lindsey J.K. - Applying Generalized Linear Models (Springer,1997)(ISBN 0387982183)(265s).rar
1,0 Мб
Lipschutz S. - Finite mathematics. Theory and problems (Schaum's Outlines) (MGH, 1966)(340s).djvu
8,1 Мб
Lipschutz S. - Schaum's Outline of Probability (Schaum,1969)(ISBN 0070379823)(157s).djvu
1,8 Мб
Lipschutz S., Lipson M. - Schaum's Outline of Discrete Maths (Schaum,1997)(535s).djvu
6,1 Мб
Liu G.R. - Mesh-free methods.. moving beyond the finite element methods (CRC, 2003)(693s).djvu
5,1 Мб
Liu, Yang, Whidborne. - Multiobjective Optimisation and Control (2004)(330s).rar
1,5 Мб
Loader C. - Local Regression and Likelihood (Springer, 1999)(305s).rar
1,2 Мб
Lomax, Pulliam. - Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics(276s).rar
845 Кб
Lueneburg H. - Tools and fundamental constructions of combinatorial mathematics (1989)(263s).djvu
3,2 Мб
Lurie J.B., Enright P.J. - Classical feedback control with MATLAB (2000)(477s).djvu
8,0 Мб
Lyons R.G. - Understanding Digital Signal Processing (PH, 2001)(ISBN 0201634678)(269s).djvu
5,1 Мб
Lyons R.G. - Understanding Digital Signal Processing (PH, 2001)(L)(T)(269s).djvu
4,8 Мб
Mahajan M., Vinay V. - Determinant.. combinatorics, algorithms, and complexity (1997)(T)(28s).djvu
184 Кб
Malliaris A.G. - Stochastic methods in economics and finance (Elsevier, 1982)(C)(317s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Marsaglia G. - Random number generators (2003)(12s).djvu
181 Кб
Mason R.L. et al. - Statistical design and analysis of experiments (Wiley, 2003)(752s).djvu
4,1 Мб
Mathews, Fink. - Numerical methods using MATLAB (PH, 1999)(336s).djvu
10,4 Мб
Mathews, Fink. - Numerical methods using MATLAB (PH, 1999)(L)(T)(336s).djvu
10,4 Мб
McCarl B.A., Spreen T.H. - Applied mathematical programming using algebraic systems (567s).rar
1,1 Мб
McKean H.P. - Stochastic integrals (AP, 1969)(77s).djvu
1,8 Мб
Meeker W.Q., L.Escobar. - Statistical Methods for Reliability Data (Wiley,1998)(701s).djvu
8,2 Мб
Melenk J.M. - hp-Finite Element Methods for Singular Perturbations (Springer, 2002)(283s).djvu
1,7 Мб
Merris R. - Combinatorics (2ed., Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 047126296X)(571s).rar
2,5 Мб
Mertins A. - Signal analysis (Wiley, 1999)(327s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Mertins A. - Signal analysis. (Wiley, 1999)(T)(327s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Merzbach E. (ed.) - Topics in Spatial Stochastic Processes (Springer LNM1802, 2003)(240s).djvu
2,3 Мб
Merzbach E. (ed.) - Topics in Spatial Stochastic Processes. (Springer LNM1802, 2003)(240s).djvu
2,2 Мб
Michalewicz Z., Fogel D.B. - How to solve it (Springer, 1996)(chapters 1 to 11 only)(171s).djvu
6,1 Мб
Michalewicz Z., Fogel D.B. - How to solve it.. modern heuristics (1996)(chpt. 1-11)(171s).djvu
6,1 Мб
Mignotte M. - Mathematics for computer algebra (Springer, 1992)(chapters 4,5)(46s).djvu
750 Кб
Miller E., - Sturmfels B. Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (Springer, GTM 227, 2004)(429s).rar
2,3 Мб
Miranker W.L. - Numerical methods for stiff equations and singular perturbation problems (215s).djvu
1,5 Мб
Mishra B. - Algorithmic algebra (Springer, 1993)(ISBN 0387940901)(216s).djvu
4,1 Мб
Moaveni. - Finite element method. Theory and analysis with ANSYS (PH, 1999)(272s).djvu
8,6 Мб
Montgomery et al. - Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (3rd ed.).rar
56,9 Мб
Moore D.S. - The basic practice of statistics (2003)(152s).rar
1,5 Мб
Mora T., Traverso C. (eds.) - Effective methods in algebraic geometry (Birkhauser, 1991)(258s).djvu
4,1 Мб
Morgan. - Numerical embedded computing (1992)(512s).rar
1,2 Мб
Murli A. Torardo G. - Computational Issues in High Performance Software (Kluwer,1996)(159s).rar
6,9 Мб
Myers J., Well A. - Research Design and Statistical Analysis (2003)(299dpi)(781s).djvu
7,5 Мб
Myers J., Well A. - Research Design and Statistical Analysis (2003)(299dpi)(T)(781s).djvu
7,5 Мб
Naniewicz Z. et al. - Math. Theory of Hemivariational Inequalities and Applications (1994).djvu
3,5 Мб
Nash, Nash. - Scientific computing with PCs (1993)(205s).rar
1,1 Мб
Nash. - Compact numerical methods (2ed., 1990)(288s).rar
1,3 Мб
Nayfeh, Chen. - Perturbation methods with Mathematica (draft, 1999)(346s).rar
1,4 Мб
Neittaanmaki P., Dan Tiba. - Optimal Control of Nonlinear Parabolic Systems (1994)(411s).djvu
3,9 Мб
Neta B. - Numerical solution of partial differential equations (MA3243, 1996)(256s).rar
1,2 Мб
Neta B. - Solutions of problems for PDE lectures (MA3243, 1996)(341s).rar
1,0 Мб
Nocedal J., Wright S.J. - Numerical optimization (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 0387987932)(651s).rar
3,0 Мб
Nowakowski R. (ed.) - Games of no chance (MSRI, 1996)(200dpi)(482s).djvu
3,0 Мб
Nowakowski R. (ed.) - More games of no chance (CUP, 2002)(200dpi)(526s).djvu
4,4 Мб
Nowakowski R. (ed.) - More games of no chance (CUP, 2002)(200dpi)(C)(526s).djvu
3,2 Мб
O'Malley R.E. - Introduction to singular perturbations (AP, 1974)(L)(T)(107s).djvu.djvu
1,1 Мб
Odlyzko. - Asymptotic enumeration methods (book)(192s).rar
839 Кб
Oksendal B. - Stochastic differential equations (5ed, Springer, 2000)(332s).rar
1,1 Мб
Pan G.W. - Wavelets in electromagnetics and device modeling (Wiley, 2003)(551s).djvu
3,3 Мб
Parker T.S., Chua L.O. - Practical numerical algorithms for chaotic systems (1989)(181s).djvu
3,4 Мб
Pedregal P. - Introduction to Optimization (Springer,2003)(249s).djvu
2,2 Мб
Peebles P.Z. - Probability, random variables, and random signal principles (MGH, 1987)(182s).djvu
5,8 Мб
Peres Y. - An invitation to sample paths of Brownian motion (lecture notes, 2001)(68s).rar
515 Кб
Petrie A., Sabin C. - Medical Statistics at a Glance (Blackwell UK,2000)(138s).djvu
2,9 Мб
Philipp W., Stout W. - Almost sure invariance principles (AMS, 1975)(300dpi)(en)(151s).djvu
1,0 Мб
Pivato M. - Stoshastic processes and stochastic integration (lecture notes, 1999)(154s).rar
620 Кб
Pohst M.E. - Computational algebraic number theory (Birkhauser, 1993)(600dpi)(99s).djvu
828 Кб
Pollard D. - Convergence of stochastic processes (Springer, 1984)(ISBN 0387909907)(223s).djvu
2,0 Мб
Potthast R. - Point sources and multipoles in inverse scattering theory (CRC, 2001).rar
4,0 Мб
Poznyak, Najim, Gomez-Ramirez. - Self-learning control of finite Markov chains (2002)(315s).djvu
2,1 Мб
Prasad R.D. - Probability distributions of algebraic functions of independent random variables.djvu
104 Кб
Prasad R.D. - Probability distributions of algebraic functions of independent variables (1970).djvu
102 Кб
Press W.H. et al. - Numerical recipes in C (CUP, 1997)(1018s).rar
5,0 Мб
Prilepko A.I. et al. - Methods for solving inverse problems in Math. physics (2000)(730s).djvu
4,6 Мб
Proctor G. - Diffrential equations using the HP-48G (1995)(ISBN 1886801193)(163s).djvu
1,3 Мб
Proctor G., et al. - Investigations in mathematics using the HP-48G (1996)(648s).djvu
4,6 Мб
Protter P.E. - Stochastic integration and differential equations (2ed., Springer, 2004)(430s).djvu
3,3 Мб
Quarteroni A., Sacco R., Saleri F. - Numerical mathematics (Springer, 2000)(669s).rar
3,4 Мб
Rao C.R., H.Toutenberg. - Linear Models.. Least Squares and Alternatives (Springer,1999)(439s).rar
1,7 Мб
Reade J.B. - Calculus with complex numbers (2003)(200dpi)(109s).djvu
356 Кб
Reichel W. - Uniqueness Theorems for Variational Problems (Springer LNM1841,2004)(135s).rar
1,1 Мб
Reise S., Duan N. (eds.) - Multilevel Modeling (2002)(322s).djvu
9,5 Мб
Reise S., Duan N. (eds.) - Multilevel Modeling. (2002)(322s).djvu
9,4 Мб
Rencher A.C. - Methods of multivariate analysis (2ed., Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471418897)(732s).rar
3,4 Мб
Resnick S.I. - A probability path (Birkhauser, 1999)(no p.1-5, 130,199)(454s).djvu
4,1 Мб
Resnick S.I. - A probability path (Birkhauser, 1999)(no p.1-5, 130,199)(C)(454s).djvu
3,1 Мб
Revuz D., Yor M. - Continuous martingales and Brownian motion (3ed., Springer, 1999)(637s).djvu
5,8 Мб
Rini W.A. - Mathematics of the Securities Industry (MGH,2003)(ISBN 0071413162)(225s).rar
740 Кб
Robbiano L. (ed.) - Computational aspects of commutative algebra (AP, 1989)(262s).djvu