Когнитивно-содержательная интерпретация семантики внезапности в единицах языка и речи (на материале текстов англоязычной и русскоязычной прозы)

СодержаниеЛоктионова Валентина Григорьевна
Фомиченко Любовь Георгиевна
Научная новизна
Объект исследования
На защиту вынесены следующие положения
Основная цель
Теоретическая значимость
Практическая ценность
Методологическая база и методы исследования
Апробация исследования.
Структура диссертации
Основное содержание работы
For reply, she suddenly jabbed a knife across his thick, pale hand. He started up with a vulgar curse.”
Then he looked into her face and his eyes were suddenly shrewd and very sad.”
Now she seemed on a sudden to have an inkling of something remote and mysterious.”
He opened the door and ushered the four strangers into the play-room.
She could not bear it that the bride should arrive and no groom. The wedding must not be a fiasco, it must not.
Словом – иностранец»
And he knew that there were tears in her eyes? Her own tears, tears of her strange religion, that put him to nought.
На третий день
Then he looked into her face and his eyes were suddenly shrewd and very sad.”
Now she seemed on a sudden to have an inkling of something remote and mysterious.”
In anger and bondage she sat and listened.
As best man, he would be standing beside the altar. She looked slowly, deferring in her certainty.
She started out of her trance, hearing the knocking of the oars.”
Именно подвернулся наш приятель Липутин»
You can answer me, can’t you?’ he said.
A queer, baffled, half-wicked look came on his face. He could not stay long at the cottage. Suddenly he must swing on to his bic
Основные положения диссертации изложены в следующих публикациях автора


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