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Schrof, The Creation, US News & World Report, Vol.111, No. 26, December 23, 1991 s.62 89 Taюkэn Tuna, Sonsuz Uzaylar, s.31 90 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 219-220 91 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 231-232 92 very.org/erse/erseviews/theac.html 93 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 216-217 94 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s.46 95 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 265-267 96 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 257-264 97 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 242 98 II. Internatэonal Cathechetэcal Congress Of Rome, 20-25/09/1971, Roma, Stadium, (Bu kongre ile ilgili tutanaklarэn 449-450. sayfalarэ.) altech.edu/~newman/sci-cp/sci85073.html 99 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 256 100 5 Temmuz 1998 tarihinde Bilim Araюtэrma Vakfэ tarafэndan dьzenlenen "Evrim Teorisinin Зцkьюь: Yaratэlэю Gerзeрi" isimli II. Uluslararasэ Konferansta, Prof. Henry Morris'in konuюmasэ 101 Sir John Templeton, Evidence of Purpose - Scientists Discover the Creator, Continuum, New York 1994, s.103 102 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 204-205 103 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s. 49 104 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 187 105 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s.49 106 Hugh Ross, Creator and the Cosmos, s.112 107 Hugh Ross, Design and the Anthropic Principle, Reasons to Believe, CA1988 108 Science Digest, Ekim 1981 s.84 109 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 274 110 sb.edu/fsef/LIBRARY/JOHNSON/CHT.html 111 rg/johnson/revolution.htm 112 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, Templeton Foundation Press, Philedelphia &, London, s.3 113 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.14 114 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.14 115 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.23 116 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.50-51 117 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.131 118 ru.com/truth/3truth11.html 119 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and Creator, Origins & Design, cilt.17, s.18 120 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 216-217 121 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s.46 122 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 265-267 123 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 257-264 124 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 242 125 II. Internatэonal Cathechetэcal Congress Of Rome, 20-25/09/1971, Roma, Stadium, (Bu kongre ile ilgili tutanaklarэn 449-450. sayfalarэ.) altech.edu/~newman/sci-cp/sci85073.html 126 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 256 127 5 Temmuz 1998 tarihinde Bilim Araюtэrma Vakfэ tarafэndan dьzenlenen "Evrim Teorisinin Зцkьюь: Yaratэlэю Gerзeрi" isimli II. Uluslararasэ Konferansta, Prof. Henry Morris'in konuюmasэ 128 4 Nisan 1998 tarihinde Bilim Araюtэrma Vakfэ tarafэndan dьzenlenen "Evrim Teorisinin Зцkьюь: Yaratэlэю Gerзeрi" isimli I. Uluslararasэ Konferansta, Prof. Kenneth Cumming'in konuюmasэ 129 Sir John Templeton, Evidence of Purpose - Scientists Discover the Creator, Continuum, New York 1994, s.103 130 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 204-205 131 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998,s. 49 132 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 187 133 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s.49 134 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s.48 135 Newsweek, 20 Temmuz 1998, s.49 136 Hugh Ross, Creator and the Cosmos, s.112 137 Hugh Ross, Design and the Anthropic Principle, Reasons to Believe, CA1988 138 Science Digest, Ekim 1981 s.84 139 rsingenesis.org/Docs/1354.asp 140 rsingenesis.org/docs/560.asp 141 .uci.edu/faqs/kouznetsov.html 142 rsingenesis.org/docs/4030.asp 143 rsingenesis.org/docs/3726.asp 144 sh.csiro.au/cyberscience/helix/TH50/TH50C.htm 145 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God In Expanding Universe (Geniюleyen Evrende Allah'эn Varlэрэnэn Delilleri), s. 274 146 rsingenesis.org/docs/3945.asp 147 rg/pubs/imp/imp-267.htm 148 Michael J.Behe, Darwin's Black Box, s.196 149 sb.edu/fsef/LIBRARY/JOHNSON/CHT.html 150 rg/johnson/revolution.htm 151 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, Templeton Foundation Press, Philedelphia &, London, s.3 152 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.14 153 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.14 154 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.23 155 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.50-51 156 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Giniger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss Their Beliefs, s.131 157 rg/dendar.html 158 rg/matersci.html 159 ru.com/truth/3truth11.html 160 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and Creator, Origins & Design, cilt.17, s.18 161 rsingenesis.org/Docs/3119.htm 162 William A. Dembski, Mere Creation, Science, Faith & Intelligent Design, InterVarsity Press 1998, s.461 163 William A. Dembski, Mere Creation, Science, Faith & Intelligent Design, s. 462 164 William A. Dembski, Mere Creation, Science, Faith & Intelligent Design, s. 462 165 William A. Dembski, Mere Creation, Science, Faith & Intelligent Design, s. 464 166 .globalnet.co.uk/~aflint/crichbaptist.htm 167 rg/believe.html 168 rsingenesis.org/docs/1157.asp 169 rsingenesis.org/docs/3967.asp 170 rsingenesis.org/docs/359.asp 171 rsingenesis.org/docs/1336.asp 172 rsingenesis.org/docs/473.asp 173 Robert Matthews, Unravelling The Mind of God, s.8 174 Realities, Nisan 1967, s.46 175 Stephen Hawking, Evreni Kucaklayan Karэnca,Alkэm Yayэncэlэk 1993, s. 112 176 rsingenesis.org/docs/362.asp 177 rsingenesis.org/docs/340.asp