И. Б. Каменская практическая грамматика английского языка.: Справочное пособие для неязыковых вузов. Часть Харьков: инэм, 2002. 278 с. Настоящее справочное пособие представляет собой изложение

СодержаниеРаздел i: морфология (morphology) 12
2. Артикль (the article) 23
3. Местоимение (the pronoun) 32
4. Иmя числительное (the numеral) 66
5. Имя прилагательное (тнe adjective) 74
6. Нарeчие (the adverb) 87
7. Глагол (тне vеrb) 98
8. Предлог (тне рrероsition) 166
9. Союз (the сonjunction) 181
10. Частицы (particles) 184
11. Междометие (тне intеrjection) 189
Раздел ii: синтаксис (sуntах) 191
13. Простое предложение (the simple sentence) 205
14. Сложное предложение (the composite sentence) 239
15. Согласование времен (sequence of tenses) 256
17. Пунктуация (punctuation) 265
Чем сложна английская грамматика для нас
Структура английского предложения
It is winter.
My brother is a student. His eyes are grey
Да/Нет, называется общим. Заметим, что даже для ответа Да/Нет
Раздел i: морфология (morphology)
1.Имя существительное (the noun )
1.2. Форма числа у имен существительных (The Number)
Существительные неисчисляемые
1.3. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных
His phonetics are excellent.
There were few people in the street.
1.4. Притяжательный падеж (The Possеssive Case)
A cat’s tail
Alex [`liks] Charles[`
Socrates’ ideas
Russia’s population
Europe’s future
My room is bigger than Pete’s
1.5. Род (The Gender)
My father is a doctor. He is a doctor
The bag is on the floor. It is on the floor.
1.6. Функции существительного в предложении
You did such splendid work.
His mother, a doctor, was a popular figure in the town.
2.Артикль (the article)
Неопределенный артикль
He gave me a flower/flowers.
This is the sort of thing I like.
2.2. Неопределенный артикль (The Indefinite Article)
2.2.2. Обобщающее значение
2.2.3. Числовое значение
A thought struck him.
2.3. Особые случаи употребления неопределенного артикля
2.4. Определенный артикль (The Definite Article)
Put the milk into the fridge.
How did you like the play?
0nce I saw an old man in the street.
This is the house that Jack built.
Can I see the director
Определенный артикль употребляется
2.5. Употребление определенного артикля с именами собственными
Scotland Yard, Westminster Abbey
In his novels Walter Scott described the England of Middle Ages
What’s the time?
2.6. Отсутствие артикля
We are students.
Wife ill must cancel holiday
A university is the home of learning –
Travel, leave, go, get, come
Invisible in the dusk –
Have, stay for/ before, at, after
Dinner will be served at 6 o’clock. –
They walked arm in arm/ hand in hand.
I punched him right in the face.
At first sight
By mistake
3.Местоимение (the pronoun)
Something, anything –
Each other
3.2. Личные местоимения (Personal Pronouns)
My brother and I will help you.
Can you tell me where Miss Trotwood
For a hundred summers I shall
Личные местоимения 3-го липа единственного числа
A martyr is someone who
If a pupil makes brilliant pro
The baby was crying in its crib.
Once upon a time there lived a
How’s your new car? – Terrific!
What a lovely ship! What’s
He took my watch and said
Last year France increased
Нave you seen my pen anywhere? I’m afraid I’ve lost it.
He didn’t believe in love. It was beyond him.
We saw the tiger. It was lying under the bush.
Who’s that? – It’s John.
Nothing happened, did it?
It’s difficult to remember all their names.
It’s ten o’clock. It rained three days. It can be very warm in September. It’s awful!
Личное местоимение 3-го лица множественного числа they
We have written them already.
Who’s going to drive?- I аm. = Me.
We met them at the station.
Относительная форма
Here’s your hat.
I brought mу dictionary.
There stood a man at the door
The little girl took me by the hand.
Не was shot in the leg during the war.
She had а рain in the shoulder.
Can I borrow your pen? Yours works better than mine does.
These books are ours.
3.4. Возвратно-усилительные местоимения (Reflexive Pronouns)
I asked myself.
She asked herself.
You asked yourselves.
They asked themselves.
Behave yourself!
The soldiers tried to defend themselves.
One mustn’t fool oneself.
No one must fool himself.
She was talking with herself
He cooks his own dinner. =
I saw it myself. = I myself saw it.
3.5. Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns)
3.5.1. Местоимения some, any
She works in some insurance
Fantasia has exported some
I want some razor blades.
Have you got some glasses
If you want some/ any help, let me
Was the film any good?
I’ll go to any restaurant but
Would you like some of these sweets?
If any of your friends is (are)
Will you ask any questions?
Some workers squeezed into the
3.5.2. Производные неопределенные местоимения
Someone’s knocking at the door.
She is somebody you know well.
3.5.3. Неопределенное местоимение one
One shouldn’t get upset about stupid things.
I’m being served already.
Which apples would you like to buy? – I think the red ones are better.
The normal state of a body is one of rest.
I’d like a big one with cream on it.
I caught nine.
3.5.5. Местоимения таny, тисh, few, little
Many friends
A little snow
How much money have you got?
He’s got a few friends.
3.6. Отрицательные местоимения (Negative Pronouns)
3.6.1. Местоимение Nо
You look nо older than 32.
No + причастие I употребляется после оборота there is
Nо parking
There was a no-parking sign
Тhere’s no more bread.
3.6.2. Местоимение Neither
3.6.3. Местоимения Nothing и Nobody
Nobody, no one, nothing
I’ve tried everything but nothing works.
3.6.4. Местоимения None of
Нe is no friend of mine.
3.7. Обобщающие местоимения (Universal Pronouns)
3.7.1. Местоимения Every и Each
We want every child to succeed.
I go to Paris every six weeks
She phoned each of us.
I had some crazy dreams last
My sisters have each married
3.7.2. Местоимения Everything, Everybody и Everyone
Everybody is ready.
I would like everyone to be happy.
3.7.3. Местоимение Either
Has either of your parents visited
3.7.4. Местоимение All
Everything/ all is ready.
My friends all like riding.
They would all have been invited if there had been room.
All может ставиться после прямого или косвенного дополнении, если оно выражено личным местоимением: I’ve eaten them all.
I’ve finished it all.
All that I own is yours.
3.7.5. Местоимение Both
Both brothers live in London.
We both like cornflakes.
You are both wrong.
The customer was both hungry and
3.7.6. Местоимение Other
Some metals are magnetic, others
3.7.7. Местоимение Another
3.8. Взаимные местоимения (Reciprocal Pronouns)
They looked at each other and
They forgot each other’s names.
John and Mary love each other.
The students borrowed each other’s notes.
It’s rather difficult for people to
3.9. Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns)
3.9.1. Местоимения This, That
We’ll stay here, at this place.
Hallo. This is Elizabeth. Is that Ruth?
I didn’t realise it was going to
Ноw was the party? – Not all
It was that cold that I couldn’t
The butter we import is less
These flowers are better than
He admires those who succeed.
3.9.2. Местоимение Such
I don’t like this sort of music.
She’s such a fool.
3.9.3. Местоимение Same
He gave me the same answer again.
Give me the same again, please.
I like the same music as you.
3.10. Вопросительно-относительные местоимения (Interrogative-Relative Pronouns)
3.10.1. Местоимение Who
Who are they?
Whom did they arrest?
With whom are you going?
The girl who was barely 20 had
The people with whom he worked
3.10.2. Местоимения What, Which и That
What может относиться к лицам, если выясняется их профессия или род занятий. Например: What are you?
Which parent is more important in the first year of life?
What writers do you like?
He asked me what I intended to
Do you want to hear the words
They returned to their canoe
The woman that/ who usually
Dorothy, who cuts my hair, has
Where’s the girl that sells the
It’s the best film that ever’s
3.10.3. Местоимение Whose
This is Henry whose wife works
It was a meeting whose impor
It was a meeting the importance of which I didn’t realise at the time.
4.Иmя числительное (the numеral)
Ноw many?
4.2. Количественные числительные (Cardinal Numerals)
Десятки с единицами
Five hundred books
Three hundred and twenty-five
Two thousand three hundred and forty-four
George is six foot/ feet tall.
There’re two types of berths in the
There are thirty-one days in January.
The book was published in the
Тherе were no survivors in the air
It’s five degrees below zero.
My account number is four-one
Five – love, your service
Nought point five/ point five/ zero point five
Twenty hundred (hours)
Does the 21 (twenty-one) go
I go to school by bus 15
4.3. Порядковые числительные (Ordinal Numerals)
The second basket was the same
June the eighth
4.4. Арифметические действия
Four from seven is/ leaves three
Three fours are twelve.
4.5. Функции числительных в предложении
Subtract 92 from 238 and the remainder is the number you want.
Two times two is four.
5.Имя прилагательное (тнe adjective)
It was late autumn.
She lay motionless with her face towards the wall.
I thought him very clever.
I am sorry.
To be ready
Is he still busy?
To be afraid (of)
He feels well.
To be tired
5.2. Степени сравнения прилагательных (The Degrees of Comparison)
Синтетический способ
Аналитический способ
We live in the farther side of the
Here is a further example.
My brother John is three years
We talked about that last
The last year has been difficult.
In the last week of the holiday a
What do you think of his latest
Excuse me. Where’s the nearest
I’m going to Corsica next week.
I’m going to be very busy for the next week.
Next year will be difficult.
We missed the train and had to
The new designs are much better
The curtains in my room are
She is older than me.
He is as brave as a lion.
She is prettier than her sister is.
The price of pure wool is several
Helium is four times the mass of
I’m getting fatter and fatter.
Still (yet) colder
Much older
Still (yet) more important
5.3. Субстантивация прилагательных
5.4. Место прилагательного в предложении
London is a beautiful city
Anyone intelligent can do it.
Joe Sanches has a garden –
6.Нарeчие (the adverb)
He works hard.
Ann is a very good friend.
Сложные наречия
He stayed a long time with us.
Our library receives 100 of copies of the Guardian daily.
He returned late yesterday. I haven’t been there lately.
The rose smells sweet.
6.2. Степени сравнения наречий (The Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs)
Most distinctly
He is too tired to walk any further/
He said than he couldn’t find it
6.3. Классификация наречий по значению и фyнкции нaречий в предложении
6.3.1. Наречия времени
It’s snowing still.
6.3.2. Наречия места
6.3.3. Наречия образа действия
It was early spring.
6.3.4. Наречия меры и степени
6.3.5. Наречия следствия и причины
It is very cold, therefore I shall not
6.3.6. Наречия, выражающие точку зpeния
6.3.7. Вопросительные наречия
6.3.8. Отрицательные наречия
I haven’t any spare time.
She doesn’t eat anything.
You don’t panic, do you?
6.4. Место наречия в предложении
She speaks English very well.
We haven’t enough time (time
Тhеy often read English books.
I have very often wondered why
His marks are always good.
Не sometimes comes here
I have not yet finished my work.
Yesterday I was very busy.
Му son studies well.
The driver quickly stopped the car.
A rainbow is often observed in
Someone sang
6.5. Модальные слова (Modal Words)
The second day was exactly like the first. –
Certainly, you cannot interfere.
Very much, actually.
What d’you think of my hair
7.Глагол (тне vеrb)
Miss Johnson learns Russian.
To speak to him was a waste of time.
Visiting her is always a pleasure.
John’s wish was to sell the house.
Irene likes reading.
She looked at the laughing company.
He came up to the pic-ture to have a better look.
Тремя основными формами глагола
Неправильные глаголы (
7.1.1. Лицо (The Person) и число (The Number)
I wrote a letter.
They wrote a letter.
He does his homework regularly.
My mother is cooking dinner. –
I сan speak English.
7.1.2. Залог (The Voice)
Действительный залог (
Columbus discovered America in 1492
7.1.3. Наклонение (The Mооd)
Brazil produces good coffee.
If we had waited to carry the
Повелительное наклонение
7.1.4. Вид (The Аspect)
Where are you going?
Take the kettle off the stove, the water is boiling.
I have been waiting for you for two hours.
Общий вид
Did you read the book?
Are you reading a book?
7.2.1.Неопределенные времена (Thе Indefinite Tеnsеs) Настоящее неопределенное время (Тhe Present Indefinite
Presеnt Indefinite
I do see something.
Рrеsent Indefinite
Рrеsent Indefinite
I usually get up at 6 sharp.
I never go to bed before ten.
Рrеsent Indefinite
The earth goes round the sun in
Тоm speaks English very well
Рrеsent Indefinite
I’ll wait till you finish your
I hear you’re getting married.
Тhе Past Indefinite Tense)
Раst Indefinite
She looked
Рast Indefinite: did not = didn’t; was not = t; were not = weren’t.
Раst Indefinite
I bought this book in Moscow.
When we were children we would
Jack played chess very well when
Past Indefinite
He said he would tell about this
Future Indefinite
I shall not (shan’t) ask
We shall (we’ll) ask
You will not (won’t) ask
Значение и употребление
What will you do after the
He says he shall do it.
The door won’t open.
Future Indefinite Будущее неoпределеннoe с точки зрения прошедшего
Future Indefinite in the Past
You would (you’d) ask
We should (We’d) ask
You would not (wouldn’t) ask
7.2.2. Длительные времена (Continuous Tenses)
We are having guests tonight. Hacтoящee длитeльное время (The Present Continuous Tense)
I am asking
You are not asking
We are asking
You are not asking
I usually do homework in the evening.
Could you lend me the book you
When are you coming to see us?
Уоu’re always coming late!
I’m going to visit him tomorrow.
I was asking
We were asking
You were not asking
It was snowing the whole day
What were you doing аt 7 p.m.
Hilda was dancing but when she
While I was taking a shower
The bride was wearing a white dress
At the end of the week she wired
She wаs constantly trying to
I was wondering if you’d like to
Pаst Continuous
Hеr faсe had gone pale which
Past Indefinite Будущее длительное время (The Future Continuous Tense)
You will be working
We shall be working
You will not be working
Future Continuous
I’ll be expecting you at 4 sharp.
Рrоfessor Gorb will be giving another
They will be arriving here tomorrow. Будущее длительное с точки зрения прошедшего (Тhe Future Continuous in the Past Tense)
I should be working
You would not be working
We should be working
You would not be working
7.2.3. Совершенные времена (Perfect Tenses)
Рresent Реrfect
I have just received a letter from Настоящее совершенное время (The Present Perfect Tense)
I have not asked
He She has asked
We have asked
You have not asked
We have bought a new TV-set.
You must be tired. I’m afraid I’ve
The weather has changed for the worse.
Past Indefinite.
I met him in the library tonight.
Present Perfect
I have already washed up.
I have known him for ages.
We’ve lived in Moscow since 1970.
We’ve lived here since.
He hasn’t worked for years.
You’ll think otherwise after you
I didn’t hear your question. –
The Past Perfect Tense
He had asked
Раst Реrfесt
She had left before June 1.
Раst Pеrfect
I felt as if I had known her all my
I had hoped we could leave
Не decided he wouldn’t look at
I got a real shock when I opened –
We shall have done
I shall not have = I shan’t have = I’ll not have = I shan’t’ve
Значение и употребление
The painters say they will have Будущее совершенное время с точки зрения прошедшего (Тhe Future Perfect in the Past)
He said he would have translated the
7.2.4. Совершенные длительные времена (Perfect Continuous Tenses)
Perfect Continuous Tenses
I have been working hard all Настоящее совершенное длительное время (Тhe Present Perfect Continuous Tense)
You (You’ve) have been working
We have (We’ve) been working
You (You’ve) have not been working
Значение и упот
Рresent Perfect Continuous
Рresent Perfect Continuous
Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Continuous
Не hasn’t worked since.
We have been staying here all
Не returned аt 3 and has been reading since.
He’s been reading since he returned.
I have been meeting your friend every
I have been playing for the school
It’s wet in the street. – It’s been Прошедшее совершенное длительное время (The Pаst
She had (She’d) been cooking
I realised I’d been overworking
Jim said he’d been reading all day.
I was told that the sisters hadn’t
You will (you’ll) have (‘ve) been running
We shall (We’ll) have (‘ve) been running
You will (you’ll) have (‘ve) been running
They will (they’ll) have (‘ve) been running
Next year our Institute will have been
She exclaimed that by that time she
7.3. Страдательный залог (Тhe Passive Voice)
Тhe Passive Voice
Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Future Continuous in the Past.
7.3.2. Значение и употребление страдательного залога
He walked in the park every evening.
I don’t like when I’m ordered about.
He was helped to open the door.
The young trees were properly
Wе speak English here. English is
She gave her sister a car.
They have sent for the doctor.
Many valuable pictures were
We arranged to meet at 5 o’clock.
We knew that he wouldn’t accept
The boy resembles his father.
7.4. Повелительное наклонение (Тhе Imperative Mood)
Write! - Пишите! Come
Do not be 1ate. = Don’t be late.
Come along, Nick!
And don’t you forget it!
Open the window, please.
Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
7.5. Сослагательное наклонение (Тhе Subjunctive Mood)
I wish it were spring now!
7.5.1. Сослагательное I (Subjunctive I)
Present Subjunctive I
Present Subjunctive I
Long live peace throughout the world!
I suggest that we all go to the
It is necessary… It is recommended… It is desirable… It is better…
If it were not so late, I should go with
If you had been at the lecture, I
If I were rich, I wouldn’t work at all.
She looked as if she were ill.
7.5.2. Сослагательное II (Subjunctive II)
Present Subjunctive II
Nick suggested that we all should
Рrеsent Subjunctive II
It’s a pity he should have fallen ill.
It is important than the work should
I’m sorry that it should have
If you should find out his address
7.6. Условное наклонение (Conditional Mood)
Present Conditional
Future in the Past: should
It would be fine if you could join us
Рast Subjunctive
I wish you would be more attentive.
7.7. Неличные формы глагола (Non-Finite Verb Forms/ Verbals)
Thе Infinitive)
It’s difficult for me to speak English.
7.7.2. Инфинитив (The Infinitive)
3начение временных форм инфинитива
The weather seems to be changing.
I’m glad to have bought this book.
He could have written the
She turned out to have been
This work must be done today.
I саn’t speak so loudly.
I’ll be glad to keep you company.
I’m not going to wait for you.
We can actually begin the
It was wrong of you to say that.
He forgot to wind the watch when
We intended to camp in one of the
I don’t know what to do.
Употребление частицы
Why didn’t yоu help him?
It must be six o’clock.
I heard her play the piano.
He was heard to lock the door.
Active Voice
The Prеsent Participle Active and Passive)
The Pеrfect Pаrticiрle Active and Passive)
The Past Раrticiple)
On our excursion we saw a wall
The boy who went in front
He saw a group of children talking
The Present
Here’s a place set for you.
What are you doing?
7.7.4. Герундий (The Gerund)
The boy, reciting a poem, forgot several lines.
Indefinite Gerund
Perfect Gerund
I couldn’t help laughing when I saw
Ann was proud of having got an
I insist on being told everything.
1) глагольные свойства
Would you mind pas-sing me the bread?
I like reading books of that sort.
Do you mind my speaking to him?
What’s the use of arguing?
What do you say to his joining us?
Тhе floor in this room needs painting.
Wе are thinking of going on a hike
Nick is very good at painting.
I don’t see any use in going there.
Think bеfоrе answering.
7.7.5. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)
You should consult a doctor.
I have bought a new dictionary.
Саn you speak English? –
I don’t feel like going there but Глагол Can
I cannot (can’t) swim.
You can drive a car, can’t you?
I can’t ski.
It can’t be true!
I cannot but agree with you.Глагол Мaу
I might not (mightn’t) go
He may/ might come at any
You might be a bit more polite. Глагол Must
You must be reаdу bу ninе
Уesterdау I had to go to the doctor.
Не must bе unaware of this. Модальные глаголы Have/ Have got
I shall have
I must learn this роеm, I like it very Глагол Should
You should have helped your friend. Глагол Ought
Perhaps she oughtn’t to work in
You ought to help your sister.
You ought to consult a doctor. Глагол To Be
What exams are we to take this year?
The chief says I am to be in charge of
His father was often to be seen Глагол Need
You needn’t have come. Глагол Dare
Nobody dared to ask him about it.
8.Предлог (тне рrероsition)
I found the book on the floor.
John was born on the twenty-first of May.
He sent a letter to Paul.
Don’t write with a pencil.
Не was sitting by the door.
I saw him on Monday/ in October/
8.2. 3начение предлогов
He `stayed in the house.
We have gone beyond X.
Drive onto the motorway.
We’re on the motorway.
We are off the motorway.
We’re driving along the road.
They live along the road.
We’re going across the road.
We’re safely across the road.
They live across the road.
Walk across the square.
We’re safely across the square.
The plane is flying over X.
We’re flying above the water.
X is running in front of Y.
X is running behind Y.
X is running beside Y.
We’ve gone all (a)round the circle.
My belt’s (a)round my waist.
Y is between X and Z.
The seagull flies above the ship.
The little valley is between high
Не shared his property between his
Run into the house.
We are outside the hotel.
Hold the umbrella over your head
Ants are running all over me.
The lake froze and we walked
She swam across the river.
Over a thousand civilians were –
8.2.2. Предлоги времени
After - позже чем, после = past
Can you read it by Tuesday?
I woke three times during the night.
For - в течение, на протяжении (показывает длительность совер-шения действия). Заметьте необязатель-ность for
I walk (for) two hours every day.
I do most the morning
In - по прошествии, по истечении, через; ука-зывает на окончание периода времени. Чтобы подчеркнуть, что период времени начинает
I can’t give you an answer yet. Come back in 3 months’ time (in 3 months from now).
We’ll meet (on) Friday (next).
It is my bedtime/ the
Dancing went on (all) through(out) the night.
We waited until 8 o’clock.
We waited until 8 clock
8.2.3. Предлоги с другими значениями
Предлоги образа действия или сравнения
Нe wаs in great difficulty.
He chopped some wood with an axe.
8.2.4. Некоторые устойчивые сочетания предлогов с другими частями речи
8.3. Место предлога в предложении
What are you looking at? –
I know who he is looking for.
The child was taken good care of. –
Who аre уou looking for?
9.Союз (the сonjunction)
1) Простые союзы
3) В состав сложных союзов
Coоrdinating Conjunctions)
I like apples and plums.
Подчинительные союзы
9.2. Значение союзов
It is morning already for
9.2.2. Подчинительные союзы
9.3. Союзные слова
W. Shakespeare is the greatest writer whom England has ever known.
William Sydney Porter who is known under his pen name O’Henry is one of the best known writers of America.
In the years of stagnati-on when Alexander Sol-zenitsin was expelled from the USSR he beca-me a Nobel prize winner.
9.4. Различение союзов, наречий и предлогов, совпадающих по форме
I met him in 1983 and have not seen him since.
He realised that the old life he had lived since boyhood was ended.
What have you been doing since you left our town?
M. Lomonosov was a multitalented scientist the like of whom Russia had never known before.
10.Частицы (particles)
The address is to be written only
10.2. 3начение частиц
10.3. Отличие частиц от наречий и других частей речи, совпадающих с ними по форме
He has just left the office.
The increase of industrial output during the last several years alone was enormous.
I can perform the experiment alone.
He did it quite simply.
10.4. Место частиц only, too и also
He only promised to copy the article.
He promised only to copy the article.
I should like to know it too.
I remember also that a house
Six weeks isn’t really long.
Are you going to tell him all about
Is it possible to repair the watch?
10.5. Место частицы not
I shouldn’t have found you even
10.6. Слова подтверждения и отрицания
Тhe mate murmured to himself
11.Междометие (тне intеrjection)
Oh! Ah! Ouch! Wow! Bravo! Hush! Hurrah! Hey! Alas! Aha! Ha!
11.2. Звукоподражательные слова
11.3. Другие виды междометий
12.Предложeниe (тhе sentence)
The sun rises in the east.
Simplе Sentences)
Простое предложение
A good beginning makes a good
Hi (Hello)!
The hotel was expensive but dirty.
A pretty young woman came up
The train is late.
Come along, boys!
12.2. Повествовательные предложения (Declarative Sentences)
Work is the basis of human development.
On the beach
Тherе being nothing else to do, we
I don’t see anything there.
Who can answer the question?
What’s the matter?” he said.
12.3. Вопросительные предложения (Interrogative Sentences)
12.3.1. Общие вопросы (General Questions)
Порядок слов
Рrеsent Indefinite
What time do you have breakfast?
12.3.2. Специальные вопросы (Special/ Wh-Questions)
What are you writing?
What are you laughing at?
Where are you going?
Whose pen is this?
What river flows through London?
Who helps you in your work?
Who brought you this book?
When are you leaving? – We have
When are you leaving? – Tomorrow.
12.3.3. Альтернативные вопросы (Alternative Questions)
Do you work or (do you) study?
12.3.4. Разделительные вопросы (Disjunctive Questions)
He is here, isn’t he?
Today is Monday, isn’t it? – Yes, it
That’s right. That’s so. Quite right. Quite so
You didn’t like the song, did you?
12.4. Повелительные (побудительные) предложения (Imperative Sentences)
Close the window, will you?
Would you please shut the door?
You mustn’t be late for school.
12.5. Восклицательные предложения (Exclamatory Sentences)
What a pretty hat you’ve got!
Where on earth is my pen?
12.6. Отрицательные предложения (Negative Sentences)
I don’t remember when he was
I can’t live on my wages with
She isn’t yet forty.
There weren’t any lessons today.
I haven’t (got) a red pencil.
I have no fountain pen.
I’ve never seen anything like that.
13.Простое предложение (the simple sentence)
Ever been here before?
Coming my way?
Are you willing to go to the cinema
13.2. Простое полное предложение. Главные члены
Will you come here tonight?
Личные предложения
It has grown dark.
Neither you nor he is right.
Сложный герундиальный оборот
13.2.2. Сказуемое (Тhe Predicate) Простое глагольное сказуемое (Тhе Simple Verbal Predicate) Модальное глагольное сказуемое (Тhе Modal Verbal Predicate) Фразовое скaзуемое (Тhе Group Verb Predicate)
I have dinner. Сoставное именное сказуемое (Тhe Соmроиnd Nominal Predicate)
Our town is very beautiful.
You look tired.
Му brother will become an engineer.
He kept talking.
This is my sister Ann. She is a
13.2.3. Согласование сказуемого с подлежащим
The crowd was helpless.
Either Margaret or I’m going with you.
Secondary Parts of the Sentence Прямое дополнение (The Direct Object)
He met a friend.
Give me some water.
Help me, please. Сложное прямое дополнение (The Complex Object)
I won’t have
Do you think him (to be) a good
What time did he ask you to come?
Объектный падеж с причастием настоящего времени
I saw you pass our house.
Объектный падеж с причастием прошедшего времени
I must have my TV-set repaired.
I must have my shoes mended
Would you mind my opening the
Jack likes books on art. Косвенное дополнение (The Indirect Object) Предложное дополнение (The Prepositional Object)
I explained to him the rule for
I explained to him the rule.
Have you read any books about space travel?
What are you laughing at?
The poem ‘Poltava’ was written by Pushkin.
I’m preparing for my exams.
I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
I usually write with a fountain pen.
Please, remind me about it!
I’m really surprised at your laziness.
We’ll be safe from rain here.
Jane is fond of singing.
I’m so grateful to you.
13.3.2. Определение (The Attribute)
The Moscow Metro was once one of Препозитивные определения
Do you like our new English
Whose book is this?
Open your books at page five.
Two or three days went by.
We saw the lighted windows
They are all in Jane’s room.
Steam engine cylinder
A public supply power system Постпозитивные определения
You will find him in this house
Here’s the key to the door.
Jack London, a famous American
The bomb had fallen through the –
That’s all I have to say.
I saw nothing important there.
The first person singular
I heard the voices of the kids
This is Doctor Brown.
London, the capital of Great
Ann, the daughter of the landlady
13.3.3. Обстоятельство (The Adverbial Modifier)
When out of the flame (=When the
Rawdon Crawly when a boy.
table when he entered. There’s a post-office at
Look, your cap is on the floor!
Where are you going? – To school.
The children met him with smiles and laughter.
I can’t translate this sentence without a dictionary.
Taking a dictionary, he began
To my disappointment he passed by
I remember a holiday of mine being
The weather was too cold for the
The weather being fine, the plane Место обстоятельства в предложении
1) Обстоятельства (определенного) времени
We’ll start on Sunday morning.
After seeing the film we discussed it.
By doing that he managed to solve
Jack is clever enough to understand
13.4. Вводные члены предложения (Parentheses)
The day was rather rainy, but
Here’s a letter for you, dear.
13.5. Неполные предложения (Elliptical Sentences)
I sat near the window, he – near the
How are you? – Quite well, thanks.
Is that clear? – Quite.
Did you like the book? – Very
How about an ice cream?
13.6. Слова-предложения и фразы-предложения (Word-Sentences and Phrase-Sentences)
Will you help me? – Why, of course.
Quite. Quite so. Exactly. Right. All right. Good. Very well. OK.
What a glorious day!
Good-bye! So long!
A cold winter day.
14. Сложное предложение (the composite sentence)
A man is known by the company he
It never rains but it pours.
14.2. Сложносочиненное предложение (The Compound Sentence)
A cold wind was blowing and a
A cold wind was blowing, a
The house badly needs pain
14.3. Сложноподчиненное предложение (The Complex Sentence)
I don’t know what you mean.
I don’t know how you do it.
The Principle/Main Clause
I know (that) he is right.
The lad you have just talked to
He knew that they would
The house where L. Tolstoy was
14.4. Типы придаточных предложений
14.4.1. Придаточные предложения подлежащие (Subject Clauses)
It is important that the letter
14.4.2. Сказуемые придаточные предложения (Predicate Clauses)
That’s what I want to tell you.
That’s when he will appear.
The talk was getting what he
14.4.3. Дополнительные придаточные предложения (Object Clauses)
I suppose (that) he’ll be there.
I can’t understand, what you
I hope you are ready now.
The family decided that the elder
14.4.4. Определительные придаточные предложения (Attribute Clauses)
Tom’s brother who lives in Moscow
The place where we stopped to rest
I've done all I could. Описательные определительные предложения (Descriptive Clauses)
Emily, who thought she knew him so
In the street I met some children Ограничительные определительные придаточные предложения (Limiting Clauses)
He picked up the package
Where is the letter (which) I
He is the man we were talking Аппозитивные придаточные предложения (Appositive Clauses)
I had the impression that she was
We turned down his suggestion
The thought that she was unhappy
I have the impression that you don’t
14.4.5. Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения (Adverbial Clauses) Придаточные обстоятельственные предложения места (Adverbial Clauses of Place) Придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени (Adverbial Clauses of Time)
I won’t leave until you come.
The article was translated after all
He had made many experiments Придаточные обстоятельственные предложения образа действия и сравнения (Adverbial Clauses of Manner and Comparison)
She looked as if she were angry. Придаточные обстоятельственные предложения причины (Adverbial Clauses of Cause) Придаточные обстоятельственные предложения цели (Adverbial Clauses of Purpose)
Leave the door open so that the
She feared to utter any word Придаточные обстоятельственные предложения следствия или результата (Adverbial Clauses of Result) Придаточные обстоятельственные уступительные предложения (Adverbial Clauses of Concession)
No matter where he may be Придаточные обстоятельственные условные предложения (Adverbial Clauses of Condition)
If I see him tomorrow, I’ll tell him
If they hadn’t helped us, we
Present Subjunctive
15. Согласование времен (sequence of tenses)
I think you are right.
Past Indefinite
I didn’t know he could speak
I thought you were ready.
Past Perfect
Future in the Past
Why he had voted against him
She had the feeling that some
At the exhibition yesterday I saw
He said he would repair the
You made me understand how
If the storm were stronger, the
Meg said he has been ringing
I came to see how your health was.
16. Прямая и косвенная речь (direct and indirect speech)
The teacher says, ‘The lesson is over.’
Косвенной речью
She said, ‘Mike has been arrested’.
16.2. Перевод утвердительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную
I’m very sorry.’
Past Indefinite
Present Indefinite
He said (that) he would go back by
Cora whispered, ‘They are looking at you.’
She said, ‘I have been working at this plant for 20 years.’
A stranger said, ‘I shall make a note of it’.
He said that she had disappeared in a concentration camp.
Tom said that he had been given a new position.
Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous
We had finished our work by 5 o’clock yesterday.
Peter: ‘I was at the conference of inventors in 1995.’
I said, ‘I shall be here tomorrow.’
I said, ‘I shall be here tomorrow.’
16.3. Вопросы в косвенной речи
Общие вопросы
He said ‘Have you read the morning papers?’
I asked, ‘Do you understand now?’
Do you speak English?
Have you received a let-ter from home?
Will he take part in the chess tournament?
I answered that he would.
I answered that I was.
He answered in the affirmative.
Michael said, ‘Why do they want to wear the uniform?’
16.4. Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи
She said, ‘Open the window, please.’
The commander said, ‘Take the prisoner away.’
17. Пунктуация (punctuation)
17.2. Точка (Full Stop/ Period/ Point)
Co. = Company
H.E. Eliot)
17.3. Восклицательный знак (The Exclamation Mark)
Help! Throw me a rope!
17.4. Вопросительный знак (The Question Mark)
He asked where his pen was.
17.5. Многоточие (Dots)
Winter drew to its close; and
17.6. Запятая (The Comma)
The trees planted by the children
We went to Japan on Saturday
I opened the box, and Michael
The weight of his pack kept him
The sky was covered with
We went to the lake, which was
He did not see the letters which
My father said that I could go out.
17.7. Точка с запятой (The Semicolon)
Some people work best in the
You will have full charge of the
17.8. Двоеточие (The Colon)
Please, send the following items
17.9. Тире (The Dash)
My uncle Joe – he was himself
Roger Toynbe was sitting up
We’ll be arriving on Monday
There are three things I can
17.10. Скобки (The Brackets)
My sister (and she is past thirty)
My copy of ‘Great Expectations
Our highest score (20 goals to
The author is careless about
17.11. Кавычки (The Quotation Marks)
Ratterer asked Clyde, ‘Would
I read ‘Emma’ by Jane Austin
The ‘Star of India’ sails on
I don’t want to hear any ‘dirty’
17.12. Дефис (The Hyphen)
17.13. Апостроф (The Apostrophe)
I’m going to the baker’s (my
It seems an interesting idea
17.14. Прописные буквы (Capital Letters)
A committee is a group of
Well, Doctor, is my father any
14.18. Таблица неправильных глаголов