Обзор методов оптимизации кода для процессоров с поддержкой параллелизма на уровне команд
Статья - Компьютеры, программирование
Другие статьи по предмету Компьютеры, программирование
>Fisher J.A. Trace scheduling: A Technique for Global Microcode Compaction. - IEEE Transaction on Computers, vol. 7, pp. 478-490, July 1981.
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Pai V. S., Adve S. Code Transformation to Improve Memory Parallelism. - The Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism, May 2000.
Pendry A., Fenwick J. B., Norris J. C. Using SUIF as a Front-end Translator for Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling Research. - In Second SUIF Compiler Workshop, Stanford, CA, August 1997.
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Rajagopalan S., Vachharajani M,. Malik S. Handling Irregular ILP Within Conventional VLIW Schedulers Using Artificial Resource Constraints. - CASES00, November 17-19, 2000, San Jose, California.
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Stallman R. Using and Porting GNU CC. - FSF, Boston, USA.
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