Моделирование процессов тепло- и массопереноса при закачке радиоактивных растворов в глубокозалегающ...

Диссертация - Математика и статистика

Другие диссертации по предмету Математика и статистика

  • Gershon N.D. and Nir A. Effects of boundary conditions of models on tracer distribution in flow through porous mediums. Wat. Resour. Res., 5 (4), 830839, 1969.
  • Lauwerier H.A. The transport of heat in an oil layer caused by the injection of hot fluid. Applied Scientific Research, Section A, 1955, vol. 5, No 23, pp. 145150.
  • Morel-Seytoux H.J. Two-phase flows in porous media, in Advances in Hydroscience (V. T. Chow, Ed.), 9, 119-202. New York: Academic Press, 1973.
  • Ogata A. and Banks R.B. A solution of the differential equation of longitudinal dispersion in porous media. U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper no. 411A, 1961.
  • Parlange J.Y. and Babu D.K. On solving the nonlinear diffusion equation a comparison of perturbation, iterative and optimal techniques for an arbitrary diffusivity. Wat. Resour. Res., 13 (1), 213214, 1977.
  • Philip J.R. Flow through porous media. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mechan., 2, 177204, 1970.
  • Verruijt A. Steady dispersion across an interface in a porous medium. J. Hydrol., 14, 337347, 1971.