Методы прогноза лавинной опасности
Дипломная работа - География
Другие дипломы по предмету География
lobal distribution of snow avalanches and possible change of avalanche activity in the Northern Hemisphere due to the climatic change. Annals of Glaciology. Cambridge, UK, 1998. Vol. 26, p. 337-342.
74.Houdek J., Vrba M. Zimni nebezpeci v horбch. Praha: Statni Telovэchovni Nakladatelstvi, 1956. 205 p.
75.Judson A., Leaf C.F., Brink G.E. A process-oriented model for simulating avalanche danger. J. Glaciol., 26 (94), 53-63.
76.Klinkenberg P. Avalanche hazard modelling using GIS. URL:
77.LaChapelle E. Avalanche forecasting a modern synthesis. Publ. Assoc. Intern. Hydrol. Sci., 1966, N 69, p.350-356.
78.Leuthold H., Allgцwer B., Meister R. Visualization and analysis of the Swiss avalanche bulletin using GIS. ISSW98. URL:
79.Leuthold, H., Allgower, B. and R.Meister. 1997. Visualization and analysis of the Swiss avalanche bulletin using GIS. Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 1996, Banff, Canada. 35-40.
80.McClung, D.M. and P. Schaerer. 1993. The Avalanche Handbook. The Mountaineers, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., 271 pp.
81.Meister R. Country wide avalanche warning in Switzerland. ISSW98. URL:
82.Observation Guidelines and Recording Standards for Weather, Snowpack and Avalanches Prepared by the Canadian Avalanche Association. 1995, ISBN 0-9699758-0-5
83.Perla R.I. On contributory factors in avalanche hazard evaluation. Can.Geotech.J., 7(4), 1970, 414-419.
84.Schweizer J., Fhn P. Two expert systems to forecast the avalanche hazard
for a given region. ISSW98. URL:
85.Schweizer J., Jamieson J.B., Skjonsberg D. Avalanche Forecasting for Transportation Corridor and Backcountry in Glacier National Park (BC, Canada). Oslo, NGI, Pub.N 203, 1998, 238-244.
86.Schweizer, M., Fohn, P.M.B. and Schweizer, J. 1994. Integrating neural networks and rule based systems to build an avalanche forecasting system. Proc. IASTED Int. Conf.: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems and Neuronal Networks, 4-6 July 1994, Zurich, Switzerland.
87.Seliverstov Yu., Glazovskaya T. Forecast of avalanche danger for the intracontinental regions of Northeast of Eurasia. Oslo, NGI, Pub.N 203, 1998, 245-248.
88.Stephens J., Adams E., Huo X., Dent J., Hicks J., McCarty D.Use of neural networks in avalanche hazard forecasting. ISSW98. URL:
89.Tschirky F. Lawinenunfallstatistik der Schweiz 1985 1998. URL:
94Ward R.G.W. Avalanche prediction in Scotland. Applied Geography, 1984, vol.4, p.91-133.
95.Ю.Г.Селиверстов. Методы прогноза лавинной опасности.