Международный туризм и его роль в развитии экономики Кыргызской Республики
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Иностранные источники:
- Bull A. The Economics of Travel and Tourism. - London:Pitman, 1991.
- Mill R.Ch. Tourism: The International Business. - London:Prentice Hall, 1990.
- Pearce D. Tourism Organizations. - Harlow: Longman,1992.
- Webster N. An American dictionary of the English language. - New York, 1828.
- Wyrzykowski J Conditions ofthe Foreign Tourism Development inCentral and Eastern Europe. Wroclaw: Institute ofGeography, University ofWroclaw, 2000.
- Compendium of Tourism Statistics/WTO. - Madrid, 1996.
- Compendium ofTourism Statistics 1994-1998. WTO. Madrid, 2000.
Compendium ofTourism Statistics. WTO. Madrid, 2002.
Directory: Multilateral Sources of Financing for TourismDevelopment/WTO. - Madrid, 1993. - The 2004 Travel & Tourism Economic Research, 2004 Edition, WTTC, стр. 4
- Tourism Highlights Edition 2003, WTO, Madrid, Spain
- Travel and tourism is the second largest US services export “Travel Business Roundtable” www.tbr.org