Лечение внебольничной пневмонии
Информация - Медицина, физкультура, здравоохранение
Другие материалы по предмету Медицина, физкультура, здравоохранение
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16. Heffner JE. Infection of the pleural space. Clinics Chest Med 1999; 20: 607 622.
17. Huchon G, Woodhead M. Management of adult communityacquired lower respiratory tract infections. Eur Respir Rev 1998; 8: 391 426.
18. Ortqvist A. Treatment of communityacquired lower respiratory tract infections in adults. Eur Respir J 2002; 20(Suppl.36): 40s53s.
19. Rello J, Catalan M, Diaz E, et al. Associations between empirical antimicrobial therapy at the hospital and mortality in patients with severe communityacquired pneumonia. Intensive Care Med 2002; 28: 1030 1035.
20. Samama MM, Cohen AT, Darmon JY et al., A comparison of enoxaparin with placebo for the treatment of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. N Engl J Med 1999; 341: 793 800.
21. Sitbon O, Mercat A, Petitretz P. Pneumopathies aiguёs infectieuses. Salmeron S, Duroux P, Valeyre D (Ed). Pneumologie. MedecineSciences. Flammarion, Paris, 1997: p 232 247.
22. Wheeler AP, Bernard GR. Treating patients with severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 207 214.
23. Woodhead M. Community acquired pneumonia in Europe: causative pathogens and resistance patterns. Eur Respir J 2002; 20: 20s 27s.