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17. Risch N., Spiker D. et al. A genomic screen of autism: evidence for a multilocus Etiology // Am. J. Hum. Genet. 1999. № 65 (2). P. 493507.
18. Newbury D.F., Bonora E. et al. FOXP2 is not a major susceptibility gene for autism or specific language impairment // Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2002. № 70 (5). P. 13181327.
19. Romanov K., Kaprio J., Rose R.J., Koskenvuo M. Genetics of alcoholism: effects of migration on concordance rates among male twins // Alcohol. Suppl. 1991. № 1. P. 137140.
20. Eisen S.A., Slutske W.S. et al. The genetics of pathological gambling Semin // Clin. Neuropsychiatry. 2001. № 6 (3). P. 195204.
21. Ibanez A., De Castro I.P. et al. Pathological gambling and DNA polymorphic markers at MAO-A and MAO-B genes // Mol. Psychiatry. 2000. № 5 (1). P. 105109; Comings D.E., Gade-Andavolu R. et al. The additive effect of neurotransmitter genes in pathological gambling // Clin Genet. 2001. № 60 (2). P. 107116.
22. Balaban E., Alper J.S., Kasamon Y.L. Mean genes and the biology of aggression: a critical review of recent animal and human research // J. Neurogenet. 1996. № 11 (12). P. 143..
23. Эрман Л., Парсонс П. Указ.соч. С. 438440; Фогель Ф., Мотульски А. Указ.соч. С. 8689..
24. Lyons M.J., True W.R. et al. Differential heritability of adult and juvenile antisocial traits // Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 1995. № 52 (11). P. 96115.
25. Coid B., Lewis S.W., Reveley A.M. A twin study of psychosis and criminality // Br. J. Psychiatry. 1993. № 162. P .8792..
26. Zechner U., Wilda M. et al. A high density of X-linked genes for general cognitive ability: a run-away process shaping human evolution? // Trends Genet. 2001. № 17 (12). P. 697670.
27. Millar J.K., Christie S. et al. Genomic structure and localisation within a linkage hotspot of Disrupted In Schizophrenia 1, a gene disrupted by a translocation segregating with schizophrenia // Mol. Psychiatry. 2001. № 6 (2). P. 173178.
28. Chumakov I., Blumenfeld M., Guerassimenko O. et al. Genetic and physiological data implicating the new human gene G72 and the gene for D-amino acid oxidase in schizophrenia // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2002. № 99 (21). P. 1367513680.
29. Kato T. Molecular genetics of bipolar disorder // Neurosci. Res. 2001. № 40 (2). P. 105113.
30. Mors O., Ewald H., Blackwood D., Muir W. Cytogenetic abnormalities on chromosome 18 associated with bipolar affective disorder or schizophrenia // Br. J. Psychiatry. 1997. № 170. P. 278280.
31. Вельков В.В. На пути к генетически модифицированному миру // Человек. 2002. № 2. С. 2237..
32. Kondrashov A.S., Shpak M. On the origin of species by means of assortative mating // Proc. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 1998. № 265 (1412). P. 22732278.
33. Miller G. Sexual selection for indicators of intelligence // Novartis. Found. Symp. 2000. № 233. P. 260280.
34. Caspi A., Herbener E.S. Marital assortment and phenotypic convergence: longitudinal evidence // Soc. Biol. 1993. № 40 (12). P. 4860..
35. Mascie-Taylor C.G. Spouse wordsity for IQ and personality and convergence // Behav. Genet. 1989. № 19 (2). P. 223227.
36. Qian Z. Changes in assortative mating: the impact of age and education, 19701990 // Demography. 1998. № 35 (3). P. 279292.
37. Lewis S.K., Oppenheimer V.K. Educational assortative mating across marriage markets: non-Hispanic whites in the United States // Demography. 2000. № 37 (1). P. 2940..
38. Schuckit M.A., Tipp J.E., Kelner E. Are daughters of alcoholics more likely to marry alcoholics? // Am. J. Drug. Alcohol Abuse. 1994. № 20 (2). P. 237245.
39. Parnas J. Assortative mating in schizophrenia: results from the Copenhagen High-Risk Study // Psychiatry. 1988. № 51 (1). P. 5864; Maes H.H., Neale M.C. et al. Assortative mating for major psychiatric diagnoses in two population-based samples // Psychol. Med. 1998. № 28 (6). P. 13891401.
40. Эрман Л., Парсонс П. Указ. соч. С. 416418.
41. Гейфман А. Революционный террор в России 18941917. М., 1997. С. 1720..
42. Savulescu J. Procreative beneficence: why we should select the best children // Bioethics. 2001. № 15 (56). P. 413426.
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