Кризис и маркетинг: на пути от рынка к клиенту
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Другие материалы по предмету Маркетинг
. (1998). "From transaction to relationship marketing: an investigation of managerial perception and practices". Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6, pp. 171186.
6. Gronroos C. (1978). "A service oriented approach to marketing of service". European Journal of marketing, Vol. 12.
7. Gronroos C. (1991). "Scandinavian мanagement and the Nordic School of Services сontributions to service management and quality". International Journal of Service industry Management, Vol. 2, pp. 1725.
8. Reid M. (2008). "Contemporary marketing in professional services". Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 374384.
9. Wagner R. (2005). "Contemporary marketing practices in Russia". European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, pp. 199215.
10. Yorke D., Droussiotis G. (1994). "The use of customer portfolio theory: an empirical survey". Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 9, pp. 618.