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Другие материалы по предмету Экология
renkova E. 1. Environmental conditions and Human occupation of Northern Eurasia during the Late Valdai//The world at 18000 В. P./Eds Soffer 0., Gamble C.L., 1990. V. 1. P. 255263.
21. Velichko A. A. Geoecology of the mousterian in East Europe and the adjacent areas // LHomme de Neandertal. Liege, 1988. V. 2. P. 181206.
22, Wobst H. Afterword. Minitime and megaspace in the Paleolithic at 18 К and otherwise // The world at 18000 В. P. / Eds Soffer 0., Gamble C. L., 1990. V. 1. P. 331343.