Автошкола "Кадиллак"
Дипломная работа - Компьютеры, программирование
Другие дипломы по предмету Компьютеры, программирование
")Then">If cb_able.Value = True And cb_pdd.Value = True And cb_help.Value = True And Val(desc_howmuchdrive.Text) >= Sheets("Данные").Range("L4") And Val(desc_howmuchpay.Caption) >= Sheets("Данные").Range("L2") Then
level_1.Enabled = False
If cb_insidepdd.Value = True And cb_insidedrive.Value = True And cb_insidegorod.Value = True Then
level_2.Enabled = False
level_3.Enabled = False
End If
level_2.Enabled = False
level_3.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Кнопка “Выйти”:
Private Sub bt_exit_Click()
ClientForm.Show (0)
End Sub
Кнопка “Сохранить”:
Private Sub bt_save_Click()
Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select
all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To all
If ComboBox1.Text = (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = "Обучаемый" Then
If cb_able.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Нет"
If cb_pdd.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Нет"
If cb_help.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Нет"
If cb_insidepdd.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Нет"
If cb_insidedrive.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Нет"
If cb_insidegorod.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Нет"
If cb_gaipdd.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Нет"
If cb_gaidrive.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Нет"
If cb_gaigorod.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Нет"
Sheets("База").Cells(i, 20) = desc_howmuchdrive.Text
End If
Next i
End Sub
Элементы типа Checkbox:
Private Sub cb_able_Click()
Call endis
End Sub
Private Sub cb_help_Click()
Call endis
End Sub
Private Sub cb_insidedrive_Click()
Call endis
End Sub
Private Sub cb_insidegorod_Click()
Call endis
End Sub
Private Sub cb_insidepdd_Click()
Call endis
End Sub
Private Sub cb_pdd_Click()
Call endis
End Sub
Список “Клиент”:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select
all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To all
If ComboBox1.Text = (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = "Обучаемый" Then
cb_able.Value = False
cb_pdd.Value = False
cb_help.Value = False
cb_insidepdd.Value = False
cb_insidedrive.Value = False
cb_insidegorod.Value = False
cb_gaipdd.Value = False
cb_gaidrive.Value = False
cb_gaigorod.Value = False
level_1.Enabled = True
level_2.Enabled = True
level_3.Enabled = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Да" Then cb_able.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Да" Then cb_pdd.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Да" Then cb_help.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Да" Then cb_insidepdd.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Да" Then cb_insidedrive.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Да" Then cb_insidegorod.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Да" Then cb_gaipdd.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Да" Then cb_gaidrive.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Да" Then cb_gaigorod.Value = True
desc_howmuchdrive.Text = Val(Cells(i, 20))
desc_howmuchpay.Caption = Val(Cells(i, 21))
Call endis
End If
Next i
End Sub
Поле “Откатано часов”:
Private Sub desc_howmuchdrive_Change()
desc_howmuchdrive.Text = Val(desc_howmuchdrive.Text)
Call endis
End Sub
Активация формы:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim first, hod As Integer
hod = 0
first = 0
cb_able.Value = False
cb_pdd.Value = False
cb_help.Value = False
cb_insidepdd.Value = False
cb_insidedrive.Value = False
cb_insidegorod.Value = False
cb_gaipdd.Value = False
cb_gaidrive.Value = False
cb_gaigorod.Value = False
level_1.Enabled = True
level_2.Enabled = True
level_3.Enabled = True
Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select
all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To all
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = "Обучаемый" Then
hod = hod + 1
If hod = 1 Then first = i
ComboBox1.AddItem (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4))
End If
Next i
If first <> 0 Then
i = first
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Да" Then cb_able.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Да" Then cb_pdd.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Да" Then cb_help.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Да" Then cb_insidepdd.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Да" Then cb_insidedrive.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Да" Then cb_insidegorod.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Да" Then cb_gaipdd.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Да" Then cb_gaidrive.Value = True
If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Да" Then cb_gaigorod.Value = True
desc_howmuchdrive.Text = Val(Sheets("База").Cells(i, 20))
desc_howmuchpay.Caption = Val(Sheets("База").Cells(i, 21))
Call endis
ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
y = MsgBox("Текущая группа пуста!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола")
ClientForm.Show (0)
End If
End Sub
Завершение работы формы:
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
ClientForm.Show (0)
End Sub
5.9 Форма “Информация о клиенте”
Кнопка “ОК”:
Private Sub bt_ok_Click()
""Then">If ComboBox1.Text <> "" Then
Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select
all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To all
If ComboBox1.Text = (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & &