Использование проектной методики на уроках английского языка на средней ступени обучения (6тАУ7 классах) в процессе формирования языковой компетенции
Дипломная работа - Педагогика
Другие дипломы по предмету Педагогика
ol isnt very strict but we have to wear a red and grey uniform. I think its a waste of money. I am sorry we are not allowed to wear jeans, they are so comfortable. School is my favourite place. I like most of the subjects, especially French and the English literature, but I hate maths, its boring. Besides, I meet my best friends here every day. But there is one thing Id like to change. I wish the lessons didnt start so early. We have to be at school by 8.30.
Приложение 2
Peer Evaluation Card
QuestionYes! (4 points)Almost (3 points)More or less (2 points)Not quite (1 point)No (0 point)1. Was the story interesting?2. Was the story logical?3. Was the vocabulary of the Unit used?
Приложение 3
My dream clothes.
Приложение 4
Home sweet homeПриложение 5
It is my favourite shop.
Приложение 6