The use of Total Physical Response techniques in teaching English language school
Дипломная работа - Педагогика
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r personal dignity, kindness, justice and the right to get correct and clear information were adhered to. Anonymity was guaranteed to each single respondent.were not forced to answer any questions if they dont want to. The person was able to decide if he wanted to participate in the research. Names, surnames and addresses were not requested.were confined only to the knowledges of the researcher.were introduced to the aims, tasks and all facts about information gathering ways and what they are and are not able to do during the research.method of interview was chosen because of its advantages:
possibility to gather numerous amount of information;
objectivity of gathered information;
reliability of gathered information
In this chapter we would like to analyze the data gathered from the interview.this process five teachers were interviewed. The task of the research was to ascertain the peculiarities of Total Physical Response method teaching young learners.
4.How English teaching and learning differs, working with 2-3 grade pupils and 4 grade pupils, integrating TPR method into lessons?1. All activities, working with 2-3 grade pupils are based on games and other active tasks because children learn through experience. However the older children should be allowed to be self-sufficient, think of their own, be independent, get more creative tasks, learn more words and take the lead. All five respondents agree that young learners, children 7-11 years old are very active and need activities where they can pour the energy out. The best resort is games. However activities differ a little bit according to experience of children cognitive process. Older children are more mature. Some activities might be too childish for them. They need less activities and get more thinking tasks. 2-3 grade pupils are still little children. They need more activities involving games, songs, role plays, dances. For this reason teacher needs to be prepared very well and consider the complexity of materials and tasks working with different age gropes.2. Teaching children depends on the children's cognitive process. Tasks for 2-3 classes must be easier than for classes 4. Teacher also needs to consider complexity and amount of words giving tasks to children. However all pupils needs to be active and get as many visual material as possible to make learning effective3. Little children are very susceptible in learning if the lessons are interesting through different games. Older ones, who are 10-11years old think that some activities might be too childish. So teacher must be very creative and prepared for the lessons very well. Little ones should have more task than the older children, because 2-3 grade pupils can concentrate on one thing not longer than 10 minutes therefore bigger children get less tasks as they are more mature.4.Children love playing games and moving around instead of sitting in their desks not depending of their age. So teachers role doe not differ considering the fact that everybody, even adults love to do everything what is fun5.Children cognitive development from the age of 7 and up to 11 does not really differ, so all of them need more creative and tasks and games where they could gush the energy and learn at the same time. 2-3 grade pupils learn through games, songs and other active activities. Older children are little more serious and get tasks for thinking and creating things, ex. dialogues, role-play. 6. How TPR method stimulates childrens motivation and interest to learn English language? 1.Interesting and memorableThe results showed that this method motivates to learn English because it is interesting, creative, memorable and fun, without lots of thinking and much writing2.Creative and memorable 3.Pupils learn through senses and experience. It is always interesting when you can participate and experience things on your own 4.Children like and need to be active instead of sitting in their desks.5.Interesting fun activities which do not require logical thinking, writing and learning by heart. 7.What is your opinion about the statement " second language learning is parallel to first language learning and should reflect the same naturalistic process; listening should develop before speaking; children respond physically to spoken language, once listening comprehension has been developed, words develops naturally and effortlessly out of it; delaying words reduces stress; teachers should be very tolerant towards pupils mistakes and do not force them to speak until they are ready second language " Do you go by these principles and why?1.I agree with a statement and adopt the principles partially. I think children must be forced to respond and speak. Four respondents partially agree with a statement. However they do not go by these principles. Most of the teachers have strong opinion that children must be forced to speak and respond. They also say that correction of mistakes is necessary. Only 1 teacher totally agrees with a statement and goes by its principles.2. I agree with a statement but do not go by these principles because of lack of the time.3.I agree with a statement and go by these principles. In my opinion, the good teaching results will not be reached if we do it forcibly.4.I agree with a statement. However mistakes should be tolerantly corrected and children should be encouraged to speak.5.I agree with a statement but do not go by it. Correction of the mistakes is a must. Children must be encouraged to talk. 8.Will teaching English language through TPR will be effective if: 1. spoken language will be emphasized over written language; 2.language will be taught in chunks; 3.children will not be forced to memorize;1.Children should equally learn writing, speaking, reading and listening and it should be taught in chunks. However nowadays we should force children to learn. Teachers thoroughly agree with these teaching principles. However the most of them think that nowadays children must be forced to memorize the material they learn.1 respondent think that spoken language should not be emphasized over written language. She states that reading, speaking, writing and listening must be taught equally. 2. I agree with these principles but I think children need to be forced to memorize.3.I agree with all principles4. I agree with these principles but I think children need to be forced to memorize.5. I agree with these principles but I think children need to be encouraged or forced to memorize.9. What is yours and your pupils roles integrating TPR method into the lesson?1.I am not the leader in the class. Children must participate. I give the instructions until children get involved in activities.More or less the results show that the teacher is the leader in the classroom, who presents new material, shows an example and involves children in activities. Firstly all children do activity chorally with a teacher then they are groped or work as a whole class. Only 1 teacher told that she is involved in all the process playing together with children and not only giving directions.2.My job is to be well prepared so the lesson would flow smoothly and children would willingly perform all the tasks. After presenting new words, we repeat chorally, and work as a whole class or in small gropes creating dialogues, role-pays and playing games. 3. After presenting new material we repeat it chorally then I show an example and then I call a volunteer to demonstrate how the task should be done. I do it in order so the other students would be encouraged to participate. I do all tasks with my students participating together in all activities. 4.I show the example, how the task should be done and call volunteer one by one or in gropes to demonstrate, play or act. I try to speak less encouraging pupils to speak on their own. I observe them, correct their mistakes and try to encourage them all the time. 5.I creatively prepare the tasks for the lesson, show the example for the pupils. We do the first task together as a whole class and when we feel confident we play games. 11.What materials do you usually use teaching children through TPR? 1. Objects in the classroom, mimes, body movements. Materials, which teachers use in classroom activities are usually objects in the classroom, body movements and all visual and sound materials like video, pictures, drawings.2.Visual and sound materials which could be used for games, role-plays, songs dialogues and dances. 3. Objects in the classroom, mimes, body movements.4.Objects in the classroom, drawings, pictures. 5.All visual and sound materials which allow children to move. 12.What are disadvantage of TPR?1. It is hard working with big classes. 4th grade pupils reluctantly do acting. The disadvantages teachers exclude are very different: requires lots of preparation may be childish for older children not appropriate for big classes is very limited as only vocabulary, some nouns and verbs can be learnt.2.This method requires lots of preparation and hard work. 3.I is very limited because through this method only some verbs and nouns can be taught.4.This method is not appropriate for older children. 5.TPR teaches only vocabulary.
In summary, the results from the tablet indicates that teachers know childs psichology and their limitation. TPR is a good way teacing children language as in this age they are very active and this method is interesting and fun.the mosto of the teachers agree with the main TPR idea. However most of them do not go by principles of TPR. They prefere old teaching methods which require to force children to memorize, to speak and constantly correct their mistakes.TPR to classroom activities teacher is the one who organizes the whole process, but not all of them are relly involved in activities. The materials used in