The theory and practice of antimonopoly regulation
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r in such contests and auctions reached 122 billion rubles);
. To introduce strict measures against the actions of regional authorities, preventing the free movement of goods and capital across Russia;
. To improve the legal regulation of the use of public funds for the expansion of the competitive environment, reducing the concentration of production and reduce departmental monopolies;
. To agree on antitrust legislation of CIS countries, to adapt them to international competition policy principles and rules.
To sum up, the problems of monopolization of economic life, the competition in the markets today attract attention not only of specialists but also of the general public. Antitrust regulation is the most important part of state economic policy in all countries with developed market economies. Antitrust regulation is a purposeful state activity carried out on the ground and to the extent permitted by applicable law, to establish and implement rules of economic activity in the commodity markets in order to protect fair competition and ensuring the effectiveness of market relations. It should be noted that the main negative side of the monopolization of the economy is the excess power of the monopoly firms. Market power is the ability to manipulate the price of the goods. The task of antitrust policy is to prevent firms get unlimited market power, competition and extend it to non-price move. Summarizing, it can be argued that the antitrust laws is an essential component of modern economies. The scope of its operation affects the interests of not only of producers but also consumers, providing an opportunity to realize their product on the market in a competitive environment, while others have best prices for goods and services. The specifics of Russian monopolies affected the characteristics of the legislative regulation of their activities. In capitalist countries, the monopoly came when there were already market relations, and the state to prevent the strangulation of competition was introduced restrictive regulations. The Russian competition legislation was developed with strong monopolies and a developing market relations. Therefore, the Western experience in a specific and rather large part does not apply in the Russian context. Of course, de-monopolization of production, based on public ownership - it is a long and complicated process. Overcoming the monopoly can be done by downsizing, the mechanical section of them to pieces. For the construction of new enterprises, as stand-ins would require too many resources, which our country is currently not available to provide. We can assume that it will overcome the monopoly through diversification of production at existing plants, which by virtue of using spare capacity (or expand existing) for the production of scarce goods. In the process of formation of market relations between state ownership is gradually declining, but the development of various forms of individual and collective ownership: individual enterprise, partnership with the full and limited liability companies, joint stock company of open and closed types, cooperatives, associations, etc. The various forms of ownership, operating in the overall system of economic relations cannot be isolated from each other. Overcoming their specificity, they are inevitably intertwined. On the basis of the weave may have mixed forms of ownership. The objective basis of the weave is the mutual supplementation and the use of the specific features that are inherent in each of the specific forms of management. Thus, in the Russian joint-stock company is now merged the property of individuals, collectives and the state. Creation and development of AD is the main way of privatization of property. In Russia, at this stage the problem of monopoly ceases to be purely economic, but becoming more and more political. However, it is common knowledge that the economy, first of all, should have no political affiliation. And only then the state will be able to fully replace the decades-folding monopoly free and self-organizing market. Only reasonable, clear and steady reform of antitrust policy could help the Russian economy to improve, to a large extent on the experience of developed capitalist countries. And if the economy will develop, then the life of the Russian population in general is bound to get better. In order to improve anti-monopoly regulation in Russia the regulatory framework in the state of antitrust policy should be developed. Active use of the experience of countries with developed market economies, will contribute to the transformation of the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation in the effective control of market relations. For further development of antitrust regulation it is also necessary to order the relationships between antitrust authorities and the executive. There are many issues that both relate to the competence of various bodies of executive power (the so-called border issues). In such cases, to avoid duplication of efforts, harmonize regulations of the work of various administrative structures to coordinate their regulatory documentation, etc. In the long term solution to this problem should apparently be achieved simultaneously on three parallel tracks:of fundamental problems of interaction of executive authorities (above all - the issues that affect the rights of different individuals and have legal consequences) should be based only on the development of legislative base;of structural and functional nature should be resolved at the level of government (for example, the adoption of appropriate regulations);issues, governments are governed by their own way to achieve the above-mentioned possible to say that the competition policy in Russia has not developed well enough, but there is tendency towards further improvement of this area. And it is certain that competition policy will be successfully developed as a monopoly on both closed and open types, and with respect to natural monopolies, which, perhaps, at this point is most important for the Russian economy.
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