The role of television in political processes
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in the era of televisions lie in the development of the media system brought about by the emergence of television and in the technology and discourse of television itself. Another important cause of transformation of symbolic politics was found in diminishing power of a liberal democratic also analysed the effects of the transformation of symbolic politics. It proved that these effects and the excessive use of symbolic politics are far from being considered advantageous to the democratic practices. The negative effects generated by transformation of symbolic politics have been found in the political processes that began resembling a show-business with its triviality, dramaturgy and personification. The most dangerous aspect of transformation is virtualisation of political space, where the consumers of mediated symbolic politics enter a virtual trap that eventually blocks their connections with the real world. In turn, such outcome is reflected in low political participation, political and social apathy, passive consumption of political information for the sake of entertainment, distorted ideas about politicians and politics combined with the election of low quality political representatives often with questionable reputations simply because of their positive media-generated image.
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