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systems, the possibilities of regeneration in the form of metabolism were supplemented by intellectual possibilities of control blocks. Regardless of what kind of nature the system belongs to (mineral, vegetative, animal or human) one of its main purposes is always to preserve itself and its structure. But in mineral nature there are only passive ways of conservation, whereas in the organic nature active ways of conservation do exist: self-organization at the expense of purposeful metabolism. Therefore, struggle for food has always been the foundation of existence. But metabolism only is not sufficient. Therefore, in animals new active ways of protection are added: assessment of external situation and protection from the destructive external influences (complex reflexes, behavioral reactions). However, complex reflexes are not enough either, as it is necessary also to learn new situations and be able of making new decisions (reflexes to new stimuli/exciters). But these appeared to be insufficient as well because of limitation of personal experience. Therefore, personal experience was supplemented by collective experience for the account of the first signaling system (conditioned reflexes: the first signaling system, complex behavioral reactions). And as far as the lifespan of each system is limited, in order to transfer experience to the subsequent generations second signaling system emerged which allows to save personal experience of each system in the form of the script regardless of the systems lifespan. Consequently in order to better preserve itself, it is necessary for the system to change and complicate continually the structure (evolution and development of species) and, apparently to be on the safe side, its nevertheless better to be more complex rather than simpler (evolution race). Thus, a system may have: incidental organization; generation (incidental physical coincidence of exit points of stimulator or result of action of one systems with the command entry points of control block or entry points of external influence of other systems; may be present in systems with any control blocks, including elementary); degeneration (destruction, structural simplification, loss of SFU under the influence of environment other systems, may be the systems with any control blocks, including elementary); purposeful organization; forced generation (purposeful physical combination of exit points of stimulator or result of action of one systems with the command entry points of control block or entry points of external influence of other systems; may be in systems with any control blocks, including elementary); forced degeneration (destruction, structural simplification, loss of SFU of the system due to the purposeful effect of other systems; may be in systems with any control blocks, including elementary); self-organization; functional regeneration (operation of the system proper, actuation or de-actuation of functions of own SFU, depending on situational needs, without change of the structure; may be in systems with any control blocks, including elementary); genetic structural regeneration in the form of metabolism and reproduction of individuals directed towards preservation of its structure (may be in systems with control blocks, starting from simple ones); genetic structural regeneration in the form of instinctive/subconscious/ structural reorganization aimed at strengthening the possibilities of an organism by using other systems, that are not an immediate part of the given system (subjects) (uses “genetic” memory and may be present in systems with control blocks, starting from simple ones); conscious structural regeneration directed to strengthening of possibilities of an organism by use of other systems, not being an immediate part of the given system (subjects) (various technologies; it is aimed at strengthening the possibilities of an organism, may be present in systems with control blocks, starting from complex ones with the second signaling system). As we can see, there is a succession present in the given classification of organization of systems, as it includes everything that exists in our World, starting from objects of mineral nature and including human activities in the form of industrial technologies.

Evolution of our World. We always say that the objects (systems) exist in our World /Unietse/and they operate in it. Therefore it is necessary to give a definition of the concept “our World”. We call “our World” the greatest and universal system in which based on the law of hierarchy all objects exist as its subsystems which can be part of it without coming into conflict with the laws of conservation and cause-and-effect limitations. Such objects are target-oriented associations of systemic functional units (SFU, elements) the groups of elements interacting with specific goal/purpose (systems, or rather subsystems of our World). These include both the objects which existed before and are non-existent now and those that exist now and will appear in the future as a result of evolution. Absolutely all objects of our World have one or another purpose. We do not know these purposes and we can only guess them, but they are present in all the systems without exception. The purpose determines the laws of existence and architecture (“anatomy”) of objects, limits interaction between them or between their elements and stipulates the hierarchy of both sub-goals and subsystems for the achievement of these sub-goals. But this architecture is continually found insufficient (limited) because it is determined by the law of cause-and-effect limitations. It forces the systems to continuously seek the way to overcome these limitations, develops them and determines direction of evolution of the systems. That is why the systems develop towards their complexification and enhancement of their possibilities (evolve). If there would be no limitations, there would be no sense in evolution because ultimately the goal of evolution always consists in overcoming the limitations. All objects of our World have at least two primary goals: to be/exist in this World (to preserve themselves) to fulfill the goal and to have maximum possibilities to perform the actions for the achievement of the goal. However, any object of our World is limited in its possibilities to varying extent due to the law of cause-and-effect limitations and moreover, since the objects are continually exposed to various external influences destroying them, the systems have to continually protect themselves from such destruction. Therefore, the systems at first “have invented” passive and then active ways of protection against such destructive influence. The process of “invention” of these ways of protection and the enhancement of their possibilities is what evolution of objects of our World means exactly, at that it implies not only the evolution of living beings, but evolution of everything that exists in the world. Consolidation of objects in groups strengthens them and ensures the possibility for them to co-operate against destruction in a target-oriented manner. It is for the reason of “survival” of elements that the systems came into being, and complexification of elements just magnifies their possibilities. The simplest systems are those having only simple control block. Such objects include all objects of mineral nature, as well as plants. The possibilities of elementary particles are too small, and the lifespan of many of them is too short. The lifetime and possibility of an electron, proton or neutron are tenfold. Grouping of elements not only increases their lifetime, but also increases their possibilities. What can be done by electron (proton, neutron) cannot be done by elementary particles constituting them. What can be done by atoms can not be done separately by protons, neutrons and electrons. Grouping of atoms in molecules has enabled the development of more complex systems, up to human being, construction of which would have been impossible using elementary particles. However, although in process of further consolidation of atoms and molecules in conglomerates (mineral objects: gas clouds, liquid and solid bodies) the possibilities of these objects increase, but their lifetime starts to decrease sharply because the law of negative entropy works. Destruction is the loss by the object of its SFU. There are only two ways to prevent from destruction: increase in durability of connections/bonds between the SFU, restoration of the lost SFU, prevention of the SFU losses. The first one is passive, while the other two are active ways of protection. The increase in durability of connections/bonds between the SFU (the first way) is the passive way of protection against destruction. Mineral bodies have only these passive means of protection from the destructive effect of the external medium. The weakest of them are gaseous objects, while the strongest are crystalline. But even the strongest crystal may be destroyed. Metabolism is aimed at the restoration of the lost SFU (the second way) and is the active way of protection of systems from destruction. It is carried out at the expense of capture of necessary elements from the external medium. There is no metabolism in mineral objects, but it is present in all living objects, including plants. Hence, our World can be divided conditionally into two sub-worlds: inanimate/inorganic and animate nature. The criterion for such division is metabolism the purposeful process of restoration of the lost SFU. But for such process the system should contain corresponding elements (metabolism organs) which are not present in the objects of mineral inorganic nature, but do exist in plants. Prevention of SFU losses (the third way) is also an active way of systems protection from their destruction. Systems may be prevented from destruction for the account of their behavioral reactions depe