The creation and activities of local organizations of the Bund Belarus

Статья - История

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in the territory of Belarus Social Democratic Party - the Bund.

Sources and literature


1. 1905 in Belarus. Collection of articles, memoirs and Materials, Ed. M. Schulman / Commission CEC of the BSSR in the commemoration of the 20 th anniversary of the revolution. - Mn., 1925. - 131 pp.

2. Buchbinder NA History of the Jewish labor movement in Russia. In unpublished archival material. - L.: Academic Publishers, 1925

3. Report on the Russian Social-Democratic movement to the International Socialist Congress in Paris. History of the Jewish labor movement in Russia and Poland. - Geneva, 1901

4. Martov L. proletarian struggle in Russia. - 2-nd edition, revised and expanded. - Spb., Publishing RG Glagolev, 1906

5. NARB, fax. 60, op. 3, d. 91.

6. NIAB, fond. 705, op. 1, d. 1.