The basic methods of psychological research
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e data valid, talk about the effectiveness of other methods. The main method is the method of psychodiagnostic tests, introduced in psychology by F. Galton. Test - a special kind of experimental research, which is a special task or system problems. Guinea performs the task, the performance of which usually take into account. Tests are used not only for any new psychological data and patterns, but more often to assess the level of development of any psychological quality of human compared to the average level (established norm or standard). Tests used in study skills, cognitive development level, skills, level of learning, as well as the study of individual characteristics of flow of mental processes. Test study differs relatively simple procedure, short-term it, is done without complex technical devices requires the simplest equipment (often just a form with text problems). The result of solving the test involves quantitative expression and thus opens the possibility of mathematical processing. Testing as a method of diagnosis, were widely used in the twentieth century., Most are used in education, medicine, and industrial production. This contributed to the emergence of psychology in a particular industry - testolohiyi, which is developing various kinds of tests. Group test: 1. Tests of intelligence - are used to study the level of intellectual development. The most common group tetsiv. In Western countries they are used for the selection of mentally retarded children and children with differentiation abilities. The most common - White, Stentforda, Vexler, Eysenck, in Ukraine - Vexler tests. First they measure verbal-logical thinking, and sometimes - the subject-actors and obrazne.okremi tests consist of tasks that do not require verbal responsesbelieved that intelligence is transmitted genetically. But until now there is no definition of "intelligence" There are different approaches to understanding intelligence: - Intelligence - is the ability to learn; - Intelligence - is the ability to operate abstract concepts (Thorndike, Peterson, Termen); - Intelligence - ability to adapt to new conditions (Piaget). 2. Tests of success - are used to determine the level of knowledge / skills acquired in certain areas of professional activity or training. Typically a group. 3. Tests skills - predicting levels of knowledge tv. Skills that a person can achieve, under certain conditions of study or work. Evaluated on the number of correctly performed tasks. The content is divided into: - General skills - skills that are in all cases the activity; - Special abilities - artistic, mathematical, engineering and so on. 4. Personality tests - designed to assess emotional and volitional components of mental activity, relationships, motives, interests, emotional and volitional, behavioral characteristics. Forms of psychological testing: Individual - Interaction researcher and study alone. Advantages of-opportunity observation gestures, facial expressions, statements of the respondent; change tests. Disadvantages - requires a lot of time ineffective. Group - working with many people simultaneously. Advantage - uniformity of conditions. Disadvantage - the impossibility of establishing mutual understanding of the clinical trial. Methods of testing can be divided into three stages: 1) selection of the test (due to testing and the degree of accuracy and reliability of the test); 2) it is held (subject to a manual test); 3) interpretation of results (determined by a system of theoretical assumptions concerning the subject of testing). In conclusion we can say that a scientific knowledge of such a complex phenomenon that is the psyche, largely depends on the researcher to approach the object of knowledge. This approach is defined by a system of methodological principles, or principles. Psychology has a broad arsenal of methods of active research, knowledge and influence on the human psyche to help her in difficult conditions present tense dynamic life. In psychological research used four groups of methods that meet certain stages of research: organizational, empirical, methods of data processing, interpretation methods. Each group has its purpose for the organization and conduct of search activity and their use in combination provides the goals and objectives of psychological research. During data collection the most widely used empirical methods such as observation, discussion, questioning, testing, psychological experiment. Usually associated with them an understanding of methodological foundations of psychology, but very important to the methods of processing and interpretation of results that provide a logical and semantic content for the information collect.