Teaching of English as an international language

Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

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English language educators, the most problematic aspect of defining English as an international language remains the notion of competence. This paper, proposed as an introduction to a long term project aiming at defining competence for EIL more fully, will attempt to introduce the issues in order to stimulate debate in the Asian EFL context and particularly, it is hoped, in the pages of this journal on the issue of competence in EIL education.the one hand, "international" communication seems to require multiple competences. Studies of pragmatic and discourse competences, that focus on the process of achieving mutual intelligibility in whole spoken or written texts, are assuming increasing significance. (See, for example McKay, 2002, pp. 49-76). In addition, developing the kind of strategic competence that has already been highlighted as an important aspect of "communicative competence" (e.g., Kasper and Kellerman, 1997, Bachman, 1990), is also inevitably worthy of renewed attention, as international communication seems to require the ability to adjust to almost infinitely diverse intercultural communication situations. Traditionally, however, "communicative competence" (Hymes, 1972) has been used to refer to the adaptation to single and well-established speech communities. Preparing for communication between people from a broad range of backgrounds, who will often communicate beyond their own or their interlocutors speech communities in some kind of ill-defined third zone, implies the need to have a highly developed repertoire of communication strategies.an increased focus on multiple competences is both necessary and inevitable, a related concern is that there is a danger of "international" becoming a byword for reduced linguistic competence. For language teachers, "knowing" a language has not commonly been a question of pragmatic or strategic competence, yet linguistic competence has still to be adequately addressed in discussions of so-called "International English". Indeed, some would argue (e.g., Acar, 2005) that it has never been adequately addressed throughout the so-called "communicative" era. Considering English as a language increasingly used for international communication is not the same as defining English as an "International Language". To become competent in a language, it has always been assumed that there is a body of linguistic knowledge that needs to be learned, whether this be phonological, grammatical or lexical, often in relation to particular speech communities.




current status of the theory of learning a foreign language and the obtained knowledge makes it necessary once again to return to the competence of communicative teaching. At the turn of the century has changed the sociocultural context of learning foreign languages in Kazakhstan. Greatly increased their educational and self-education functions in schools and universities, professional significance in the labor market as a whole, resulting in the enhancement of motivation to learn languages of international communication. Communicative-based learning is also becoming a tool of social and cultural education. Communicative-based learning of foreign language means to form a school students communicative competence of language, conversation and practical, social, linguistic and intellectual, when the student is ready to use language as an implement of discourse activity. The purpose of the article is to consider the role of communicative competence in the XXI century and develop the model of training future teachers of English to the formation of communicative competence at the secondary school.


1.1 The essence of competence-based approach


The essence of competence-based approach - in the process of training a person must get very specific practice-oriented knowledge and develop specific socially and professionally important qualities, possessing which will be successful in life.importance is the training of future teachers to the formation of communicative competence at secondary school based on English lessons., Kazakhstani system of Education needs innovative methods of training teachers of English as a Foreign Language.above mentioned was equally interesting for me the preparation of future teachers pedagogical universities of Great Britain.for the essential experience of international cooperation was in the form of scientific training thanks to the Program Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.program Research study in Humanity at the University of Buckingham assisted to gain excellent experience on training teachers of English as a Foreign Language. It was a good chance to study on leading practices. Attending the lectures of British colleagues the improved lecturers were: Mrs. Felicity Robert-Holmes - Interpersonal Communication, Doctor Katherine Finlay - Individual Differences, Ms. Caroline Cushen - TEFL skills and , Jo Gregory - English through Culture Studies and Claire Stulteins - Translation Skills and Methods, Ms Katherine Damon - Mass Communication, Mr.Gerry Loftus - Teaching Academic English.scientific [1.15], educational and technological prerequisites [2.215] for the development of communicative competence under the comparative analysis of the educational process in two countries led to the following problems:

To develop students awareness of important aspects of communication used in interpersonal situations particularly in educational process;

To familiarize students with fundamental communicative competence on EFL teaching skills;

To enable students to evaluate materials and language test for suitability to secondary school of applications

To provide opportunities for students to train to the formation of communicative competence on EFL lessons appropriate to particular students groups;communicative approach is based on the fact that a successful mastery of communication skills, future teachers must master not only the linguistic forms, but they must have formed an idea of how to use them in real communication with the students.of the listed skills, ability to establish contact with other people and to maintain it has been determined by several researchers. (Michael Byram Clevedon, J.M. Zhukov, L.A Petrovskii, P.V Rastyannikov).particular importance is the development communicative competence of of future professionals of the future teachers and school students. What is the meaning associated with the notion of what is meant by the formation of communicative competence in the XXI century?concept of communicative competence has seen many changes in ideas. We may divide the trends of the this concept in the last 45 years into 4 phases.1 - it refers to linguistic competence, especially in grammar (D.Hymes, N.Chomsky, 1966). It considers the language users grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and social knowledge appropriately.2 - consists of three components: grammatical competence: words and rules, sociolinguistic competence: appropriateness, strategic competence: appropriate use of communication strategies.(Canale and Swain, 1980)3 - includes organizational competence, which consists both grammatical and discourse (or textual) competence, and "pragmatic competence," which includes both sociolinguistic and "illocutionary" competence (Bachman, 1990).4 - Emerita Banados, Kristi Jauregi add into the concept of communicative competence: strategic, linguistic, discourse, pragmatic, intercultural competence.(2009)[3.37]., if we talk about the substantive content of the communicative competence of future teachers and secondary school students, the academic subject must be designed not as a sign system plus efforts to make it their own, but as a subject of learning.of the principal tasks of the teacher in forming communicative competence of secondary school students is the organization of an environment in which students acquire skills that match the high level of communication.to communicate include:

) the desire to make contact with the students;

) the ability to organize communication, including the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to emotionally empathize, to show empathy, the ability to resolve conflicts;

) knowledge of rules and regulations to be followed when dealing with the students.to Jack C.Richards communicative competence in communicative language teaching includes the following aspects of language knowledge:

knowing how to produce and understand different types texts (e.g. narratives, reports, interviews, conversations)

maintain how to maintain communication despite having limitations in ones language knowledge (e.g. through using different kinds of communication strategies) .[4.3], we shouldnt forget that the XXI century secondary school students are mostly interested in web technology and the innovative role of English Language Teaching has changed where the teacher of English language has to start working with technology using web 2.0 tools[5.303]., communicative competence of future English Teachers considers not only the ability to carry out speech activity which means the language is spoken, properly use the system language, also it covers the web technology standards and choose communicative behavior in accordance with the goals and the situation of communication within a particular sphere of activities.


1.2 How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect on secondary school students in communication


How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect