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Статья - Культура и искусство
Другие статьи по предмету Культура и искусство
Knowledge" and "Life" in Creation Story. Pp. 103-19 in Winsdom in Israel. VTSup (Vetus Testamentum Supplements) 3. Leiden.
8. Gordis R. 1957. The Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Old Testament and the Qumran Scrolls. JBL 76: 123-38.
9. Krasovec J. 1977. Der Merismus im Biblisch-Hebrdischen und Nordwestsemitischen. Rome.
10. Langdon S. 1928. The Legend of the Kiskan. JRAS (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society) 843-48.
11. Lurcer M. 1871. Der Baum im Alten Orient. Ein Beitrag zur Symbolgeschichte. Pp. 147-75 in Beitrdge zur Geschichte, Kultur und Religion des alten Orients, ed. M. Lurker. Baden-Baden.
12. Soggin J.A. 1975. The Fall of Man in the Third Chapter of Genesis. Pp. 169-78 in Old Testament and Oriental Studies. BibOr (Biblica et orientalia) 29. Rome.
13. Tsevat M. 1975. The Two Trees in the Garden of Eden. EI (Eretz Israel) 12: 40-43 (Hebrew). English Summary, 119.
14. Wallace H. 1992. Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life. ABD. Vol. VI. Pp. 656-660.
15. Wallace H. 1985. The Eden Narrative. HSM (Harvard Semitic Monographs) 32. Atlanta.
16. Westermann C. 1984. Genesis 1-11: A Commentary. Trans. J. Scullion. London.
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