Project of glucoamylase production by submerged cultivation of Aspergillus awamori
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6;С; at 130 Сc= 130,5 kcal/kg (547,2 KJ/kg).discharge of steam on sterilization
v-specific volume of saturated water steam at
р = 4 kg/cm2
? = 0,3818 m3/kg.of steam outflow from orifices in heating column
? - velocity coefficient, ? = 0.9; - enthalpy of steam at inlet to orifice; = 657,3 kcal/kg (2755 KJ/kg);"- enthalpy of steam at outlet from orifice and mixing with heated mediumр= 1,755 kg/cm2 (tsat = 130С),"=650,6 kcal/kg (2720 KJ/kg).square of orifices in medium heater necessary for inlet of heating steam
of orifices with diameter 2 mm for inlet of steam into medium
of one orifice with diameter 2 mm
the inner cylinder of heater with diameter 12 mm consider six rows of orifices - 294/6 = 49 orifices per row.of medium flow in heater
section for passage of medium through heater
din - inner diameter of sleeve for passage of mass;in = 104 mm.of medium stay in heating head
where l - length of heating cylinder= 0.4 m.
Results of calculations of heater with given parameters:of heat necessary for heating of mass 959500 kcal/hdischarge of steam on sterilization 710 m3/hof steam outflow from orifices in heating column 213.5 m/secof orifices with diameter 2 mm for inlet of steam into medium 294of medium stay in heating head 1.36 sec.
.Enzyme glucoamylase is commercially valuable biological product that is widely used in food and agricultural industry, that is for beverages and feed additives production. The most feasible and efficient method of this enzyme production is microbial synthesis. According to reviewed literature the best microorganism for glucoamylase production is mold Asp. awamori because of its high activity for biosynthesis.
.The best method for the production of glucoamylase by cultivation of Asp.awamori is submerged fermentation on the corn mash substrate, because of easier controlling of parameters, minimal requirements of hand labor, low cost of raw material and possibility of sufficient providing medium with Oxygen due to requirements of aerobic culture.
.Technological process of glucoamylase production in department of biosynthesis includes the several stages, such as additional works (preparation of equipment, water, air sterilization, disinfectants and nutrient medium preparation), preparation of inoculums and actually fermentation. And according to these stages technological and equipment schemes of glucoamylase production by submerged cultivation were developed.
.Time of medium holding in heating head for sterilization 27 m3 of nutrient medium from 30 to 130oC with volumetric discharge of steam 710 m3/h is 1.36 sec and quantity of orifices with diameter 2 mm for inlet of steam into medium is 294.
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Appendix. Characteristics of different producers of glucoamylase
B1 Characteristics of different producers of glucoamylase [5]
Sources of glucoamylase Optimal conditions Molecular weight, kDa Isoelectric point (рI) Content of carbohydrates, % Degree of soluble starch hydrolysis, % рН temperature, С Endomycopsis sp. 20-9 5,7-5,9 50 53,0 3,8-3,82 8,5 98-99 Endomyces JF 00111 4,8-5,0 - 55,0 4,8-5,5 present - Rhizopus javanicus 5,0-5,2 - 48,0 7,5-8,0 10,5 - Aspergillus awamori 4,5 60 83,7-88,0 3,7 - 90 Aspergillus niger: I 4,5-5,0 - 99,0 3,4 - 95 II 4,5-5,0 - 112,0 4,0 - - Mucor rouxianus I 4,6 55 59,0 8,4 present 100 Rhizopus delemar 4,5 40 100,0 - - 95 Penicillium oxalicum 5,0 55-60 84,0 7,0 - 88 Aspergillus phoenicis 4,5 60 69,0 - 17,0 - Aspergillus awamori X-100 4,7-5,0 60-62 62,0 4,4 presen -