Post-structuralism in France
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ucturalism derives ultimately from philosophy. It inherits this habit of scepticism, and intensifies it. It regards any confidence in the scientific method as naive, and proclaims the idea that we cant know anything for certain.
2.Structuralist writing tends towards abstraction and generalisation: it aims for a detached, scientific coolness of tone. Post-structuralist writing, by contrast, tends to be much more emotive. It seems to aim for an engaged warmth rather than detached coolness.
.Structuralists accept that the world is constructed through language, in the sense that we do not have access to reality other than through the linguistic medium. Post-structuralism argues that reality itself is textual. People are not fully in control of the medium of language, so meanings cannot be planted in set places. Thats why linguistic anxiety is a keynote of the post-structuralist outlook.
.Structuralism questions our way of structuring and categorising reality, and inspires us to break free of habitual modes of categorisation, but it believes that we can thereby attain a more reliable view of things. Post-structuralism distrusts the very notion of reason, and the idea of the human being as an independent entity, preferring the notion of the constructed subject, whereby what we may think of as the individual is really a product of social and linguistic forces.
The key figures of post-structuralist movement were French philosophers Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault. In his book Of Grammatology (1967) Jacques Derrida introduced the term deconstruction, when discussing the implications of understanding language as writing rather than speech. Deconstruction is the process of showing, through close textual and conceptual analysis, how such oppositions are contradicted by the very effort to formulate and employ them. Deconstruction generally tries to demonstrate that any text is not a discrete whole but contains several contradictory meanings; that any text therefore has more than one interpretation; that the text itself links these interpretations inextricably; that the incompatibility of these interpretations is irreducible; and thus that an interpretative reading cannot go beyond a certain point.1968 Roland Barthes wrote what is largely considered to be his best-known work, the essay The Death of the Author. In his essay, Barthes criticizes the method of reading and criticism that relies on aspects of the authors identity - his or her political views, historical context, religion, ethnicity, psychology, or other biographical or personal attributes - to distill meaning from the authors work. In this type of criticism, the experiences and biases of the author serve as a definitive explanation of the text. Readers must thus separate a literary work from its creator in order to liberate the text from interpretive tyranny. The unity of a text is in its destination - the reader; though the reader too is inscribed, not personal. Hence, the birth of reader begins with the death of the author.Foucault always insisted that he was not a post-structuralist critic but rather a genealogist. But a lot of scholars consider him to be one of the founders of post-structuralism. Foucault shows how discourses regulate what can be said, what can be thought, and what is considered true or correct. However, there were many other propositions that were neither true nor false but fell outside the discursive system altogether. Discourse is thus the medium through which power is expressed and people and practices are governed. Foucault also argued that the history of thought is a misnomer, as it implied a continuous evolution of ideas. Rather, he used the terms genealogy or archeology of knowledge, focusing on the breaks between one eras discourse and anothers.the end, it is worthy saying that post-structuralism has had an enormous significance. It has left important marks on the development of literary theory and criticism. Moreover, it has led to the rise and the development of various schools of literary thought and criticism: Yale Deconstructionism, Psychoanalysis, Feminism and post-modernism.
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