National varieties of English

Информация - Иностранные языки

Другие материалы по предмету Иностранные языки

n, Charles K. (1958). "An introduction to the phonetics of American English" (2nd ed.). New York: The Ronald Press Co., S.J. (1945) The Australian language, Angus and Robertson, S.J. (revised edition 1966) The Australian language, Sun Books Bell, M. (1867) Visible speech, E.J. (1957) The phonetic writings of Robert Robinson, A.J.(1889) Early English pronunciation, P. (1967) Three areas of experimental phonetics, Oxford University Press.Mitchell, A.G. (1946) The pronunciation of English in Australia, Angus and Robertson.

Mitchell, A.G., & Delbridge, A. (revised edition, 1965) The pronunciation of English in Australia, Angus and Robertson., A.G., & Delbridge, A. (1965) The speech of Australian adolescents, Angus and Robertson. Allen H.B. Canadian-American Differences.-JCLA,V,Spring ,1952 Bloomfield M.W. Canadian English and its Relation to Eighteenth Century American speech.-JEGP,1948