Madam Tussaud's Museum

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ving images and animatronic ride “The Spirit of London”. I could hardly imagine that there are even speaking wax figures and that visitors can freely interact with them dance, sing, play and what not! I was also impressed reading about Studio Secrets; the process of making wax sculpture is a real art! And can you imagine that each hair is inserted individually and it takes five weeks? And of course it was a surprise for me to follow wonderful changes and how the museum gradually turned into a great international complex Tussauds Group!

I cant but say I highly appreciate Marie Grosholz, or Madame Tussaud. I admire this talented strong, courageous and enthusiastic business lady. Im sure her life and the history of the Museum can serve a brilliant example for business people how to develop and expand ones business. And without any doubts she would be proud to see the fantastic changes of her creation!

My report is supported with a video “Madame Tussauds Museum”, which was really helpful. I got a vivid picture of the Museum and watched the process of wax figure making in a mould studio, as if I have visited it myself.

I wish I could drop in a chilling Chamber of Horrors, or come to a life size chocolate figure of Sir Elton John and smell it! And it would be nice to watch David Beckham taking his free kick and listen to his beating heart!

I wonder if there is wax Marilyn Manson there. It would be great!



  • Studio Secrets booklet, copyright M. Tussauds Limited, 1993, produced by Big Design, London, p. 49 - 50
  • World Business Legends magazine, № 4, 2004
  • Uchitelskaya Gazeta, Olga Dmitrieva (
  • Stories To Enjoy (intermediate), Moscow, “Manager” p. 111-113
  • Speak Out Magazine № 6, 2004, p. 8 9
  • Wax Works Museum, A. Greiser, Ekaterinburg, p. 86 89
  • Video “Madam Tussauds Museum” \ “Waking Around London”




How It All Began

Madam Tussauds and Her Museum

Studio Secrets

Entertaining and Amazing People

Developing Business


