Геополитические особенности взаимоотношений МЕРКОСУР, ЕС и НАФТА

Курсовой проект - Политология

Другие курсовые по предмету Политология

, September 1998.

  • Jacob P., Toscano J. The integration of political Communities. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1964.
  • Molle W. The economics of European integration: theory, practice, policy. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1994.
  • Mutimer D. Theories of political integration // European integration: theories and approaches / Ed. by H.Michelmann, P.Soldatos. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994.
  • Pistone S. Altiero Spinelli and the strategy for the United States of Europe // The European Union: readings on the theory and practice of European integration / Ed. by B.Nelsen and A.Stubb. Boulder: Reinner, 1994.
  • Projet de communication de la Commission au Conseil, au Parlement europeen et au Comite economique et social sur un nouveau partenariat Union europeenne/Amerique latine a l aube du XXIieme.
  • Rouquie Alain, Perspectivas inmediatas del dialogo Union Europea-America Latina, in: Fundacion Friedrich-Ebert en Colombia, Fescol (Edit.), Union Europea-America Latina, Bogota 1995.
  • Tovias A. A survey of the theory of economic integration // European integration: theories and approaches / Ed. by H.Michelmann, P. Soldatos. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994.