Humanity in J. Conrad's and W. Somerset's creativity
Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки
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23. Pulman 1983 Pulman S.G. Word Meaning and Belief. L., Canberra: CROOM HELM, 1983. P. 82169.
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32. Webster, M.; Driskell, J.E. Beauty as status // Amer. j. of sociology. - Chicago, 1983. - vol.89, N 1. - p. 140-165
33. Wierzbicka A. Lexicography and conceptual analysis. Ann. Arbor: Karoma, 1985 P. 41
34. Wierzbicka A. Semantics, Culture and Cognition. Universal Human Concepts in Cultural-specific Configurations N.Y. Oxford, 1992.