Creating Market Economy in Eastern Europe

Информация - Экономика

Другие материалы по предмету Экономика


  1. Clague Christpher : The Emergence of Market Economics in Eastern Europe, 1992
  2. Blanchard O., Layard R. : Economic Change in Poland, 1990
  3. Kornai I. : The Road to a free Economy
  4. Rausser G.C. : A Noncooperative Model of Multilateral Bargaining
  5. Schumpeter I.A. : The Theory of Economic Development
  6. World Bank : World Development Report, 1990
  7. Giersch H. : Tawards a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin 1991
  8. Kahtzenbach Erhard : Problems of Reconstructuring in Eastern Europe
  9. Gregory P.R., Streart R.C. : Comparative Economic Systems
  10. Hartmats R: Making markets: Economic transformation in Eastern Europe and the Post Soviet States.