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n of family and extra family valuable orientations were actively investigated. In the early seventies scientists of the Moscow state university of M.V.Lomonosov under the direction of A.I.Antonov have started development of methods of definition of a parity of orientations to a family and extra family activity in selective field sociological interrogations.

And children in a context of the concept of crisis of birth rate, a family and family values the first works A.I.Antonov and V.A.Borisov are devoted a problem of social measurement of values of a family, 25-year-old experience of such researches has been generalised in work "family Microsociology (methodology of research of structures and processes)" where features of application of methods of interrogation, supervision and the konteit-analysis to family studying, various methods of research of life cycle of a family, methods of sociological research of family behaviour have been in detail considered. The analysis of merits and demerits of the sociological methods used in sociology of a family presented by the author, allows to define among them those which application for the purpose of revealing of degree of prevalence of family and extra family valuable orientations raises probability of finding-out of true valuable preferences of respondents.

According to L. У and M.L.Goffman, use of those sociological methods which mean application of verbal ways of revealing of valuable orientations, promote reception of stereotypic answers that leads to decrease in reliability of the necessary information. In this connection the given scientists suggest to use more actively nonverbal methods (for example, drawings and photos), and also to develop special tests on revealing of family and extra family valuable orientations.

Special attempt of the deep scientific analysis of a problem of a parity of two types of valuable orientations (family and extra family), detection of the reasons of domination in system of valuable orientations of the modern person of orientations to self-realisation in professional sphere, on achievement of the high social status has undertaken Н. G.Markovskaja - the representative of a school of thought of crisis of values of a life ".

Techniques of allocation of groups of the respondents who focused and have been not focused on a family, and also the factors influencing formation of family and extrafamily valuable orientations, have been considered in works V.N.Arhangelsky, V.B.Olshansky, Ю. P.Siks, etc.

Among works of the American scientists it is necessary to note researches of 1990th A. R.Hohshild revealing of the reasons of prevalence of extra family valuable orientations in structure of the person of Americans was which purpose. Thus the author actively used methods of the simple and included supervision, the analysis of documents and the deep interview which combination has allowed to raise reliability of the received results.

Decrease in value of family results in more and more wide circulation among the population of extra family valuable orientations, ways of self-realisation in all spheres of ability to live, excepting the family. It is expressed also that now the growing number of people feels requirement for values replacing family value and objects. The reasons of occurrence of the given requirement and ways of its satisfaction were considered in the works by A.A.Popov, V.I.Maksimenkov, L.Hozjainova, and also E.Bek, M.Bouens foreign researchers, X. Бриджер., E.Kejn, E.Ketcher, L.Okonevski, L.Sajmon, spouses Salmon, S.Smith, B.Fogl and others.

Thus, works of many scientists are devoted the analysis of family and extra family valuable orientations. Nevertheless, the methodology of research of a parity of family and extra family valuable orientations, in our opinion, has not received sufficient illumination neither in domestic, nor in the foreign sociological literature. Works in which attempt of studying of a parity of family and extra family valuable orientations in structure of the person of individuals becomes, and also the all-round analysis of the sociological methods which application should ensure a solid data is carried out, are still enough rare.


Methods of measurement of family and extra family valuable orientations


Use of a method of the analysis of documents at studying of family and extra family valuable orientations allows to avoid almost completely negative influence of protective motives on interpretation of the received data. Applying a konteet-analysis method, the sociologist works with already "ready" documents (photos, pictures, letters, autobiographies) which have been created without participation of the scientist. Influence of the researcher using a method of the content-analysis, on character of the received information is shown only at a choice of this or that way of selection of documents and interpretation of the data.

The supervision method also opens the big possibilities for studying of features of mutual relations of members of the family, those valuable orientations which define the basic directions of their activity. At simple (disconnect) supervision influence of the sociologist on behaviour of members of a family minimum. In this sense the given kind of supervision can be compared to a method of the analysis of documents: in either case the scientist does not accept almost any participation in creation of a subject of interpretation of a research material.

The included supervision allows the scientist to plunge into house atmosphere, unique for each concrete family. The researcher has possibility to be present at all more or less important events of home life to fix features of mutual relations of members of a family, to observe of a daily routine of parents and children. A lack of the given kind of supervision is certain influence, rendered by its presence on character of family interactions.

Advantage of a method of interrogation as one of the sociological methods, allowing to estimate degree of prevalence of family and extra family valuable orientations, consists that it is less labour-consuming in comparison with methods of the analysis of documents and supervision, and also that it is convenient for using in mass sociological researches on enough big samples. Application of a method of interrogation appears the most effective in a combination to such methods, as deep interview, supervision, the analysis of documents, various projective technicians: it allows modifying the received answers to questionnaire questions, having studied the information received in the various ways.

Use of a method of stories of the life, being one of versions of a method of interrogation, allows the scientist to reveal the factors which have influenced formation of those or other valuable orientations of the individual, to learn about those "significant others" which have played the important role his lives.

The method of "semantic differential", C.Osgud created in 1952, long enough time is applied to measurement of valuable orientations, including family and extra family. Techniques SD directed on finding-out of degree of distinction in an estimation defined understood, of objects by one person or a group of persons, according to A.I.Antonova, involves "... The ability to remove self-checking I to neutralise activization of protective motivation of the person, arising at any interrogation".

Essentially raises efficiency of use of method SD at studying of the relation of respondents to family and extra family values comparison of offered values with each other with application of a considerable quantity of scales, and also estimation on the same scales "distracting" concepts and objects. To define, what of vital values are preferred by examinees, with such concepts, as "business of all my life", "the most important comparison of considered values helps with my life", "sense of my life", "the most insignificant (insignificant) in my life". Application of words procedure will help to find out, what values are the most significant for respondents.

The method of designing of images which has applied Н, G.Markovskaja, opens new possibilities of studying of family and extra family valuable orientations. The associative perception and expression interrogated various aspects of home life, professional and any other activity helps the researcher to receive the bright, sated images of the given phenomena, precisely to define, how, negatively or positively, they influence the concrete person. A lack of a method of designing of images is the certain probability of inclusion in consciousness of respondents of protective mechanisms and attempts to be limited to the statement of socially approved opinions about the interesting sociologist objects. Also use of the given method assumes presence at interrogated well developed associative thinking which potential respondents possess not all.

Thus, the analysis of the basic sociological methods of measurement of family and extra family valuable orientations has shown that at research carrying out on the given subjects it is necessary to combine some various methods as it considerably will raise probability of neutralisation of action various mechanisms and, hence, will give possibility to scientists to consider all aspects of valuable orientations of the respondent, to reveal an orientation of the person, to find out factors under which influence its system of values is formed, and also to receive the fullest, exact information on preference the individual of family or extra family valuable orientations.


Sociological methods