City of London

Дипломная работа - География

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ion, I would like to say, that the City has diversified away from near exclusive office use in other ways. For example, several hotels and the City's first department store have opened. A shopping mall is being built at New Change, near St Paul's Cathedral. However, large sections of the City remain very quiet at weekends, especially those areas in the eastern section of the City, and it is quite common to find pubs and cafes closed on these days.trend for purely office development is beginning to reverse as the Corporation encourages residential use, although the resident population is not expected to exceed 10,000 people. Some of the extra accommodation is in small pre-World War II listed buildings, which are not suitable for occupation by the large companies which now provide much of the City's employment.

Central London is home to the headquarters of most of the UK's top 100 listed companies (the FTSE 100 market.




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5.London. 161 colour plates - map of the city centre. Thomas Benacci LTD. London. 2007.