Биосинтез 2Н-меченого инозина высокого уровня дейтерированности

Статья - Иностранные языки

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b>.V. Lomonosov, 117571 Moscow, Vernadskogo Pr., 86;


The biosynthesis of 2Н-labeled purine ribonucleoside inosine (yeald 3/9 g/l) with using an adapted to deuterium strain of Bacillus subtilis on heavy water medium with highly level of deuteration (89-90 at.% 2H2O), containing 2% hydrolyzate of biomass of methylotrophic bacterium Brevibacterium methylicum as a source of 2H-labeled growth substrates (the biosynthetic conditions: synthetic medim M9 with 98% 2Н2O and 2% [U-2Н]methanol, the incubation period 5-6 days at 370C) was carried out. The studyng of the level of deuterium enrichment of inosine by a method of FAB mass-spectrometry found out the polymorhysm of isotopic introduction into the molecule (isotopic composition of inosine: 4 at. 2H, 20%, 5 at. 2H, 38%, 6 at. 2H, 28%, 7 at. 2H, 14%) with deuterium introduction to ribose and hypoxantine fragments of the molecule.