Типы экологического мышления береговедов и берегопользователей

Статья - География

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°ссматриваемую проблему комплексно, с использованием всего имеющегося разнообразия экологического мышления.

Список литературы

1. Brown S.R. Political Subjectivity: Applications of Q-Methodology in Political Science. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1980. P. 5 -6.

2. Brown S.R. and Ungs T.D. Representativeness and the study of Political Behaviour// Social Science Quarterly. 1970. - 51. P. 514 -526.

3. Brown S.R., Dan W. Durning and Sally Selden. Q-Methodology. // Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration. NY Marcel Docker, 1999. P. 599 -637.

4. Bush D.M., Pilkey O.H. and W.J. Neal. Living by the tules of the Sea. Duke University Press, Durham and London, 1966. 179 p.

5. Cobb J.B. Is it too Late? Renton, Texas,1995. 111 p.

6. Colby M. Environmental Management in Development, World Bank // Discussion Papers 80. Washington,1990. 80 p.

7. Deitrick S. Examining Community Perceptions to Brownfields Revitalization in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Paper presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Pasadena, California, 5 -8 November, 1998.

8. Durning D. and Osuna W. Policy Analysts Roles and Value Orientations: an Empirical investigation Using Q-Methodology // Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1994. 13. N 4. P. 629 -657.

9. Gajdamashko N. and Durning D. Are the managerial perspectives of Ukrainian public administrators changing?- Proc. of a conference "Organisational Psychology and Transition Processes in Central and Eastern Europe". Dubrovnik, Croatia,1998. P. 88 -98.

10. Gargan J.J. and Brown S.R. What is to be Done? // Policy Sciences. 1993. 26. 347 -359.

11. Golley F.B. A Primer for Environmental literacy. Yale University Press, 1993. 254 p.

12. Haq B.U., Haq S.M., Kullenberg G., Stel J.H. Coastal Zone Management. Kluver Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, Boston, London,1997. 394 p.

13. Hooker A.M. Beliefs regarding Society and Natures A Framework for listening in Forest and Environmental Policy", 11 th international Conference on Subjectivity, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 12-14, 1995.

14. Leopold A. A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There. Oxford University Press, NY, 1949. 224 p.

15. Luria A.R. The making of mind. M./Ed. Cole & S. Cole. Cambridge, MA, 1979. P. 174.

16. Naess A. The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement: A Summary. /Inquiry. 1973. 16. P. 95- 100.

17. Norton В. Toward Unity Among Environmentalists. Oxford University Press, 1991. 287 p.

18. Odum E.P. A New Ecology for the Coast // Coast Alert, San Francisco, 1981. P. 145 -181.

19. Odum E.P. Ecological Vignettes. Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998. 269 p.

20. Stephenson W. Correlating Persons Instead of Tests // Character and Personality. 1935. 4. P. 17-24.

21. Stephenson W. Protoconcursus: The Concourse Theory of Communication. Operant Subjectivity, 1986. 9: 37 -58, 73-96.

Список литературы

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