Теория социокультурных систем english
Курсовой проект - Разное
Другие курсовые по предмету Разное
100 years or more)
7. Prognostic stage: Further intensive development of Black African SCS based on its own socio-cultural standards. Establishing connections between the Black African homeland and its overseas enclave-communities (quite distant future)
Barbarian-Nomadic SCS
Model 4.
- Vikings - Varangians as a part of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS
- Western Slavs (Poles)
- Magyars (Hungarians) as a part of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS
- Southern Slavs
Model 5.
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Japanese SCD
Model 6.
- North-European buffer zone
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Minor-Asian buffer zone
- Crimean Khanate and its assimilation into Russian SCS
- Territories inhabited by Kazakhs, Kalmuks etc. and their socio-cultural transformation
- Territories inhabited by Mongols etc. and their socio-cultural transformation
Muslim SCS
Model 9.
- Areas within European continent controlled by Muslim SCS of its 2nd stage
Model 10.
- Areas within European continent controlled by Muslim SCS of its 3rd stage
- Assimilation of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS migrants (vandals) during V - VI centuries
- Assimilation of Alexander the Great and his armies during IV century BC
Model 11.
- Areas within European continent controlled by Muslim SCS of its 4th stage
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Byzantine Empire as a buffer zone
Model 12.
- Western enclave within Muslim SCS
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Byzantine, and then Ottoman Empire as a buffer zone
- Military-political vassals within the territories of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS (in Middle Asia)
- Military-political vassals within the territories of Hindu SCS
- Military-political vassals within the territories of Black African SCS
Model 13.
- Western enclave within Muslim SCS
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Ottoman Empire as a buffer zone
- Buffer zone between Hindu and Muslim SCS-s
- Enclave-communities within the territories of mixed socio-cultural regions
Model 14.
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Turkey as a buffer zone
- Buffer zone between Hindu and Muslim SCS-s
- Enclave-communities within the territories of mixed socio-cultural regions
- Enclave-communities within the territories of Black African SCS
Chinese SCS
Model 18.
- Japanese SCD
Model 19.
Other socio-cultural formations
- Japanese SCD
Buffer zone
- Taiwan
- Manchuria
- Mongolia
- Western territories
- Tibet
Model 20.
Other socio-cultural formations
- Japanese SCD
External buffer zone
- Mongolia
Internal buffer zone
- Manchuria
- Western territories
- Tibet
Western enclaves within the Chinese homeland
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong and Macao
- Enclave-communities within the territory of Western SCS
Model 21.
Other socio-cultural formations
- Japanese SCD
External buffer zone
- Mongolia
Internal buffer zone
- Manchuria
- Western territories
- Tibet
Chinese homeland
- Taiwan
- Enclave-communities within the territory of Western SCS
- Enclave-communities within the territory of mixed socio-cultural regions
Western SCS
Model 23.
- Greek-Roman enclaves within Barbarian-Nomadic SCS
- Greek-Roman enclaves within Asia Minor as an external buffer zone
- Greek-Roman enclaves within Muslim SCS (in Northern Africa)
- Western conquerors assimilated in Muslim SCS
Model 24.
- German states as the Eastern internal buffer zone
- Italy and Greece as the Southern internal buffer zone
Model 25.
- German states as the Eastern internal buffer zone
- Italy and Greece as the Southern internal buffer zone
- Portuguese and Spanish states as the Western internal buffer zone
- Northern part of East-European external buffer zone
- East-European external buffer zone
- South-European external buffer zone
- Western enclaves within Muslim SCS during Crusades
- Western enclaves within Byzintine Empire as external buffer zone, during Crusades
Model 26.
- German states as the Eastern internal buffer zone
- Italy and Greece as the Southern internal buffer zone
- Portuguese and Spanish states as the Western internal buffer zone
- Enclave-communities of Black African SCS in North America
Model 27.
Internal buffer zones
- German states as the Eastern internal buffer zone
- Italy and Greece as the Southern internal buffer zone
- Portuguese and Spanish states as the Western internal buffer zone
- Enclave-communities of Black African SCS in North America
- Enclave-communities of Chinese SCS in North America
- Enclave-communities of Chinese SCS in Australia
Model 28.
Internal buffer zones
- German states as the Eastern internal buffer zone
- Italy and Greece as the Southern internal buffer zone
- Portuguese and Spanish states as the Western internal buffer zone
- Enclave-communities of Black African SCS in North America
- Enclave-communities of Chinese SCS in North America
- Enclave-communities of Chinese SCS in Australia
Russian SCS
Model 31.
External buffer zones
- East-European buffer zone, Polish lands
- South-European buffer zone
Model 32.
External buffer zones
- East-European buffer zone, Polish lands
- South-European buffer zone
- New Russian homeland created on base of the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates territories
- New Russian homeland created on base of the Barbarian-Nomadic SCSs and Northern SCDs territories
Model 33.
External buffer zones
- Finland
- East-European buffer zone, Polish lands
- South-European buffer zone
Growth of the Russian homeland
- White-Russian lands
- Kazakh lands
- Far-East region
Internal buffer zones
- The Baltic States
- Ukrainian lands
- Bessarabian lands
- Lands of Crimean Khanate as a relict of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS
- Caucasian region
- Middle-Asian region, excluding Kazakh lands
Other socio-cultural formations
- Japanese SCD
- Residual homeland of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS as a developing external buffer zone
Model 34.
External buffer zones
- North-European buffer zone
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Mongolian Peoples Republic as a buffer zone
Russian homeland
- Belorussian SSR
- Kazakh SSR
- Russian SFSR
Internal buffer zones
- Baltic SSR-s (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
- Ukrainian SSR
- Moldavian SSR
- Crimea as a specific territorial-administrative formation (autonomous republic within RSFSR, and then - oblast / province within Ukrainian SSR)
- Caucasian SSR-s (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidzan)
- Middle-Asian SSR-s (Uzbekistan, Turkmenia, Tadzhikistan, Kirgizia)
Other socio-cultural formations
- Japanese SCD
Model 35.
External buffer zones
- North-European buffer zone
- East-European buffer zone
- South-European buffer zone
- Mongolian buffer zone
Russian homeland