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Дипломная работа - Компьютеры, программирование

Другие дипломы по предмету Компьютеры, программирование

endbegin sost:=12; Writeln end;

: begin Edit:=Ord(ch) and $1F; Modul:=ch; ch:=Readkey;ch=otmena then sost:=3 else sost:=21;;

: if ch=#13 then begin sost:=22; Writeln endbegin sost:=12; Writeln end;

: if Modul='N' then sost:=24sost:=23;

: if EGR=1 then sost:=24sost:=12;

: begin TAM[Edit]; if EndProc then sost:=3 else sost:=12 end;;_8chisla(HOT);('T');_8chisla(KT);;;


Модуль Подпрограммы

Unit Ed_Subr;

InterfacePustFile;UstZn;Pr_8chisla(var ch : char);V_8chisla(Chislo : word);ReadText(var F : text);A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z;TAM : array[1..26] of procedure=(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z);Ed_Data, Crt;PustFile;(Buf[0])[false]:='0';(Buf[0])[true]:=#26;;UstZn;:=1;:=0;:=20480;:=0;:=0;;Pr_8chisla(var ch:char);chislo, cifra : integer;:=0;ch in ['0'..'7'] do begin(ch);:=chislo*8;:=ord(ch)-ord('0');:=cifra and $07;:=chislo+cifra;:=Readkey;;:=chislo;;V_8chisla(Chislo : word);i : shortint;(Chislo and $8000);:=12;((Chislo shr i) and $0007);:=i-3;i=-3;;Outline;ch : char;: byte;: boolean;YNC = KT then Writeln('РЙТРж вТРРДбвСЮРИ д !!!')begin:=false; YCC:=YNC; ch:='0';ch#13 do begin:=TArr(Buf[Adress])[j];j=true then Adress:=Adress+1;:=j xor true;;j=true then Adress:=Adress+1;:=k+1;;:=Adress;;ReadText(var F : text);ch : char;: integer;: boolean;:=HOT; j:=false;not Eof(F) do beginnot Eoln(F) do begin(F,ch);(Buf[i])[j]:=ch;j then Inc(i);:=j xor true;;(F);(Buf[i])[j]:=#13;not j then begin:=j xor true;(Buf[i])[j]:='0';;(i);:=j xor true;;(Buf[i])[j]:='0';:=j xor true;(F,ch);(Buf[i])[j]:=#26;:=i;;ReadScrText(var Mnt : boolean; var AC : word);ch : char;, j : boolean;: byte;:=2; Exit:=false; Mnt:=false;(not Exit) and (not Mnt) dosost of

: begin Write('>'); AC:=1; j:=false; sost:=3 end;

: begin ch:=Readkey;ch=Otmena then begin Writeln; sost:=2 end else sost:=6;;

: if ch=#26 then Mnt:=true else sost:=7;

: if (AC=39) and j and (ch<>#13) then begin;('РГгдТРа РЗ!!! "ENTER" п СЮСЮ бваРДЁ!!!');:=3begin(SmallBuf[AC])[j]:=ch;:=10;;

: if ch=#13 then begin Exit:=true; Writeln endbegin(ch);j then Inc(AC);:=j xor true;:=3;;;not j then begin:=j xor true;(SmallBuf[AC])[j]:='0';;;A;:=false;;B; {GO TO BEGIN}:=HOT;:=HOT;;C;:=false;;D; {DELETE STRING}i : integer;: integer;(YCC);:=YCC;:=YNC;[i]:=Buf[j];:=j+1;:=i+1;j=KT+1;:=YCC;:=i-1;;;E; {GO TO END}:=KT;:=KT;;F; {FOUND}k, i : word;, j : boolean;, ch2 : char;(Endfound, i);:=FALSE;:=YNC;(kHOT then Adress:=Adress+2Writeln('РМ з вТРРДбвСЮРИ д !!!');:=Adress;:=YNC;;;;Q;:=false;;R; {READ}ch : char;: boolean;: string[20];: text;('тАЪСЮТРЁвТР Ёп д п аТР РДвЁаСЮ Ёп: ');(FName);(F,FName);

{$I-} Reset(F); {$I+}:=IOResult=0;Result then begin(F);:=HOT;:=HOT;;Result then Close(F)begin(Buf[0])[false]:='0';(Buf[0])[true]:=#26;:=HOT;;;S;:=false;;T;:=false;;U;:=false;;V; {OUTPUT STRING}Povtor : integer;: boolean;:=0;:=false;YNC=KT then KV:=true;;:=Povtor+1;(Povtor=ARG) or KV;;W; { wRITE IN FILE}F : text;: char;: word;: boolean;: string[15];('тАЪСЮТРЁвТР Ёп РЗЁблСЮ ТРРИ ЁбРД д : ');(FName);(F,FName);(F);:=HOT; j:=false;iKT do begin:=TArr(Buf[i])[j];ch=#13 then count:=count+1;j=true then i:=i+1;:=j xor true;;('тАЪбТРРИ ', count, ' бваРД(Ё)..');;Y;:=false;;Z;:=false;
