Apple’s analysis

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d horizontally by opening various retail point of sales around the globe to push the Apple sales into a higher stage of market penetration. Also the online Apple store which is selling hundred of thousands of application every day was cutting age idea into the marketing strategies.





The comparative chart below (Yarrow J., Angelova K, 2010) shows the income of Apple versus Microsoft. As we can see from there, from 1976 till 2005 Apple was predictable, was working in the same way, doing just small inefficient changes. But Microsoft was much smarter, especially since 1998, they grew; it means that all the time they introduced something new and accessible for people, not very expensive. Since 1998 Microsoft has been doing changes, not very big, but on regular basis, but look at Apple. Since Sept 2005, they have been surprising people with big changes, bigger than Microsoft; their blue line makes big jumps.chart also proves that since the middle of the 1990s till nowadays, business situation has changes a lot. It is possible to explain due to the political and economic changes of that time. And as we can see, Microsoft Company understood this change much earlier and as a result is more adaptive to unpredictable future than was Apple till the beginning of the 20th century. Looking at Apples diagram we can see big ups and downs while experiencing new things. Although the history of the company itself already passed through one vicious learning circle and now is back to the balance.


2, Apple Vs. Microsoft revenue/income





1.Rosoff, M. (April, 2011) Apple">s profit is now higher than Microsoft [Electronic version]

.4.05.2011"> 4.05.2011

.Alava, J. (1999) Organizational change in the union of professional engineers in Finland and the union of professional social workers in Finland. Dissertation. University of Kentucky.

.3.05.2011">Yarrow J., Angelova K, (2010) CHART OF THE DAY: Apple Trumps Microsoft In Revenue For The First Time In 14 Years [Electronic version] 3.05.2011