Социально-правовая защита семьи в современном российском обществе
Дипломная работа - Юриспруденция, право, государство
eds., New Directions in American Intellectual History, Baltimore. 1979.
Jones G., Stevart J. The case for local Government. London. 1985.
Landsrem S. S. Sweden // Studies in Comparative Local Government. Hague, 1970, vol. 4. №1.
Mark Granovetter Economic Actions and Social Structure: the Problem of Embeddedness. American Journal of Sociolojy 91. November. 1985.
Michael Walzer Radical Principles. NY. 1980.
Mill J. S. On Liberty. Baltimore. 1974.
Milton J. Esman, Norman T. Uphoff Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Developmtnt. Ithaca. 1984.
Robinson M. Towards a Paradigm of Community Development // Community Development journal. Oxford. 1995.
Sounders P. Social Class and Stratification. L., 1990.
Stayner J. Understanding Local Government. Oxford. 1980.
The Role of the Constitution in a Changing Society. Oslo, 1991.
William A. Galston. Liberal Virtues. American Political Science Review 82, NY. 1988.