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cal activity depends on the interaction of three fundamental factors: the social-political, social-economic, and natural-cosmic. Moreover, the significant influence of the spiritual sphere should be added to the mentioned above. Let us emphasize that the absence of the preconditions for intensive activity of one of those factors does not launch the mechanism of transformation on the whole.

An important role in a change of the periods of an epochal cycle is played by the social-historical phenomena of wars. The subjects of military actions make and finish wars at various moments of the historical development. The correction of the rhythm of a cycle, defining the destiny of the whole region, or even global changes may take place in the case of invasion of a country as, for example, after world wars.

The transient periods of social development are characterized with historical phases opposite by the direction of changes: coevolution and revolution. For example, the co-evolution is the phase of transition from the normative period of involution to the normative period of evolution. This period is realized within the single epochal cycle, that is why only the polarity of the system qualities of the society or vectors of social development are changing under such conditions.

As distinct from co-evolution, revolution is a qualitative transformation of the entire social structure of the society. It creates the mechanism of transition from the normative condition of evolution to the involution. At the same time, this process is connected with radical changes of the societal characteristics. The revolution as if generalizes the results of development of the society during the entire epochal cycle and opens a new cycle.

The characteristic of a subject of history is changing in the process of development. In fact, various types of subjects are acting. For example, during the revolution, the role of a subject-individual is activizing. Let us recall the fact that, in the period of the Great French Revolution of 1789-1794, there were the most characteristic personalities acting on the political stage. Such names as Mirabeau, Danton, Robespierre, Napoleon became denominative for each stage of the mentioned revolution, and the roles played by them became typical of the analysis of words processes. The same phenomena may be observed in Russia of 1905-1917, when the cohort of revolutionary activists actually exceeded the demand of the history. During the transformation of the co-evolutionary type, the role of the subject-socium becomes more significant. Let us emphasize that, under conditions of the involutionary process, the temporal space of the society is deformed in the direction of the future that, respectively, makes the society a mythological one. In the process of the evolution, one observes the displacement of attention to the past.

The information about the number of social roles confirms the relevance of the research hypothesis concerning the different levels of complexity of the social structures of the involutionary and the evolutionary societies. Whereas the number of social roles is about 70,000 in the countries that went through the Great Depression of 1929-1933, this number is about 30-40 thousand in the domestic area.

The discrepancy between the calendar-historic time of development of the society and the levels of biological and societal development are fundamental for antroposociogenetic development. Of adequacy for the social-historic analysis is the universal epochal cycle consisting of four interrelated elements (two opposite historical periods and two transient periods), which form the conventional scheme: involutionco-evolution evolution revolution.

Now let us try to define specific beacons (the most important events in the spiritual or material spheres) on the historical material (after receiving the empirical data, this hypothesis may be reviewed). These beacons will give grounds for defining the possible chronological frames of every phase and the epochal cycle on the whole. After this analysis, we define an approximate number of cycles, already processed in the world historical process. On the grounds of such a research, it would be possible to create an adequate model of periodization of a change of epochal cycles.

Such a periodization should reflect the mechanisms of interaction at the three hierarchical levels: global, regional, and of certain countries. In this case, one may assume that the higher the hierarchical level, the later the transformational changes begin at it (for example, at the global level).

But, first of all, we make an approximate list of the elements (classifications) of the social-economic formations. The Marxist five-element structure primitive communal, slave-owning, feudalist, capitalist, and communist systems works to the post-capitalist formation.

The three-stage classifications are quite popular. They are presented by Morgan [wildness (since the appearance of the primitive people), barbarity (since the emergence of the primitive forms of agriculture), civilization (since the emergence of the state)] and by Bell [the pre-industrial period (the production is human-powered or animal-powered), the industrial (the basis is the work of mechanisms), the post-industrial period (the life of a society is maintained mainly by the means of the reproduction of information)]. These classifications are provided with chronological characteristics: the prehistoric epoch (before the creation of writing), antique, mediaeval, modern and contemporary time. However, this approach is too scholastic and conditional.

The creation of a more adequate single system of classification is complicated by the controversial semantic loads carried by the corresponding terminology. However, such an attempt can be undertaken.

Wildness Barbarism Primitive communal systemAncient civilizationsPre-industrial societyThe epoch of ancient kingdomsEstate-class societyMiddle AgesCapitalismIndustrial societyModern and contemporary timeInformational society Post-industrial society

We emphasize that the model by Spengler is the most developed system of periodization in a strong accordance with the cyclic approach.

Table 1

Simultaneous spiritual epochs



BC0-300 ADsince 900 ADVedic religion

Indian cultureHellen-Italic “demetrian” culture

The Olympic myth

Antique cultureArabic culture



Boal)Western Culture

Germanic CatholicismThe birth of a myth of the big style as the expression of the new

God perception. The worlds fear and the worlds sorrow. (Spring)


heroic legendsHomer.

Legends about Heracles and TessApocalepticsBernard de Clairvaux Knightly epos.

St. Francis of Assisi.The early mystico-metaphysical formation of a new view on the world. High scholasticism. (Summer)The most ancient parts of the VedaThe Orphic,


(254 AD)


(276 AD)

Avesta, TalmudThomas Aquinas (1274)

Dante (1321) scholasticismReformation:
the protest within the national religion against the great forms of the early epochBrahminsThe religion

of DionysusAugustinus
(430 AD)

Nestorians, MazdakHus (1415),






BC0-300 ADsince 900 ADThe beginning
of the pure philosophical formulation of idealistic and realistic systemsUpanishadsGreat pre- So craticsByzantine,

Hebrew, Syrian, Coptic, Persian literature of
(VI-VII centuries)Galileo,

Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz (XVI - XVII centuries)The creation
of a new mathematics. The conception of a number as the reflection of the sense of the world formlostNumber as measure.


(540 BC)Indefinite number.

AlgebraNumber as function.



Fermat (1030) Traces in the UpanishadsPythagorean unionMohammed (622 AD),

the Paulicians, the iconoclastsEnglish Puritans (1620), French Jansenists (1640)Autumn

Intellectuals of big towns. The culmination of strictly intellectual creativityEnlighten-ment: the faith in the omnipotence of intellect, the cult of nature. Reasonable religionThe Sutra, Buddhathe Sophists,



RousseauThe culmination
of the mathematical thinking. The enlightenment of the world of number forms

Null as a numberEudox (conic section)Number theory, trigonometryEuler (1783), Laplace (1827)




BC0-300 ADsince 900 ADThe great concluding systemsof idealism:Yoga, VedantaPlatonAl-FarabiGoethe, Schellingof epistemology:NyaaAristotleAvicennaHegel, Kant, FichteWinter

The beginning of outward-looking civilization. The dying of the spiritual creative power. The very life is becoming problematicThe materialistic view of the world: the cult of science, profit, happinessSankhaya, Charvakathe CynicsEpicurean sects of the Abbasids epochBentham, O.Comte, Darwin, Spencer, MarxEthico-social ideals of life: the epoch of philosophy without mathematicsCurrents of Buddha epochHellenismCurrents in the Islam Sch