Создание базы данных "Стадионы города" на языке C

Курсовой проект - Компьютеры, программирование

Другие курсовые по предмету Компьютеры, программирование



void add () {

tm *T; time_t tt; tt=time (NULL); T=localtime (&tt);


clrscr ();

printf ("\n\t\t\t\tADD RECORD\n");

printf ("Enter Name stadium (no more 15 symbols): ");

scanf ("%s",s [Count-1]. Name);

strupr (s [Count-1]. Name);

do {

printf ("Enter Date of construction: ");

scanf ("%d",&s [Count-1]. D_cr);

}while ( (s [Count-1]. D_crtm_year+1900)));

do {

printf ("Enter sapacity of stadium: ");

scanf ("%d",&s [Count-1]. Sapacity);

}while (s [Count-1]. Sapacity<1);

do {

printf ("Enter Amount platforms (no more 10): ");

scanf ("%d",&s [Count-1]. C_pl);

} while (s [Count-1]. C_pl10);

for (int i=0; i<s [Count-1]. C_pl; i++) {

printf ("Enter sport%d (no more 15 symbols): ", i+1);

scanf ("%s",s [Count-1]. N_sp [i]);

strupr (s [Count-1]. N_sp [i]);


alf ();

printf ("New record is added\n"); getch ();



void remov () {

int num=0;

clrscr ();

printf ("\n\t\t\t\tREMOVE RECORD\n");

prin_all ();

while (numCount) {

printf ("Enter number record for edit: ");

scanf ("%d",&num);


printf ("You have chosen record: \n");

prin_head ();

prin (num-1);

printf ("Do you want remove record? (Y\\N) \n");

if ( (getch () ==y) || (getch () ==Y)) {

strcpy (s [num-1]. Name,\0);

s [num-1]. D_cr=0;

s [num-1]. Sapacity=0;

for (int i=0; i<s [num-1]. C_pl; i++)

strcpy (s [num-1]. N_sp [i],\0);

s [num-1]. C_pl=0;

alf ();


printf ("Record is removed\n"); getch ();




void edit () {

tm *T; time_t tt; tt=time (NULL); T=localtime (&tt);

stadiums temp;

int num=0, i;

clrscr ();

printf ("\t\t\tEDIT RECORD\n");

prin_all ();

while (numCount) {

printf ("Enter number record for edit: ");

scanf ("%d",&num);


clrscr ();

printf ("You have chosen record: \n");

prin_head ();

prin (num-1);

printf ("Enter new Name stadium (no more 15 symbols): ");

scanf ("%s",temp. Name);

strupr (temp. Name);

do {

printf ("Enter new Date of construction: ");

scanf ("%d",&temp. D_cr);

} while ( (temp. D_crtm_year+1900)));

do {

printf ("Enter new Sapacity of stadium: ");

scanf ("%d",&temp. Sapacity);

} while (temp. Sapacity<1);

do {

printf ("Enter new Amount platforms (no more 10): ");

scanf ("%d",&temp. C_pl);

} while (temp. C_pl10);

for (i=0; i<temp. C_pl; i++) {

printf ("Enter new sport%d (no more 15 symbols): ", i+1);

scanf ("%s",temp. N_sp [i]);

strupr (temp. N_sp [i]);


printf ("Do you want change record? (Y\\N) \n");

if ( (getch () ==y) || (getch () ==Y)) {

strcpy (s [num-1]. Name,temp. Name);

s [num-1]. D_cr=temp. D_cr;

s [num-1]. Sapacity=temp. Sapacity;

s [num-1]. C_pl=temp. C_pl;

for (i=0; i<temp. C_pl; i++)

strcpy (s [num-1]. N_sp [i],temp. N_sp [i]);

alf ();

printf ("Record is changed\n"); getch ();




void prin_vmes () {int i, cap;

clrscr ();

printf ("\t\t\tSEAL ON CAPACITY\n");

printf ("Choose a kind: \n");

printf ("1. =\n");

printf ("2. >\n");

printf ("3. <\n");

printf ("4. >=\n");

printf ("5. <=\n");

switch (getch ()) {

case 1: printf ("Enter capacity (=): ");

scanf ("%d",&cap);

prin_head ();

for (i=0; i<Count; i++)

if (s [i]. Sapacity==cap) prin (i);


case 2: printf ("Enter capacity (>): ");

scanf ("%d",&cap);

prin_head ();

for (i=0; i<Count; i++)

if (s [i]. Sapacity>cap) prin (i);


case 3: printf ("Enter capacity (<): ");

scanf ("%d",&cap);

prin_head ();

for (i=0; i<Count; i++)

if (s [i]. Sapacity<cap) prin (i);


case 4: printf ("Enter capacity (>=): ");

scanf ("%d",&cap);

prin_head ();

for (i=0; i<Count; i++)

if (s [i]. Sapacity>=cap) prin (i);


case 5: printf ("Enter capacity (<=): ");

scanf ("%d",&cap);

prin_head ();

for (i=0; i<Count; i++)

if (s [i]. Sapacity<=cap) prin (i);



getch ();



void find () { char sport [15] ; int i,j;

clrscr ();

printf ("\t\t\tSEAL KIND OF SPORT\n");

printf ("Enter sport (no more 15 symbols): ");

scanf ("%s",sport);

prin_head ();

for (i=0; i<Count; i++)

for (j=0; j<s [i]. C_pl; j++)

if (strcmp (strupr (s [i]. N_sp [j]),strupr (sport)) ==0) prin (i);

getch ();



int main ()


clrscr ();

FILE* f; char c;


if ( (f=fopen ("C: \\Student\\05IS\\db. kp","rb")) ==NULL) {

printf ("The file does not exist\n");

fclose (f);

printf ("You want continue? (Y\\N) \n");

c=getch ();

if ( (c==n) || (c==N)) return 1;


else {

fread (&s,sizeof (s),1,f);

for (int i=0; s [i]. D_cr! =0; i++) Count=i+1;

alf ();


fclose (f);

while (1) {

clrscr ();

printf ("---------------------------------\n");

printf ("| Academic year project |\n");

printf ("| on Computer science |\n");

printf ("| - -----------------------------|\n");

printf ("| To create a database |\n");

printf ("| \"Stadiums of city\" |\n");

printf ("| Variant #8 |\n");

printf ("| Okunev Stanislav has executed |\n");

printf ("---------------------------------\n");

printf ("Menu: \n");

printf ("1. Add record\n");

printf ("2. Remove record\n");

printf ("3. Edit record\n");

printf ("4. Show all stadiums\n");

printf ("5. Show stadiums on capacity\n");

printf ("6. Search of stadiums by kinds of sports\n");

printf ("7. Exit\n");

printf ("Press key: ");

c=getch ();

switch (c) {

case 1: add (); break;

case 2: remov (); break;

case 3: edit (); break;

case 4: prin_all (); getch (); break;

case 5: prin_vmes (); break;

case 6: find (); break;

case 7: printf ("\nYou really want to leave? (Y\\N) \n");

c=getch ();

if ( (c==y) || (c==Y)) {save (); return 1; }



return 0;


Приложение 3


Результаты выполнения программы:


Главное меню:


Добавление записи:


Вывести на экран список всех стадионов:

Вывести на экран стадионы по вместимости:


Вывести на экран стадионы по указанному виду спорта: