
Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

Другие курсовые по предмету Иностранные языки

fled sounds of the radio hidden under her pillow. for example, both highlighted adjectives are past participles.

Grammarians also consider articles (``the,'' ``a,'' ``an'') to be adjectives.

We chose and investigated adjectives with all its parts and types, also with its degrees and positions in the sentences.












Adjectives (Set 1)Synonymous arraysdivinescantenragedsuddensacredbarefuriousabruptreligioussparseannoyedrashholydeficientangryunexpectedNon-synonymous arrays

scantfurioussparseangrysacredrashholysuddenannoyeddeficientenragedbareunexpecteddivineabruptreligiousAdjectives (Set 2)

Synonymous arrays

hurriedsilentstupidgladfastquietdensehappyquickpeacefulthickcheerfulspeedystillfoolishmerryNon-synonymous arrays





  1. Ilyish B. “The structure of modern English”, M, 1971
  2. Bloch M. “The course in the English grammar”, M, 1983
  3. Modern English language (Theoretical course grammar) V.N. Zhigadlo, I.P. Ivanova, L.L. Iofik. Moscow, 1956 y.
  4. “Theoretical grammar of the English language” B.S. Khaimovich, B.I. Rogovskaya. Moscow, 1967 y.
  5. “Morphology of the English language”А.I.Smirnitcky. Moscow, 1959 y.
  6. Weigel, William F. (1993). Morphosyntactic toggles. Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (Vol. 29, pp. 467-478). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
  7. Wiese, Heike (2003). Numbers, language, and the human mind. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-83182-2.