Российско-африканские отношения в процессе глобализации

Информация - Политология

Другие материалы по предмету Политология

?а", 30 апреля 1999.

Address by the President of the United republic of Tanzania, His Excellency Benjamin William Mkapa , to the 54th session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York 20th September 1999 // The Guardian Tz ltd. 21st September 1999.

La verite existe: on ninvente que les mensonges - Truth exist: only lies are invented // New York Times - Forum. 2nd May 2000.

Address by the President of the United republic of Tanzania, His Excellency Benjamin William Mkapa , to the 54th session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York 20th September 1999 // The Guardian Tz ltd. 21st September 1999.

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