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Методическое пособие - Педагогика

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colonies made plans to prevent the East India Company from landing its cargoes in colonial ports. In ports other than Boston, agents of the company were "persuaded" to resign, and new shipments of tea were either returned to England or warehoused. In Boston, the agents refused to resign and, with the support of the royal governor, preparations were made to land incoming cargoes regardless of opposition. After failing to turn back the three ships in the harbor, local patriots led by Samuel Adams staged a spectacular drama. On the evening of December 16, 1773, three companies of fifty men each, masquerading as Mohawk Indians, passed through a tremendous crowd of spectators, went aboard the three ships, broke open the tea chests, and heaved them into the harbor. As the electrifying news of the Boston "tea party" spread, other seaports followed the example and staged words acts of resistance of their own. When the Bostonians refused to pay for the property they had destroyed, George III and Lord North decided on a policy of coercion, to be applied only against Massachusetts, the so-called Coercive Acts. In these four acts of 1774, Parliament closed the port of Boston, drastically reduced the powers of self-government in the colony, permitted royal officers to be trailed in other colonies or in England when accused of crimes, and provided for the quartering of troops in the colonists barns and empty houses. The acts sparked new resistance up and down the coast.”

The lesson can be concluded by writing a brief essay on the discussed events.


This quiz can be used to test the knowledge gained by pupils during the above lesson.



1. On which side did Hugh Percy fought?

  1. Colonists
  2. British
  3. French
  4. Indian
  5. What was the army rank of Hugh Percy?
  6. Colonel
  7. General
  8. Major
  9. Brigade general
  10. Who was Lord North?
  11. A British minister
  12. A colonies representative
  13. A British general
  14. A French governor
  15. When did War for Independence began?
  16. In 1773
  17. In 1774
  18. In 1775
  19. In 1883
  20. Which battle took place first?
  21. the battle of Concord
  22. the battle of Lexington
  23. they happened simultaneously
  24. The battles of Concord and Lexington took place near
  25. New York
  26. Boston
  27. Chicago
  28. Dallas
  29. Who won the battle of Lexington?
  30. Colonists
  31. British
  32. None
  33. What was the reason for the so-called “Boston Teaparty”?
  34. Tax debates between colonies and Britain
  35. French trade policy
  36. Indian attacks
  37. The beginning of the War for Independence
  38. When did the Tea act pass?
  39. In 1753
  40. In 1775
  41. In 1773
  42. In 1779
  43. Who was the owner of the East India Company?
  44. Colonies
  45. Britain
  46. It was a joint company
  47. France
  48. When did the “Boston Teaparty” took place?
  49. In July 1774
  50. In December 1774
  51. In early 1778
  52. In December 1773
  53. What did the set of legislative acts called the “Coercive Acts” lead to?
  54. Parliament closed the port of Boston
  55. Parliament drastically reduced the powers of self-government in the colony
  56. It permitted royal officers to be trailed in other colonies or in England when accused of crimes
  57. All of these